New York

impulsive4 11 Reviews 428 reads

$18T in debt, $125T in unfunded liabilities, stagnant wages, countless foreign crises...

...and this is what our elected officials and their staff are spending their time on.  Nice sense of priorities

I am always tickled when I read things like this.  Government officials can say what they want, publicly,  to make themselves seem pure and "correct," but at the end of the day, many of them partake in the "hobby. " There is no job or lifestyle that is exempt from the world of prostitution.  Law enforcement,  politicians, pastors,  doctors, and any seemingly wholesome person in the community can be involved. I can see this with my own eyes through my own clientele.Blue collar, white collar,  no collar, young men, older men, American men, foreign men...the list is endless :)  

haha, gotta love that memo though!

Posted By: BK57
Don't hire prostitutes.  
 Glad I don't work there.

$18T in debt, $125T in unfunded liabilities, stagnant wages, countless foreign crises...

...and this is what our elected officials and their staff are spending their time on.  Nice sense of priorities

impulsive4 : I agree there are more important issues than this, seems they want to hear themselves talk to feel important...

Well put.  Beauty with brains is a very attractive combination!

wrps07355 reads

They will support homosexual benefits in the work place but won't allow something that is natural to do with male and female.

I posted this in good fun to give everyone a chuckle. Take your issues with government over to the political boards.

What you have to understand about people with a radical bent, from the Inquisition, to revolutionary France, to Fascism, to militant Islam; is that the personal is political. Because to the mind of the radical there are no such things as private lives and individual rights.  
  What is scary about H.R. 3530 is that you as a hobbyists are no longer required to have knowledge that a girl you were with was underage. Your use of an agency or brothel is enough to show that you had "reckless disregard" for the fact that you might be having sex with a minor. Secondly, wording of the law will be changed from "obtains" to the more expansive "obtain, solicits, or patronizes" the services of a human trafficking ring. This means that if you make inquiries, post reviews, do schill posts on an agency or brothel, you are part of a criminal conspiracy. Right now the bill is being held up because of provisions for abortions for "victims" of sex trafficking. But once that's dealt with, it will pass and be signed into law.

Study  the book prostitution and victorian society, women class and the state
 Then we will understand that prostitution in states has different face and roots.

 And, as matter of the fact ,it is took steps above  of just  satisfying simple basic needs of women from low classes in disadvantage  economical situation victims of human traffic...

Of course as society slides back - dives down  in to economical distress -
then and nature of prostitution changes  
and then yes- it can be and" deprived of human rights and women are subordinate silent victims.."
 etc ..

But it is when economical siations is becoming worth..
And article and government position on that manifestation in our soceity as  so called"prostitution" is
( we rather would call it an adult companionship)

 Sp such articles just one more time are demonstrating  what kind low educated morons are in governments.

As long as we do let them be our ruling body and influence legislation with their limited knowledge, poor education and twisted hypocritical morals
- as long as we have such government  we be all here  

 "of silent human rgith deprived low life women" and "johns"
 as they classify us normal people  who want have sex

Dear friends,  when I arrived on TER 3 years ago I did not  realized how advanced we are here:)

Now I have so much respect to all of us meeting so nice women here and so educated well balanced gentlemen here and it is just obvious  that we need elect someone to be USA president:)  May be send some one to UN :) to fight for our rights to be just male and females and not to be classified to johns and hookers of low life.

 from upscale high end companion .
( Just a woman Pavlienna)


-- Modified on 4/12/2015 11:35:12 AM

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