New England

Re: Yes, I am real
SteveSmith02149 11 Reviews 650 reads


Your points are all valid...I don't like writing reviews...and I wouldn't want them written about me.

The only value I see in reviews is that it helps validate that a provider is legit....

Yes I am real. What would you like to know about me?  

Posted By: SteveSmith02149
Anyone know about her?  
 Is she real?

I did have one, I was told, briefly. I asked my client to take it down. It was a good review, and I love the thought behind it, but I am really not comfortable being talked about as if I were a piece of audio equipment. I am a real human being that will connect with some, and others maybe not. Also, I've only been doing this part time for 3 months. Lastly, as my good clients says - why would I want to put a review of you up? Then I'd have to compete with other clients. He is just too funny.


Your points are all valid...I don't like writing reviews...and I wouldn't want them written about me.

The only value I see in reviews is that it helps validate that a provider is legit....

Yeah, I war with that myself. It's why I put up an image of myself holding up my email address. I figure most people will understand how hard that is to fake. I get hell for putting my face up in posts, but I am not that concerned about it overall. There are so many ways my face is going to get known eventually - I just let it all hang out so to speak.

Yes Brandi, indeed you do reveal a lot....that might actually create some trepidation....

Yes, but it's a damned if you do, and damned if you don't situation. That photo has actually lessened the amount of times I get asked to "prove" I am real. I have a matching image with me holding up that piece of paper with my boob showing (Laughing as I type this) that "proves" I am not LE.  

One thing though - in my short time doing this I have learned something. The more paranoid a client is the bigger the chance of them being a no show/cancelling etc. In fact, in my three months - every single person that has asked me to prove I am real, and then booked, has either cancelled or been a no show. Every .... It hasn't mattered what I have done to prove I am real - I have written so many messages on paper, on my body etc that I lost track. It hasn't mattered - all no show/cancellations. No idea what that means other than it's my reality at this time.  

-- Modified on 10/25/2016 2:17:04 PM

Perhaps joining P411 would help your situation....just a suggestion,

I am really okay with how things are now. I have been doing okay for myself. Well glad I could answer some of what you wanted. Ask anything you want.

I have visited theee time. Very real and special

Thanks for this - although I am not sure even your endorsement will help. I was just told meeting in a public place raised red flags. Huh? So I am supposed to meet a new client at my home?? No matter what I do paranoid people convince themselves that it means I am... hell I heard it all now. I'm a cop (which is ludicrous at this point), I am going to rob them (which you would think the public place meeting would help with), that I am not the girl in the photos (seems to ignore me holding up my own email address and having countless photos of myself), that I will blackmail them (I am one of the only high end providers that allows my clients to remain anonymous, so again insane), that I will assault them (I guess big men get assaulted by little girls often here)..the list goes on and on.  

What amazes me is that these men completely ignore the dangers they pose to me. They can't see that meeting is public is mostly for my safety. The believe, often, that I should just give out my address to complete strangers online. They don't see the physical threat they pose, the high probability I will run into a stalker (already have more than once).  

I just had a TER guy, that read this very thread tell me that meeting in public was odd and that he was uncomfortable with that. Wow. I of course refused to meet him as not being concerned for my safety is something I will not tolerate from a client.

Posted By: coach19635
I have visited theee time. Very real and special
-- Modified on 10/26/2016 4:11:43 PM

PM me please, I'm interested. Damon

I have no idea how to do that here. If you want to talk, email me. My email address is in the original post in ad on a sexy service

Posted By: Damonryder
PM me please, I'm interested. Damon

Lot's of great guys here and yes plenty of control freaks.....Don't let them into your head.
Meet and Greets are a good thing, more ladies should do it.
It helps everybody feel safe, and enhances the appointment. IMHO

Posted By: Brandimoore
Yes I am real. What would you like to know about me?  
Posted By: SteveSmith02149
Anyone know about her?  
  Is she real? 

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