
DannyGold See my TER Reviews 946 reads
1 / 8

I'm curious, how many people are winging it for NYE?

Will gents in the area be looking for dates - or are most people locked down with plans?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 321 reads
2 / 8

Kind of hard to answer that generally, though I suppose it was rhetorical. My guess is you are mostly stuck with single unattached guys. How's business on Valentine's Day? I always wondered.

buck1848 41 Reviews 321 reads
3 / 8

Not sure what my plans are yet.  Have some options.  New Years Eve just doesn't have the attraction it once did when I was younger.  I would consider sending 2016 out with a bang though....!!!!!


-- Modified on 12/27/2016 8:24:00 AM

vantheman666 10 Reviews 381 reads
4 / 8

I'll be at work, getting my ass handed to me.

parttimehobbyist 20 Reviews 260 reads
5 / 8

Going snowmobiling in Michigan.
No providers in the area, that i've ever found.

If you find your self near Hurly/Ironwood I'd be interested

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 248 reads
6 / 8

Honestly it's not much different than any other day. Im not sure if gentlemen put as much emotional weight into the holiday aspect driving their horniness ;)

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 284 reads
7 / 8

I hear that! I don't party like to used to either. And if I do, I don't depend as much on an excuse to do it ;)

super_champ 35 Reviews 152 reads
8 / 8

Plenty of strip bars in Hurley, I'm sure you have found that out by now.

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