New England

Re: thanks babe
Mrbowtie30 11 Reviews 218 reads

Posted By: kassidyxoxo
Hope our schedules will soon allow us to meet :)
So do you think you'd be able to get the job done :-)

I've made a few posts over the last couple years without any luck. Any idea of a provider that can DT a dick that is 8-1/2" and more importantly 6.25-6.50 circumference? Ive had quite a few that could DT but they couldn't fit it into their throat. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks !

Note that neither of these come from personal experiece, simply from reviews I have read.  I'm not sure whereabouts in NE you are, so I'll just toss these out there: Laura Darling (#141879), who is in Boston area, and Tasha (#273656), who is in Manchester NH area.  The former is better established, the latter newer; the latter, while lower on the price scale, also seems to be having some personal / life issues (not of the bad habit kind from what I've heard, just some hard times and the business may be wearing on her a bit).  So I suppose it depends on which way you wish to go, what's most convenient for you, etc.  I run into the same problem consistently, and have had a dry spell as of late in terms of seeking because of personal issues.  Hopefully you don't have the same problem, and can report back on the board anything you may find.  Best of luck sir!

Oh, and the undisputed queen from my reading is kassidyxoxo - whom I've never been able to make work with my schedule, much to my bitter disappointment.  She travels a lot, so that may take some timing and planning - but everything I've read says it's worth it and more.

I guess it depends on what you're looking for, right?  Are we looking for Sasha Grey / Belladonna levels of ability, or just the effort to get 99 percent of the way down?

Posted By: Mrbowtie30
I've made a few posts over the last couple years without any luck. Any idea of a provider that can DT a dick that is 8-1/2" and more importantly 6.25-6.50 circumference? Ive had quite a few that could DT but they couldn't fit it into their throat. Any help would be appreciated.  
 Thanks !

Hope our schedules will soon allow us to meet :)

Posted By: kassidyxoxo
Hope our schedules will soon allow us to meet :)
So do you think you'd be able to get the job done :-)

Posted By: kassidyxoxo
Hope our schedules will soon allow us to meet :)
Btw I'm located near Milford Ct

Belladonna, Cathy Heaven, Annette Schwartz levels. All the way down. Though at my size im only just past 8 inches so its more so the girth that gives them problems.
Thanks Ill have to look up Cassidy

Have the girl squeeze her left thumb in her left fist while she's working on you. It shuts off the gag reflex.

No kidding, it's really true.

Share the wealth sir - inquiring minds, as always, want to know!

Posted By: SK058
Share the wealth sir - inquiring minds, as always, want to know!
No luck yet. When I find someone Ill be sure to let you know. Im thinking of trying to contact:

Its been a little while since her last review so idk if shes still available.

Well, Googling turns up no recent ads, a link to a now-defunct website, and really nothing within the past year.  Apparently went on hiatus, came back, and then I would guess when back on hiatus

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