New York

4th time was the charm for me (lol). -e-
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 201 reads


I have been trying to get in and keep getting denied , anyone else experiencing this ? Thank you Pollie Amorous

I think the guidelines are that you have to be active on the boards in general and have a legitimate amount of reviews from established ter reviewers. I was denied the first time ,but gained access a few months later. It's a very resourceful board! Good luck :)

I did apply a few months ago, and was denied as well.  Was told I need to be more active on the general boards.  Kinda frustrating, because there are clearly things I wouldn't post on the general board, but would find helpful within the PO community!  I will try again.....

Thank you ladies . I was wondering . I know I'm here nearly a year and have fabulous reviews from well established reviewers . I guess I will have to keep trying . Thank you again , Pollie

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