New York

How do you guys like to hobby?
energizer bunny 5084 reads

Do you prefer to have a girl that you see on a regular basis? Or do you prefer seeing different girls every time that you hobby?

For me, I fall somewhere in between. I do like seeing girls on a regular basis because I always know what I am going to get from them. With that in mind, I do also enjoy seeing different girls(mixing it up a little bit). I guess with seeing non-regular girls I enjoy doing my homework and finding out about the them.

I'd like to hear what the rest of you guys think.

I enjoy seeing regulars as the relationship seems to just continually improve.
And yet, seeing  new faces is a real thrill too......especially when all your homework proves fruitful and the session turns out well!

frisky14081 reads

Yes Doing your homework always helps!!!!!

NY Arielle4302 reads there is a comfort level...they have become friends that I hopefully will keep for years to come and then some!  Although being very outgoing, I do like to meet a new face here and there:)  Goodnight and sleep tomorrow!!:( xx Arielle

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