New York

Can we send him to hell yet? (eom)regular_smile
BILL18356 3273 reads


Mr. Info3661 reads

Because I'm not going away.  Ever!

Alot of people are intent on mentioning and/or
attacking me in each and every thread.  Are you
guys that lame that you can't generate your own
content?  So devoid of sense of self that you
can only define yourselves in terms of the anti-
Mr. Info?

Perhaps so, but I will never back down from
someone posting an insult or challenge.
Although, I do reserve the right to choose which
ones to respond to and which ones to ignore.

I find all the attention amusing and do enjoy
sparring with some of the half-formed
personalities on this board.  My only regret is
that sometimes it's too easy to outwit you
half-wits.  Obviously some of you have less than
stellar educational backgrounds.

Flame away fools!  But for the sake of the board,
and for the sake of thirsty's sanity, limit your

-- Modified on 8/3/2005 2:59:30 PM

Surely you jest!3227 reads

posters  on this board combined! You claim to be a smart guy, but you don't seem to have the SMARTS to take your abrasive, arrogant, posts elsewhere.  You seem to have masochistic traits in that you actually LIKE having everyone scorn you and finding you despicable. You are correct that you have the right to post here, but you also have the right to fart in church.(That doesn't make you attractive). Most of the posters here are well educated and easily as "smart" as you claim to be. You have hijacked the "Newbie Board", the General board, and you drive most of the posters on the NY boards crazy with boring drivel and your "look at me" braggadocio. DC board members are now complaining about you. You "just don't get IT" do you?  How badly were you beaten up as an adolescent?  Sigmund Freud would have a "field day" with you. Your "HaHa" stuff is infantile for a guy that claims ad nauseum to be "a genius.  And STILL no Reviews.  Yeah you're brilliant alright!

ellobo693100 reads

Hey, he's ok. Good to the girls at least.

BILL183563203 reads

your overnight date has been accepted and confirmed with Patti. See link and give that girl a call, its on me buddy

BILL183562304 reads

I hope you're saving a special spot for his boring ass.Personally I would put him in the room next to Hitler but I know you'll make the right decision when the time comes

Mr. 6662556 reads

I am sure that your mother told you not to piss off

The P.O.D.

BTW, Info, Bill & Junior  sometimes less is more.

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 8:53:00

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 8:58:22 AM

BILL183562701 reads

and now he has you on his list Info. So go ahead and try kissing his ass to get out of it, you can't fool my little devil friend and you're going to be bunking with Rock Hudson & Liberace

you egotistical prick3793 reads

need for attention.  Furthermore, for the most part, your posts are repetitive and boring.  It takes a very strange and disturbed individual to invoke the dislike of so many people on a board such as this.  The fact that you seem to relish it is a sign of emotional distress, and you will one day suffer the consequences.  Oh, one more thing.  I'll match my educational background to yours any time you choose.  Not everybody is as dumb as you think.  Indeed, many are likely a good deal more intelligent than you!

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 2:57:38 PM

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