
You really would benefit from posting these questions
bolson888 1 Reviews 1929 reads
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Hi all, it seems to me that on this forum, or any internet board, when someone asks a question... and the question is answered to the OP's satisfaction... and the OP indicates as such, that it ought to be regarded as 'nuff said. What I see instead is several people continuing to weigh in, often with criticism, often ad nauseam, and often to the point where fur begins to fly. When a question is answered to the OP's satisfaction, in the absence of an insightful "other viewpoint" would it make sense to leave it at that?

bolson888 1 Reviews 435 reads
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... would be if someone has a humorous thought to add for levity's sake :)

bolson888 1 Reviews 420 reads
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Very entertaining. Not sure what you're point is but it was good for a laugh...

knotsaway 36 Reviews 316 reads
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... here's what I do, on Internet boards and with life in general: the only opinions that matter to me are from people I respect, either because I know them from personal interaction (e.g. providers I've met) or from their board behavior over time.  Everything else, I try to treat as water rolling off my back.  Sometimes that's really hard to do, especially when the people being attacked are good people, people I like, and the attacks make the forum an inhospitable, toxic place.  But I try.

As for your question, I often see cases on these boards of people weighing in on a thread after the OP has posted "thanks for your input" or other such words to indicate the question was answered.  In most cases, I think the late posters are people who don't check on these boards very often, but then see a thread that interests them so they weigh in.  Sometimes those posts are critical, sometimes supportive, sometimes humorous.  But I don't see that it's a big deal--see paragraph above.  :)

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 420 reads
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JohnMilton_Esq 334 reads
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over on the Newbie or Suggestion and Policy boards and reading a few pages of Newbie Board posts.

Your posts will get discussion without flaming on the Newbie Board and you will get seasoned members from all regions of TER, not just MN, to answer your questions.

You will find that the local "audience" will tire quickly of these type of posts and you'll end up getting flamed... a lot.  That's the nature of regional boards.  Grow a thick skin, you'll need it.

-- Modified on 4/3/2016 2:03:29 PM

JohnMilton_Esq 965 reads
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bolson888 1 Reviews 349 reads
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bolson888 1 Reviews 267 reads
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My real issue is with the self-anointed members of the board of governors who believe that seniority has intrinsic value here. You know who you are and I suspect there are many who believe as I do. Your 15 years of service and your 75 reviews and $4.00 will buy you a nice hot latte at Starbucks. This isn't an AA meeting with the coffee chugging old timers telling the newcomer "this is how things work 'round here, son". Although that is sometimes the way it would seem.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 357 reads
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...has already been said then I don't respond. If the subject matter is trite, I probably won't respond. If the OP has asked for a roll call vote and the topic is important to me, I will chime in. It's funny when an OP starts a thread and asks for input only from the ladies yet hardly any reply but 95% of the responses are from the guys.

vorlon 117 Reviews 278 reads
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And I continue to do so.  You never know when someone will reveal an unexpected pearl of wisdom from what they have learned over the years.

When you start a thread, it is not your thread.  You are posting on a public forum and anyone who cares to reply is free to do so.  Only TER has the ability to shut down a thread or remove posts.  Just because you have gotten what you have wanted from a thread doesn't mean no else won't get anything more from it, even from those later posts, particularly if the thread, or a branch of hits heads off onto a different topic.

Consider this.  You are with a group of people and someone starts a conversation or asks some questions about a particular topic.  At some point, this person says that they have learned what they want to know so the rest of you should talk about something else now.  How well do you think that would go over?

belindabell See my TER Reviews 347 reads
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but before I read the responses.  So, several times, I will notice down the thread where the OP has said his question was answered and thanks for the input, etc etc but I did not see it until after I've posted.   I think this happens with other people too maybe

Wongbater 40 Reviews 279 reads
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I was holding off posting a response to HIS/HER but you said it all right there.  It's not their board.  Just like it's not mine.  Great thoughts as usual dude.  Those pearls of wisdom are in every post.  It's the accumulation of information that makes one a vet vs a newb

loveyourtouch 481 reads
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As long as the exception meets your criteria, then it's OK to keep posting, huh?  How are we all supposed to know if the question has been answered to the OP's original post?  There is a large and wide audience reading, so perhaps there are more answers out there.  Not everything is black or white or yes or no.  People in here have varying experiences, and it's nice to read.  If the OP is totally satisfied with the answer, he/she can always ask for the thread to be removed.  Also, keep in mind that there is a delay from the time one posts until the time it is published.  I have had some posts appear almost right away, and I have had some not post for 30 or more minutes, and it is possible that during that time others write comments.

JohnMilton_Esq 275 reads
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Your attitude, bolson88, is quite common with some newbies.  I say some, because some newbies come to this board seeking advice and heeding it.  They learn who the players are and try not to rock the boat until they have some experience here.   The fact is that there is “intrinsic value” and more importantly credibility to have been in this game for a while and having a posting history on this board.  One becomes a “known entity”, not in respect to knowing you personally, but knowing how you think and whether you are a reliable hobbyist or provider.

I'll take Vorlon as an example because he has posted on this thread.  He has been around TER for 13+ years and has posted thousands of comments. If he posts something, I pay attention because he has credibility.  Many of us “old timers” have posted information and warning on this board that have saved the ass of more than one woman or man, that's called intrinsic worth to those who paid attention to the advice they got here.

I guess it remains to be seen whether you will heed the advice YOU have gotten here, but it's good advice.  

This is a community of sorts and yes, there is a “pecking” order.  You're not going to be successful trying to blow it up.  I'm sure many of the men and women reading this can recall some of the colossal flame-outs of newbies we've witnessed. Don't be that guy!
Posted By: bolson888
My real issue is with the self-anointed members of the board of governors who believe that seniority has intrinsic value here. You know who you are and I suspect there are many who believe as I do. Your 15 years of service and your 75 reviews and $4.00 will buy you a nice hot latte at Starbucks. This isn't an AA meeting with the coffee chugging old timers telling the newcomer "this is how things work 'round here, son". Although that is sometimes the way it would seem.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 451 reads
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...there has to be a stronger reason than that. TER Admin might remove a thread if the OP makes a strong case that he/she truly regrets their post, it's embarrassing and humiliating or reveals too much. Even then, speaking from experience, Admin is highly likely to say that the thread has had so many reads and the water's over the dam so that it's pointless to remove it now so, just deal with it. That's just the way it is...  :D

Your posts are delayed from the time you post until the time it's published because you're moderated. New posters are always moderated until they prove they can post responsibly. Most of us who post regularly are unmoderated and our posts are published immediately after we hit the 'enter' button. Using an alias when you post will likely extend the time it takes for you to become unmoderated. Other posters are moderated because they've consistently violated the rules and are put in 'time out' for varying amounts of time.

loveyourtouch 387 reads
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...my experiences are a bit different that yours in here as are those of others. (I know from their PMs.)  So, as another poster wrote, please don't lecture us as one of the established/elite. I have been around a while, too, but have never had or felt the need to even bring that up until very recently as it is becoming evident there are a small few in here who think they have all the answers and own the board.  I find it quite boorish (and boring) to read how long someone has been around.  Big deal.  And continually referring people to the newbie board as if they are a rookie and not worthy of your time.  The newbie board isn't as user friendly as some think, and sometimes the answers just aren't there.  But I think quite often people ask basic (even newbie) questions in here to get a feel for what really happens, what are the real-life and timely experiences, not to mention the fact that new people join the group every now and then and their perspectives are just as valuable--IMHO.  In fact, often times it's nice to hear from new people simply to get new perspectives.  I always welcome comments, feedback, input (whatever you want to call) from anyone.  This isn't a science class where there is only one right answer.  This is a social class where there might not even be a right answer, but there sure can be lots of opinions.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 300 reads
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"he/she can always ask for the thread to be removed."

That's the evil that is this board.  Not wong, not any others...it's just that little piece of your post Mr Hobby

Wongbater 40 Reviews 275 reads
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but i have to ask, if you haven't been on the receiving end of moderation you don't know the full "rules".  Or lack there of...it's all fluid, and I for one decided recently it's more fun to fling my fluid around town than continue a debate that is ALWAYS AND FOREVER one sided.

Wipe your mouth

loveyourtouch 333 reads
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of advice, Mr. Hobby. And that's it... little bit ... of advice.   You are simply hilarious, Wong

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 356 reads
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As an introvert I like social media outlets, such as these board forums, or even comment sections on newsy sites.  It's very "democratic" in the everyone gets the same volume voice, be they Donald Trump or Casper Milquetoast.

People who post are usually motivated -- which leads to some colorful language, but often enough useful insights.  But I would never take one person's opinion on something if it didn't make intrinsic sense or wasn't shared by many more people.  Often there are distinct camps of beliefs.  Then one gets to choose what seems most reasonable to them.

Anyhow I have been quite bombastic in my early days of Internet forums.  But now I am much more laid back.  I'll make my point, maybe repeat it once or twice, but then walk away from further repetitive debate.  Because as they say, a man convinced against is will is of the same opinion still.  It truly is a waste of time.

I would therefore disagree with the OP.  Leave topics open even if the original question has been answered ... several times.   I often find discussions that are now a decade old, and occasionally there some more recently adds that some of the information is no longer valid, etc.

loveyourtouch 270 reads
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My first reply to you today appeared on the board very, very quickly.  However, over that last few days some of my posts have taken 30 or more minutes to appear.  Could be a number of factors including if a moderator is available and/or monitoring (time of day?).  Do don't be too quick to wrap it up as being someone who posts regularly, please.  And my timing experience is with both my real fake TER name and the alias to my fake TER name.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 333 reads
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Until there is an even playing field where you can't just de-list and then create a new handle and the associated aliases (plural) and also log in to post under the other handles and aliases...so unfair to us that really dig deep and give the most of our inner selves as sticky as that may be.

bolson888 1 Reviews 268 reads
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bolson888 1 Reviews 475 reads
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And I'm not being sarcastic. What got my dander up and inspired my post was wongbater's suggestion that I had "wasted the time" of him and others by asking a simple question in an earlier post. As though this board has limited bandwidth and I had used more than my share. Although I am a newcomer on these boards, I'm not a newcomer to the hobby or to TER. And there are several internet message boards on which I am a more "senior" member. But I believe it serves the community in a more thoughtful way when folks are more passive with their "seniority". Translation: there is a distinction to be made between solicited and unsolicited advice. The former is typically welcome and well received. While the latter is more often somewhat demeaning and even obnoxious. Like the guy who asks for the time of day and receives in response a chorus of "how come you don't wear a watch". Thanks to all for your pearls.

loveyourtouch 334 reads
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I think it's not the accumulation of information that separates a vet and a newb (as you wrote). I'd say it's how you USE the information that matters.  A  "vet" can have all the info in the world and not know how to use it.  A "newb" can have little info but really know how to use it.  But there you go...  trying to elevate yourself using "his / her" and "vet vs a newb."  As Church Lady used to say, "Well isn't that special."  And yes.  Someone has all sorts of "pearls of wisdom."  That in itself is too funny.  Or is that double entendre elusive?

loveyourtouch 242 reads
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I don't see any pecking order, counselor.  I see an open forum where all ideas and comments are equal.  Does a lawyer bow to competition because that lawyer has "more years" in the courtroom?  I hope not.  And keep in mind that people can be active in the hobby for a long time and NOT (or rarely) post.  I know people who have been in the hobby for years and refuse to even read the discussion board.  Does that make them any less experienced or qualified to respond?  (I think not.)  I would think a pecking order is exactly what this place should NOT be. I guess there are too many egos in this land of aliases.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 301 reads
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...why are you still moderated? Just another in a long string of miscreants that come and go, no doubt Have a nice day!  :)

loveyourtouch 291 reads
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Wongbater 40 Reviews 403 reads
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Your Breadmaker roots.  Beyond that, the rest of the board is open to discussion.

loveyourtouch 279 reads
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Sometimes the truth just hurts.  Doesn't matter what phony name in here is on the signature line, facts are facts and opinions are opinions.  Facts don't change and opinions are like assholes: everyone has one. (Some are just bigger than other and infested with hemorrhoids.)

Maybe that is your problem.  When you read the truth you only see blah, blah, blah

vorlon 117 Reviews 370 reads
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Every so often someone's posts will be delayed for a while.  My theory is TER either spot checks unmoderated posters every now and then or they have some sort of filter that flags certain posts for review.

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