New England

good business practice?sad_smile
sahmson 1 Reviews 4914 reads

I know the issue of providers not making apps or showing up very late has come up before but it is the 1st time to me. I made an appt about 2 days in advance with a girl in Providence. She emailed to re-confirm and asked me to call her an hour ahead. I tried calling her 5 times with no response.
  Now I will not revel her name as I still have not been able to contact her and there could have been some unforseen events that kept her away. We have all had medical emergencies ect and that would be understandable. Barring that, however, a good company ( and a provider is her own corporation) should always consider carefully the consumer

she reneged on you.If I were you I won't call her anymore and wait to see if she calls or E-mails you back.If she was a girl of repute she would have called you back by now.
I hope you get laid bro.

I have never ever been late or blew off a date.

What I cant stand my dates not showing up when expected with no calls or emails.
So I can understand how it would bother you.
Im sorry this lady did this to you.
Best wishes.
Cinnie xox

shudaknownbetter4513 reads

You are very right, this is unprofessional.  You don't say if she was well reviewed.  You really need to get VIP & check out prospective dates...  it's far cheaper than a lost opportunity.  

If you left a message (one), it's up to her to contact you.  Other than that, move on.  There are lots of well reviewed providers to date.

You wasted a good part of your day, wasted driving, maybe took time off form work.  Worst of all calling and waiting...I've been there.

Give her a few days to answer your calls/e-mails.  If she does not have the courtesy to even answer, post her name here.  We may find other gentlemen replying that they have had problems with the same girl, and did not speak up previously.

About 6 months after my "problem" another gentleman commented on the board about the same experience with the same girl.  I was one of 5 that replied which revealed/comfirmed it was a regular thing with her.

Sorry to hear this, but I assure you this sort of thing happens to us girls.  In fact, this same thing happened to me this morning.  It's one of the pitfalls of this business.  Just know that a well reviewed lady will most likely  not pull this stunt. Keep smiling!!! Sunny

This has happened to me twice.  The first time,the lady called several hours after our time to tell me that something had come up.  She called again four months later to reschedule.  I was her first date following surgery and we discovered together some new things about her body's changes and responses.  Another time, a different lady, no answer to calls (mailbox full-nothing new here) at the appointed time.  I finally reached her weeks later and learned she was rushed to the hospital with an embolism.  When we finally got together, it was doubles with her new friend, at the original agreed amount.  I tipped heavily.  Maybe I'm lucky, but I read reviews and websites, and listen carefully on the phone.  Everyone I've met in the hobby has as much or more class than post-graduates I deal with in the work a day world.

shudaknownbetter6341 reads

Anyone who has never cancelled, just hasn't lived long enough.
I have had to cancel one date with a Fav lady...  a sudden thunderstorm flooded the highway.  I called her from the stopped high speed lane of the interstate...  there was just not time & rescheduling for that day was not possible.  I really hated to call but it just was not possible.  We rescheduled a few days later & had a laugh about it.
On the way to another fav lady... I was blocked from the off ramp.  (My fault, thoughts of her filled my head, or I'd have been in that lane...)  It was 20 miles to the next exit.  I called & she generously allowed me to "come on in when you get here".
The key in both cases was to call...  and tell the truth.

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