New York

PaulHart 4557 reads

What is going on???
All the upscale agencies are disappearing one-by-one in this town. Now the Mona Lisa Models site is down too.
Damn. There was a super tall model-like Asian chick named Gene I wanted to see again. 5' 10" and stunning.
Yep, the good times are over in NYC.

Is this some kind of positive/negative shill with a half twist and a pike?   I am truly in awe.

No.  Actually the link doesn't work for me either. a flame and, according to the rules of this board, should be deleted.

what is impressive to me is that someone with your modest looks can make a living as a hooker. i seriously doubt you could land a gig at the agencies you routinely attack except, perhaps, as the cleaning lady.


dicking the dog4013 reads

She attacks everyone not only here. Everyone that looks better than her and makes more money...

-- Modified on 1/27/2005 7:34:11 AM

Every day I get up, look in the mirror and thank god for blind guys.

What is even more amazing is when I see analysis such as that posted on the main board under the heading "More Bang for Your Buck".

...want to be on a "Best Bang for the Buck" list.

as my first boss said: "anyone can give it away, the trick is to get paid for it"


Turkana3331 reads

What the rules prohibit is insulting another member, and that's exactly what your post does.  Why you would make a comment like this when you've obviously never seen Emma, much less visited with her -- and thus parade your own ignorance -- is the real question.

Emma's reviews speak for themselves.  Try to find agency girls that come close.  

By the way, moleculo, why do you hide behind an alias?

-- Modified on 1/27/2005 3:09:42 PM

...he made a post wondering what was going on at mona lisa. to me that is a blatant attack on a member, without any cause, and would appear to be motivated primarily to get her name and link more shelf space on this board. accusing a member of being a shill under these circumstances is in no way "a legitimate question" but a flame. the rules say flames will be deleted.

before i made this post, emma insulted me, as well as others, simply because we use agencies and post about our experiences.

as for her looks, it is easy for me to comment because i have seen her pictures on her site and have read her reviews. the list of agency girls that are younger, thinner, prettier and no doubt much more charming is very long; in fact i just saw another one today (lara at ml).

last point: uh gee, turkana, seems like you're the one with an alias, moleculo is my ter handle, what's yours? or are you expecting me to post under my real name?

thank god for emma that there are john's as stupid as you out there.


Let's see...where do I begin?

I've seen a lot of shill posts at TER on many boards. I don't know how asking what happened to an agency/website makes somebody a shill?

So I decided to let the community respond to Emma. Instead of pointing out that her shill accusation didn't make a lot of sense, a few of you resorted to personal attacks. A I recently wrote on this board, you will get more people to listen to your POV if you express yourself logically and thoughtfully rather than stooping to name calling.

Regarding the back and forth here about aliases, it is irrelevant whether you post under your username or post under an alias. ALIAS is defined as "A name that has been assumed temporarily." Unless you choose your given name as your username, isn't your username also an alias? Many posters on TER never post under their username but choose one alias and stick with it. Does that make their POV less valid than the poster who only posts in his/her username? It is particularly funny that you chose to call Turkana for posting under an alias.

1. Turkana is a username, not an alias.
2. Turkana is a TER moderator. In fact he moderated this board in August while I was away.

Come on folks! You were doing so well. The back and forth is great but let's try to do it with a little style.


...envelope next to it which i thought was always there for usernames but not for aliases; looks like when you are in the "post reply" mode, the little envelope doesn't show up. my mistake.

but that doesn't explain why turkana first called me for using an alias nor why you didn't point out his "particularly funny" error to him, unless, of course, one or both of you made the same mistake.

for the record, i'm with you: i've never understood the "hiding behind an alias" charge and have never used it; i just thought (mistakenly) that turkana was being blatantly hypocritical

as far as personal attacks go, emma started it with me without any provoaction in the recent NYConfi wars. i gave her a chance to apologize and she basically gave my the finger. when she decides to play nice, i'll play nice.


There is a whole secret tribe of gorgeous, successful and talented men out there who value performance, intelligence, self confidence and sense of humour more highly than they value youth, low body fat and cosmetic enhancements.

If you ever make it to Davos, I'll be happy to introduce you.

-- Modified on 1/27/2005 8:23:30 PM

prankster3370 reads

moleculo, the only sex you can have is as an amoeba-- check your biology book !!!

I think it is more of a Triple Lindy!
(Anyone get the above reference?)

Emma, I don't think that we are allowed to have a sense of humor on this board anymore.


PaulHart3113 reads

It's Official.
The Mona Lisa Site is shut down.
Go to the homepage and hit ENTER.

AprilsCLPC2932 reads

perhaps....but the girls aren't ...a few from some highend agencies have gone elsewhere.

They just changed their web address.

Thank goodness - I was about to drive my SUV out on the train tracks!

StandupLou3583 reads

I understand they downsized and are strict
longtime-regulars only. No new clients, no
gals from those other high-end places, no
taking chances, no unpleasant surprises.

Register Now!