
umm.....I value my life...time will tell.
adsumsparkle 2789 reads
1 / 23

She is making me take all my ads down....so I have to for now. Please know that Im still around!
She sent another letter today calling me a drama queen for trying to stand up for whats right.
Her threats are much too severe at this point and I have to protect my family. I cannot work at my condo for now as she's threatened my place of work. But I will go back there soon...or rent it out. No biggie. She cant hurt me.
Ive contacted TER as she told me to take my webiste and reivews down. I told them that someone is forcing me to do this.
Im an escort...and so is she. I guess this is how she gets to the top?

Im still around!

-- Modified on 4/28/2012 11:45:45 PM

oldguy666 65 Reviews 1193 reads
2 / 23

....seems to be an "adult" version (double entendre intended) of that.  What a shame!  I hope you will get though this and come out of it on the other side in better shape.  What a hater!  :(

krackt 9 Reviews 1037 reads
3 / 23
adsumsparkle 1413 reads
4 / 23

Id better not say. Maybe it will come out someday.

Please know ......
I really do not mind taking my Eros ad down. I have plenty of business. But I created my success and she wants to take it from me.  I like my Eros ad...and I love the people at Eros. She is an escort yet judges me and tells me to be SORRY for the BAD things I do.

The biggest yucky part about all of this is the being slandered and controlled, manipulated and watched. She is watching these boards very closely. She is watching ME very closely.

I OWN my condo.  She cannot kick me out of something I own.

I will be super OK though. I have friends and happiness. She can't bring me down!! :)

Ive tried to contact her and she won't respond.....hmmm.....a dead give away.

Sleep well everyone.

Geronimo651 29 Reviews 1134 reads
6 / 23

I'm very sorry to hear how much trouble you're going through. If there was a way for you to tell us who it is, her business would be over with.

Many times when a provider gets stalked by someone on the crazy train, a client gets blamed. I've heard of clients going gaga (a weirdo love-jealousy thing I guess) but nothing as mean as what you're describing.

LuckyLuver 40 Reviews 1069 reads
7 / 23

will be exposed eventually. I hope they realize that. This community WILL find out who is doing this. Hilary, you have my full support and if there is any way I can assist you, you have my contact info. This community needs to band together and make this person pay for what they are doing to Hilary. We all need to work together and get to the bottom of this. We're not afraid of this person, are we?? Strength in numbers, the more people we have working to help Hilary, the better. Lets all do what we can for her, ok? She needs all of our support.

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 1639 reads
8 / 23

Well said and true!

The only concern I have is whom else will they attack next?
they obviously have jealousy issues so anyone could have to deal with this crap. I really do hope they get caught.

Posted By: Ally Moore
I know it looks like you only have one choice right now but the fact is that isn't true.

Once someone learns a piece of information about you they're going to do with it what they will unless they know there are repercussions for their behavior.

When I was outed it was without warning.
When a close friend in the same market was outed a week later to her parents and friends in the same fashion she was warned- she complied with the warning and it was done anyway.
When letters were mailed to my home year before last, I kept doing what I do.
When letters were mailed to my parents home, I kept doing what I do.
When a woman called me and left a voicemail with my social security number last summer...I kept doing what I do...I just traced the "blocked" number, let her know that her information, postal letters, voicemail would be forwarded to my lawyer, put alerts in to the credit bureaus and kept doing what I do.  
Lo, when confronted with the prospect of catching a charge suddenly everything all was quiet on the homefront again.
Stalkers love to make you feel marginal and like you're trapped in the darkness.  Sometimes you are...until they cross the line and do something illegal and then you actually have recourse.

Retiring, going UTR, announcing every move that you're going to make is the worst possible thing you can do when you're dealing with a person who threatens to cross over into your real life.
Anyone who has EVER been outed and I mean really, hardcore, dossiers-mailed-to-neighborhoods, reviews-sent-to-family-&-friends outed will tell you do not play it out online.  I did it and God I wish I had a time machine.  Its only going to drive you crazy when no one can offer you the resolution that you need. Its real to you but its just a pity, five minutes of board entertainment or hobby gossip to them.  Handle your business behind the scenes and you'll be much less panicked and frustrated for it.  

Again, online jealousies, arguments etc. typically play out and run their course once someone realizes that they're wrong or the parties simply tire of the futility of drama- but there is no such luck with the insane.  They don't quit and they don't tire.
If you acquiesce to her demands today...there will be more demands tomorrow.  
Playing this out on the boards will only satisfy her temporarily.  Eventually she'll get bored and resume toying with you again and it will be much, much worse than making bitch comments and threats.

Real women just say what they have to say, no matter how it will be received, whether its right or wrong. Cowards mail anonymous letters and make threats.
Please just go to the authorities, using the postal mail to threaten is a felony.  You keep discussing it so obviously she's not convinced that you're willing to do so.  Once she gets a sense that you aren't afraid to involve the law I'm fairly certain she'll cut it out.

I really hate to return to this subject, but this is something about this business that I positively detest. I really hope that you do what has to be done so that you can get some peace over this.  If you need anything you can PM me again...but one of the ladies on the PO board really does have resources that can help you.

AllyMoore See my TER Reviews 1161 reads
9 / 23

I know it looks like you only have one choice right now but the fact is that isn't true.

Once someone learns a piece of information about you they're going to do with it what they will unless they know there are repercussions for their behavior.

When I was outed it was without warning.
When a close friend in the same market was outed a week later to her parents and friends in the same fashion she was warned- she complied with the warning and it was done anyway.
When letters were mailed to my home year before last, I kept doing what I do.
When letters were mailed to my parents home, I kept doing what I do.
When a woman called me and left a voicemail with my social security number last summer...I kept doing what I do...I just traced the "blocked" number, let her know that her information, postal letters, voicemail would be forwarded to my lawyer, put alerts in to the credit bureaus and kept doing what I do.  
Lo, when confronted with the prospect of catching a charge suddenly everything all was quiet on the homefront again.
Stalkers love to make you feel marginal and like you're trapped in the darkness.  Sometimes you are...until they cross the line and do something illegal and then you actually have recourse.

Retiring, going UTR, announcing every move that you're going to make is the worst possible thing you can do when you're dealing with a person who threatens to cross over into your real life.
Anyone who has EVER been outed and I mean really, hardcore, dossiers-mailed-to-neighborhoods, reviews-sent-to-family-&-friends outed will tell you do not play it out online.  I did it and God I wish I had a time machine.  Its only going to drive you crazy when no one can offer you the resolution that you need. Its real to you but its just a pity, five minutes of board entertainment or hobby gossip to them.  Handle your business behind the scenes and you'll be much less panicked and frustrated for it.  

Again, online jealousies, arguments etc. typically play out and run their course once someone realizes that they're wrong or the parties simply tire of the futility of drama- but there is no such luck with the insane.  They don't quit and they don't tire.
If you acquiesce to her demands today...there will be more demands tomorrow.  
Playing this out on the boards will only satisfy her temporarily.  Eventually she'll get bored and resume toying with you again and it will be much, much worse than making bitch comments and threats.

Real women just say what they have to say, no matter how it will be received, whether its right or wrong. Cowards mail anonymous letters and make threats.
Please just go to the authorities, using the postal mail to threaten is a felony.  You keep discussing it so obviously she's not convinced that you're willing to do so.  Once she gets a sense that you aren't afraid to involve the law I'm fairly certain she'll cut it out.

I really hate to return to this subject, but this is something about this business that I positively detest. I really hope that you do what has to be done so that you can get some peace over this.  If you need anything you can PM me again...but one of the ladies on the PO board really does have resources that can help you.

SomewhereOverTheRainbow 988 reads
10 / 23

…an unfortunate reality of this industry that people should be aware of.

Hilary - You may only be seeking support here, but you have also received sound advice. For some of us the best option is to persevere; for others it is best to quietly handle business until we have at least relocated. Whatever works for your personal situation, try to do it for you and not because someone else demands you do so.

The good thing is that you seem to have a lot of support here, so even if you do decide to work without ads, reviews and a website, you will be just fine. And if you do not want people in your business, cover stories work wonders.

Be safe.

vorlon 117 Reviews 840 reads
11 / 23

Bottom line is the information this person has to use against Hilary won't go away if Hilary gives in.  But taking action against this person, showing them that the are at risk a well might put an end to it.  What this person is doing is a serious crime.

belindabell See my TER Reviews 1006 reads
12 / 23

This "lady" already has everything she needs to use against you.  If she wants to send mass mailings, she will do it whether you are visible or not.  

Whatever you decide to do, I am behind you all the way!

adsumsparkle 1290 reads
13 / 23

TER knows about this. Eros knows about this. I have a fabulous attorney. Escorting is not illegal. If it was, they would take ALL ads down.
Send the letters, Your Magesty! (I actually mean Drama Queen, but Your Magesty sounds nicer!).
My condo knows I have a stalker and someone who wishes me ill will. I OWN my condo, they cannot tell me to leave!
Send the mass mailings....Im going to be in a documentary and my face is already out there.....(so is hers!). My family knows what I do. I have nothing to hide.
Im not reading any more letters. They are going to my attorney in a file.

Im good.

-- Modified on 4/29/2012 11:02:15 AM

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 957 reads
16 / 23

Best not to give them ANY attention.
Eventually they'll get bored.

angieluv07 See my TER Reviews 1072 reads
17 / 23

I don't have anything to add, except my support for you!

Angie ;)

stymie72 16 Reviews 988 reads
18 / 23

my view of karma is probably not uncommon.   Those who embrace hatred and harming others is a sure way to bring those horrendous aspects of inhumanity into one's life.   She has already done infinitely more harm to herself.  Hil, you are wise to be doing just what you are doing.   To the one doing these things: you do not need to live your life like this, you are capable of changing and you will absolutely love those changes.

CharlotteG See my TER Reviews 949 reads
19 / 23

I'm completely behind this.  Who ever this is needs to seek some serious help from a very skilled psychotherapist.  I don't care what anybody does for work and/or play, this is NOT ok.  

Hil, I'm totally behind you and will help out in any way that I can. Just let me know.


Posted By: Mngopher
will be exposed eventually. I hope they realize that. This community WILL find out who is doing this. Hilary, you have my full support and if there is any way I can assist you, you have my contact info. This community needs to band together and make this person pay for what they are doing to Hilary. We all need to work together and get to the bottom of this. We're not afraid of this person, are we?? Strength in numbers, the more people we have working to help Hilary, the better. Lets all do what we can for her, ok? She needs all of our support.

vallen 11 Reviews 1278 reads
20 / 23

This person needs help and/or jail. Sorry this happened to you. I hope to come to see you soon.

mnfan 596 reads
21 / 23

I would also invest and get a profile on her. Not for reverse extortion, but if you pay to have it done, its cheaper than your lawyer doing it if you ever need to serve her. I also feel it would be good to have a profile on her should you ever need to report damage to property, etc.

I would also park next to lights and cameras when possible, and consider a Conceal and Carry permit if you feel like you would be able to defend yourself, otherwise, some good bear mace if you dont want to go that far.

Be safe, and hope someday I will either be in your area or you in cloud to have lunch sometime! :)

palski1 693 reads
22 / 23

....so we can go and get her.  (And please, drama people, don't take this as a threat).   But it is...kinda.  This girl needs to leave OUR girl alone.  Just tell us who she is....I can bet her business will be so slow she will be flippin burgers at White Castle by the end of May.
Sat well, darlin'.

adsumsparkle 1128 reads
23 / 23

as to do to her what she has done to me. That is some bad ass karma for one thing.....but also, I could never hurt another human being......(unless they abuse children and animals!)
Thanks for all the support everyone. I feel silly for even coming to this forum with all this info, but I was scared and didn't know where to turn.
The decision turned out to be a good one as I received sooo much help and courage to do the right thing.
Im doing good now....not perfect though.....it really set me back and I still feel kind of down in the dumps I guess. I never knew how scary it is to be stalked.
Heck, I think she just increased my business 10 fold! haha! ......but I would trade it for the peace I used to have. I will get it back someday soon.

Thanks everyone....

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