New York

Bring It On Sam!
harfra 12 Reviews 3635 reads
1 / 10

what 18 year old out there, passes for evan less?

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3413 reads
2 / 10

Well I can't help you with an 18 year old. However I have someone coming to stay with me (someone that I consider as close to family as you can get with out the blood ties)
that is looking to do some indie work. She is really 23 but in all honesty she looks 17. Her name is (get this lol) "Baby" because she has always looked so young and she has a baby voice and an innocence about her.

Sorry guys but it won't be for about a month but I will keep you updated as some of you have already heard about her through me personally. I'll probably just bring her along with me to one of my LI incalls to observe and join in (while charging my single rate of course) I want her to know just what she is getting herself into (good and bad) and see how it's really done. Also I don't think any hobbiests would mind having an extra girl in the room (no extra fee) to help me train her how to be the best provider possible as I have with others.

I'll say this though she isn't bi and has never been involved in a bi situation so it wont be like that.

My mailing list will recieve first hand info reguarding this when it happens. I also have another well knows provider who is seeking help that I'm seriously thinking about lending a helping hand. Sometimes us older and more experienced providers need to look out for the up and comings and I mean that in a positive sense not a nasty one. I'm actually am looking to groom her or someone to take over for me when I go to Florida.

I am certain though that between now and then I'll be able to help certain hobbiests with referrals as well (especially nyc and maybe LI). Keep in mind I'm an indie and not in the management end any longer and if you asked me today if I ever want to become a madam again the answer is no, then again things change just as does a womans mind so I make no promises.

Just can tell you what is on my adgenda at this momment. To be the best indie I can, to be fair and reasonable and to forward into when I feel it may help a client make an informed decision. I currently just visit NYC mostly these days for overnighters snd keep my 3 days incall on LI.

I do have several ladies that if I were a madam I'd employ but since I'm not I don't mind making referrals for ladies that I feel my clients would enjoy, they must be similar in session as me and be able to be responsible and trust worth with out a drug problem.

Keep in mind any referrals made by me will simply include my knowelge on the person, her stats, her limits. I'll be giving you their direct number so I will be completely out of it and not be making any kick backs either. This way you will be dealing directly with them and there will be no agency inflated rates.

Hey when I can help I do try to. I;m very content with my business MO these days so much so that I need girls to refer my clients to but I'd never refer a girl that if I was a madam I wouldn't choose her for my own business.

Hope this helps although admittedly the person I think you'd be most interested in wont be here for a month.

Also anyone that likes me and wants hrly appointments in NYC, I only do dinner dates but I have several ladies that are very similar to me in either looks or limits that I can refer you to. Keeo in mind I get no kick backs so I'm not doing this to make a commision, I'm doing this to kelp a few girls who are new or need the buziness more than me, also to help my clients that cant do dinner dates in nyc buy recommending them a few girls they might hit it off with especially since they seem to like my type.

exlurker2003 127 Reviews 3600 reads
3 / 10

Sam, I'd be interested in seeing just about anyone new that you recommend or find yourself working with.
If necessary, you can PM me!
I've been 'watching you' and your posts for some time.
Just haven't had the nerve to move forward....butt, I will, soon, I'm sure...

-- Modified on 6/9/2004 9:59:58 AM

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3193 reads
4 / 10
marcus100 106 Reviews 2913 reads
5 / 10

Hello sam can I get some info on baby? thanks

exlurker2003 127 Reviews 5052 reads
6 / 10
SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3688 reads
7 / 10

Whooooa boys! I maybe dropped her info to soon, we're looking at at the least a month. I'd rather wait till she is here till I start giving out any specifics other than stats that I know. She is like 23 but looks very young. She has blonde hair to her but, blue/grey eyes and is GREEN. She has timy boobs like an A cup with puffies (we all know what puffies are right?) A tiny waist and an ass that you could set a cup of coffee on. She is very light skinned and looks like she is irish. She is also half dominican but you would never tell it except for her ass she looks totally American Barbie doll w/o the boobs. I can't speak on service but I can say she is eager to make a name for herself if even for a short while. The deal was I'd help her while she went back to school but it's supposed to be a very short time. This is something that WILL be happening.  Don't worry you boys will hear about it as soon as I know more. I promise. So please wait for the public service announcement there is nothing more I can say as of right now!
(g-d I love you guys lol too funny!)
Thanks thoug hfor the interest!

energizer bunny 3748 reads
8 / 10

This Baby sounds good.

Make sure to keep me on the list of guys that want to meet her.

Are you sure that you don't want to be a madam again?
Give a second thought to it...If anyone could bring quality
talent out here to Long Island, it would definately be you.

BTW, How is Kelly's cat doing? (No pun intended - I'm really talking about her cat)

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3282 reads
9 / 10

Kelly's cat unfortunately is not in as good of condition as she/we had hoped the chemo would provide. The cat has another leigion on her brain/head? but Kelly loves her cats and will do anything she can to keep them healthy. Last she told me she found a great vet who thinks they can surgicaly remove the lumps, only thing is the cats ear has to be removed too but it wont effect the hearing. While Kelly has been through alot both mentally and financially with this cat she is very optimistic that after the final surgury all will be ok. Kelly if I miss spoke please correct me.

Trust me TER will be the first to hear about anyone I might bring around just as another website once was when I brought new talent around.

energizer bunny 2854 reads
10 / 10

Hope everything works out for her!

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