New York

thirsty 2 Reviews 4875 reads

I moderated JustHere yesterday to try to calm him down a bit. He is right to publicly ask me why is he the only one to get moderated?


I'm half expecting to read, "Oh yeah? So's your old man!!!"

If you disagree with or don't like somebody, you don't need to stoop to their level. Changing you to unmoderated status is suppose to make my job easier. It's not a right, it's a privilege. I don't plan to read every post that goes up. If I have to, I'll leave you moderated.


maybe that's one of the reasons that some of the regulars aren't postingg too much anymore.................too much blah, blah,blah.

Funny...I don't know where you come up with some of the things you do, but they are FUNNY! And I am so sorry SISTER. I didn't mean to speak in class! Spare the rod, at least for now?

I used to do neurosurgery on rats. I have always been wired a bit differently than the rest of the six pack, but I look good on film. Or so they say. Ahhh----just landed in LAX and it is so warm I might break a sweat cracking open my Heinie,...heh. Pity you boys could not join me here in the hotel room, I have a spare bed you know. The beach is less than a block away, the warm winds, and cute tourist girls mooning off the hotel balcony....oh my. Lovely. Cheers!

JustHere4456 reads


If I get out of line from time to time, do what you have to do... but.... I was attacked as well and those posts remained.

Just be consistant.

The comment that got you moderated insulted everybody in the room. If people post something inappropriate I will gladly let the community respond. However, if someone chooses to respond to name calling with name calling, it's time for me to say GROW UP!!!


I just recently joined TER and I have to tell you that there is an awful lot of bitching going on.  All this I, I, I, and me, me, me.  Jeez, what a bunch of babies! "I was insulted". "I was Flamed" Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.... Grow up already.  THis place is too much like the Yahoo Boards. Thanks Thirsty.  Smack these crybabies won't ya please???

Seems to me thus far you are consistant thirsty.
There is a lot of crying going on. This isn't CL, I wish people would remember that.
We are here to talk ckicks and hobbying....not crap.


JustHere4261 reads

I see... So from what you are saying, I can call you an ignorant asshole who sucks and my post will remain on the board since the insult is only directed at you?

you're not consistant and you are probably looking for a way to get a freebie here and there just as the other mod did.


I, I, I, I. Stop already. And by the way, consistent is spelled with an e, not an a. Maybe your alias can become "Finally gone"

A Spectator3240 reads

Come on!  You can't expect people to give you respect when you start accusing people without any proof.

Please try to disagree with people without being disagreeable.

If you're such hot-tempered and short-fused, it is hard to argue against moderating you.

Just my 2 cents.

-- Modified on 1/30/2005 7:51:11 PM

Congratulations!!! In 3 years at TER, you're the first poster I permanently moderated.


Providers, I hope that those of you who know who he is will remember this poster's words.


-- Modified on 1/30/2005 10:31:24 PM

cumonnow2602 reads


Just Here- I am not one of the regulars on this board, so I do not have any axe to grind. I do find it strange, however, after reading your posts, that you ARE here. What are you doing here? I am not flaming you, I just can't figure out where you are coming from and most of all WHY? It seems that all you do is bash hobbyists and providers. You don't seem to be a moron. You actually seem to be intelligent, but your angle appears to be very strange. If you are looking to "save" peoples souls, you are not going about that correctly either. Just my .02. I am sure you will attempt to bash me as well, but I will not respond. I wish you well as I do to others involved here.
Thirsty- I think you are doing a great job!

We now find out that Kenneth Mehlman, who was Bush's campaign-manager and now is head of the Republican National Committee, confesses that Republicans hired people to be bloggers, post messages, go into chat rooms.  Could JustHere be a "paid" or faith-based Mormon decrying our sinfulness?  Enquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!!

Is NO response at all!!

Youre all doing exactly what they want.
Their main goal is to disrupt the fun of this board and theyre achieving just that. Dont cater to these posters, just ignore them.


Why can't we all get along and call it a day?

Thirsty--you are far, far too polite.  How in hell does JustHere have any right to express his views on this board in a belligerent manner when he doesn't have anything worthwhile to say? He should recognize that HE, more than anyone else, is a GUEST on these boards SINCE HE DOESN'T PARTICIPATE. He has no "right" to be belligerent and less right to be opinionated SINCE HE DOESN'T PARTICIPATE. I could argue for putting up with some level of crap from a Military or a VillageGirl, but you know that actual hobbyists and providers have something worthwhile to say and tend to be polite because they are interested in what the rest of the community has to say.

When you moderate a real player or provider, I'd be very careful. But give this guy the hook: Here's what he posted below: "I have every right to come on here and express my views. just because i do not partake physically in the hobby you expose yourself too does not exclude me of such rights."

JustHere is just another Bozeau--just another wannabe wanker--get him off the boards, Thirsty.

...this loser (justhere) can stand on a street corner and express his "views" all he wants, but here he is a voyeur and doesn't have any "right" to be heard, as far as i'm concerned.

get rid of this jerk.


-- Modified on 1/31/2005 3:30:06 PM

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