New York

a little help
icompanionyc See Agency Profile 1011 reads

what do you do when some loser text you asking for discounts
he claims that he had appointments and was stood up 3 times
he claims I promised him discounts
once I remember the girl stood him up, it happens dude wtf?
and the other time he didn't confirm
until 30 minutes before the appointment so she didnt show?

and he demands I give him a discount?
and then threatens to write bad reviews  
even though he claims he never saw any of my girls?

I get requests for discounts every day?

I guess if anyone sees some dude talking shit about me here
or anywhere else. Please email me and I can show you  
screen shouts of our nasty text conversation
so many great guys here and every once in a while  
some loser that cant afford service
turns into a stalker and a bully

the girls I work with are not professional escorts
sometimes they flake out
not often but once in a while
if one flakes out  
or is late
or only stays 35 minutes
you dont get a discount!

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 9:44:36 AM

In general if you have situations where the girls are not showing up or "flake" you as the business owner, if you would like to win over the clients and keep them coming back, will have to do something. Discounting the clients next visit is in fact a good way of showing them they are important to you , and let's face it they are .  
 In the case of someone threatening your company or girls with bad reviews I would say , that person do not see at all. However,  you have to look at how you may have handled it from the inception. For example if you took insult to him wanting you to make it up to him , he became inflamed, and then threatened you , well you may have had some roll in his lack of understanding.  
If you , no correction , if I had an company with girls which i do not and they were "flaking" I would charge them for your loss quite frankly . You lost money the day they didn't show . Truly money not earned is money lost. So if she was booked and didn't show charge her the commission and she will be oodles less likely to pull that again . Let them know when they start working for you before their first booking this is what is expected , period and you will not give another booking to them until which time the owed money is in fact paid . Problem solved . You also can give them a booking if they are cashless and be sure to be paid from the client directly as opposed to them picking it up. That way your money is covered and the bill for your loss is paid . In this way it is Very unlikely any girl will want to no show for any reason.  
In the meantime it is important for you as the business owner to acknowledge both to yourself as well as your clients how incredibly important those clients are in the scheme of things , mostly because they are. Underestimating the value of a small gesture like discounting for previous disappointments is for sure something you might reconsider . Gossip spreads like wild fire and you do not want to be the one being gossiped about . Take care of your business like you would a baby, that business is entirely wrapped up in the happiness of your clients. If you have no clients no business .  
                                                                                                                                     Good luck , Pollie Amorous

I was asking for anyone that sees a bunch of bad reviews on any kind of websites to email me
they will be from the jerk off in question.
I wasn't asking for advice on how to run my business!
and I think you misread the situation
this guy is not and never was a client.  
there are some great guys on this board but he isn't one of them!
I am not going to bend over backwards for every jerk off that harasses me!
I don't want him as a client! I think its very low class for people to ask for a discount.
I have a business in the real world and people never ask for a discount.
If they have to wait its because they know they are getting something special.
This isn't fast food, reservations are required. I apologize if everyone can't be met.
I do my best
I am not trying to see everyone I have amazing non pro type girls
I have more clients than my girls can handle.  
we are a low volume agency and going to queens is a hassle.  
we will do it but you have to pay for the taxi
he wouldn't even pay for her car? he wanted her to take a subway a very low class guy.  
what I don't need is some bully threatening me to go all the way out to queens 3 times for free
he tried to see a girl 2 times Liliana, she was an amazing girl and a little flakey but she is 19  
and is a lot of fun she didn't show up once, and one time he didn't confirm, and he got very angry
that she didn't trek out to queens at 11am after numerous texts to confirm were unanswered.
I don't have time for guys like this and will not offer people like this discounts so I can have their business. I don't want it
I also don't want them slandering me.

I understand not wanting this particular guy as a client .  As I said if someone was threatening me I would not tolerate that .
I would not dream of telling anyone how to run their business. Please do not misunderstand me and my point .
 Your question:
"what do you do when some loser text you asking for discounts  
he claims that he had appointments and was stood up 3 times "

You asked what do we do which I answered what I would do if I were you  You asked .
The reason for my answer??
Because your not the first agent ever to be here and the normal thing for the most popular and successful of agents historically speaking has been to offer for discounts for no shows which admittedly you had one .
At one point he was almost a client , as in he booked and she didn't show, This is a failure to some extent .

You state:
"the girls I work with are not professional escorts  
sometimes they flake out  
not often but once in a while  
if one flakes out    
or is late  
or only stays 35 minutes  
you dont get a discount!"

Well that is very nice but the guy at this point, even if he is a total loser , had the opportunity to book with you and was left disappointed. This is a service industry he is not left with a tangible item when the hour is over .
 The road has been paved before you . What I mean by that is this is not a matter of suggestion so much as a matter of how things have been done , always .
If someone gets 35 minutes they should pay for 35 minutes . I am sure you would agree if you paid for a car you would want it to do all the things you expect a car to do , did you want right wheel rotation with that? left wheel rotation? Reverse? Oh you wanted it to go forward as well?? Yes , of course you do . An hour is an hour not 35 minutes not 90 minutes, an hour.
This is how the other agents survive these sorts of situations and deal with difficult clients and disappointments .  
 Your girls may not be professional but you are .
You getting angry and insulted at me or others on the board for answering a question you asked is a little ridiculous . Do not ask a question you do not want an answer to, your in NY . I think you might think more carefully about your questions perhaps , because really you did ask. You are only now changing it to a portion of the original post that you now want us to address. BTW Your welcome , Pollie Amorous.

I am sorry if I confused you I dont write so good.  
I asked the question, then I answered it.
kind of a rhetorical question?
the help I was looking for was not in how to run my business!
but you gave and continue to give me advice, thank you!  
someone will find it helpful.

Maybe the problem was in the title if the op
I just wanted help in regards to whatever negative press this loser is going to unleash on me.

Thanks to ter my business is thriving.  
I have met so many wonderful guys here.  
This is a post for the 3 or 4 knuckleheads  
that have a lot of free time  
and not a lot of cash

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