
They are - stay away (e)
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1849 reads
1 / 27

I've been considering a trip to MPLS at some point in the not-too-distant future, but I know next to nothing about the area or the market therein. Is it a good spot for touring gals? Is the weather bearable? Any tips would be much appreciated, even if the advice is "don't bother." :D

4nic8r 43 Reviews 922 reads
2 / 27

Minnesota is still bearable this time of year - January can be a bit uncomfortable.  I can only speak for myself but a Tour through the Minneapolis area might result in it becoming a destination you want to visit frequently.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 1369 reads
3 / 27

It does all right as a touring market although you have somewhat stringent screening requirements which may deter potential clients.  Not saying that there is anything wrong with that, your safety is paramount and I applaud you for it, just advising you.

As far as weather you are looking at this area going into the winter and we have winters here unlike any you may have experienced.  When the snow starts falling here, it stays, for months.  For fun, many of us drive on the frozen over lakes.  Even with all the Global Warming mongering going on last winter this region was the only place on the entire planet that was colder than normal, normal for us, that is.

There's a plus side to that.  We are encouraged to stay indoors and snuggle up =).

Best place to stay?  Downtown Minneapolis or Bloomington near the airport are the usual spots.  As a john I couldn't honestly tell you which is best (I do not live in, nor particularly care for, either) but I would think Downtown would be better.  Seems classier, access to all the amenities of a large metropolitan area (The twin cities region is about 3.5 million people), including the skyway system.  Fine dining, tons of sports, art, theatre, and night life, if any of that appeals to you.

The Twin Cities are also very cosmopolitan in a low key way.  For instance you can find cuisine from pretty much anywhere in the world but you'd need local knowhow on where to find the good stuff.

If you do decide to come here I wish you the best of luck and hope you have an enjoyable and memorable time.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1194 reads
4 / 27

I have found that in some areas, my screening requirements are no problem (Chicago, for example), while in other areas, they're considered completely unreasonable (Indy comes to mind). Obviously, I'm not going to change my protocol just to make a particular city more amenable to me, so if the info I require is too far out of the norm, I'd rather folks just tell me not to bother. There's nothing worse than investing in a tour if I get there and no one wants to be screened my way. :)

In any event, thank you very much for all of your tips. I've heard some excellent things about y'all!  
Posted By: BigBoyPants
It does all right as a touring market although you have somewhat stringent screening requirements which may deter potential clients.  Not saying that there is anything wrong with that, your safety is paramount and I applaud you for it, just advising you.  
 As far as weather you are looking at this area going into the winter and we have winters here unlike any you may have experienced.  When the snow starts falling here, it stays, for months.  For fun, many of us drive on the frozen over lakes.  Even with all the Global Warming mongering going on last winter this region was the only place on the entire planet that was colder than normal, normal for us, that is.  
 There's a plus side to that.  We are encouraged to stay indoors and snuggle up =).  
 Best place to stay?  Downtown Minneapolis or Bloomington near the airport are the usual spots.  As a john I couldn't honestly tell you which is best (I do not live in, nor particularly care for, either) but I would think Downtown would be better.  Seems classier, access to all the amenities of a large metropolitan area (The twin cities region is about 3.5 million people), including the skyway system.  Fine dining, tons of sports, art, theatre, and night life, if any of that appeals to you.  
 The Twin Cities are also very cosmopolitan in a low key way.  For instance you can find cuisine from pretty much anywhere in the world but you'd need local knowhow on where to find the good stuff.  
 If you do decide to come here I wish you the best of luck and hope you have an enjoyable and memorable time.

minn4evr 41 Reviews 939 reads
5 / 27

It appears you require every prospective client to disclose his civilian identity. Established track record and provider references won't do the trick. Also, you cut off your target demographic at 55 years of age. Between the two, I have to say that "don't bother" is probably the best advice.  

But that could just be sour grapes because I'm too old. It'll be interesting to see if voices pop up to the contrary.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 1109 reads
6 / 27

Oh, by no means feel dissuaded.  I did not mean to imply your screening was in anyway odd or unacceptable, and you would probably do very well here.

Your rates are fair and you do not require unreasonable information.  I think you would actually find us more Chicago than Indy.

Best of luck

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 1270 reads
7 / 27

Hey Now!

We are NEVER too old!  At least in our own minds =)

613spades 5 Reviews 770 reads
8 / 27

Beautiful, smart, fun...  
     I'd see if you could prescreen and get deposits on some appointments.  
           Guys if she comes don't miss your chance to see her!!!

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 814 reads
9 / 27

Like I said, I'm perfectly fine with "don't bother." It's a much better alternative than finding out too late! :)

Posted By: minn4evr
It appears you require every prospective client to disclose his civilian identity. Established track record and provider references won't do the trick. Also, you cut off your target demographic at 55 years of age. Between the two, I have to say that "don't bother" is probably the best advice.  
 But that could just be sour grapes because I'm too old. It'll be interesting to see if voices pop up to the contrary.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 656 reads
10 / 27
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 834 reads
11 / 27

No no I didn't think you were implying that at all! Generally speaking, my screening can at times be a deterrent for some, no matter who thinks it's reasonable and who doesn't. I'm a mathematical biatch, so I like to analyze things by the numbers. I'd say that overall 80% of guys are totally fine with it, while 20% aren't. In Chicago and Cleveland, that ratio is more like 95/5, while in Indy or DC it's more like 50/50. If I can gauge that ratio for MPLS, that'll be a huge factor in my decision.  

Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share some advice! Hopefully I'll get to experience this "Minnesota nice" I hear so much about!

P.S. If a lot of people up there have accents like Marge Gunderson in Fargo, I'm coming regardless.  
Posted By: BigBoyPants
Oh, by no means feel dissuaded.  I did not mean to imply your screening was in anyway odd or unacceptable, and you would probably do very well here.  
 Your rates are fair and you do not require unreasonable information.  I think you would actually find us more Chicago than Indy.  
 Best of luck!  

sweetromantic 140 Reviews 846 reads
12 / 27

Hell if some girls are so popular that they can pick and choose who they see based on age, weight, height, and race more power to them. We kind of do the same thing on here too - don't we guys.
  Kind of wonder what happens when a guy shows up and shows ID with real name although the correspondence emails have a  different name and they get all confused because seriously who uses there actual name on here.

vorlon 117 Reviews 759 reads
13 / 27

That way you'd get a better idea so you hopefully don't end up coming here and not having enough clients to see.

AbbyRose See my TER Reviews 964 reads
14 / 27

The further from the cities, the thicker that accent. In all honesty, though, they didn't get it right in that movie.

A local radio personality is making fun (exaggerating) our accent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OymMl734Ews

A funny kid: the "MN nice" part is funny (and quite true) but it's fun. And yes, some do wear shorts year round. He still exaggerated the accent (starting about 1/3 way through) but the beginning is really close to what you'll hear in the metropolitan area: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9ZUDShDHtw

The true MN accent you get outside the cities: http://youtu.be/-S4YQJ9Tx1k?list=PLLowMGR-_JN3jr7_3aOVRKKaSkZeO97ay

One thing i noticed when I moved away from MN for a while was how social we are. When you are in an isolated hallway and you pass another person and your eyes meet, you greet each other. Not so much in crowded areas, but definitely in quieter areas. It's just how it is. "Hi there." with a nod, or something like that. And we're super possessive about the road. Merging is difficult sometimes and get out of the fast lane if you're not going to go fast.  

Best time to visit MN if you want to see things is springtime. The bugs aren't bad yet (mosquitos are awful here) or later autumn. Just before Labor Day gives you opportunity to see our Renaissance Festival as well as our State Fair, and both are definitely worth seeing, although you will likely need an entire day for each, which leaves less time for touring.

Anyhow...yeah...we're a strange (but loveable) bunch. :-)

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 818 reads
15 / 27

Posted By: sweetromantic
   Hell if some girls are so popular that they can pick and choose who they see based on age, weight, height, and race more power to them. We kind of do the same thing on here too - don't we guys.  
   Kind of wonder what happens when a guy shows up and shows ID with real name although the correspondence emails have a  different name and they get all confused because seriously who uses there actual name on here.
Some ladies do it differently, but I personally know exactly who is going to be on the other side of the door before it is opened (obviously my methods for verification are top secret but suffice it to say that they're thorough and accurate) and therefore have never had a discrepancy between what's given for screening info and what's on an ID. The ID check upon arrival functions more as a deterrent for the ones who try to circumvent screening by giving fake info or using their buddy's credentials or whatever.  

Hypothetically, if by some miracle a guy managed to slip through and his ID didn't match, I'd kick his ass out (or leave in the case of an outcall). :D

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 782 reads
16 / 27

Those still sound like Fargo to me though hahaha.  

I would be content to just sit in a bar and eavesdrop on conversations like this:

crushedflowers 7 Reviews 607 reads
17 / 27

There, that's my hard sell. Now - can I book an appointment? :D

Welcome to MN in advance.

Hansolo 644 reads
20 / 27

I'd come see you if my sechdule worked out...  Hell I've been trying to find a reason to head to ohio because of you!

Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 819 reads
21 / 27

I can let you know how it goes. I think that it is going to be a pretty successful trip for me. I did consult with a few ladies before I went, and they told me the areas that are good and the areas to avoid.  

Someone who responded said that they thought downtown was best, I was given the advice that downtown is a pain because there is no free parking. I plan to stay near the MOA for most of my trip, maybe do a day or two downtown.  

I can send you a message after I'm done, but so far it seems like it'll go well. If you ever wanna take a trip up together, I'd totally be down - that'd be a lot of fun!

vorlon 117 Reviews 485 reads
24 / 27
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 685 reads
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Posted By: Jamie.Solo
I can let you know how it goes. I think that it is going to be a pretty successful trip for me. I did consult with a few ladies before I went, and they told me the areas that are good and the areas to avoid.  
 Someone who responded said that they thought downtown was best, I was given the advice that downtown is a pain because there is no free parking. I plan to stay near the MOA for most of my trip, maybe do a day or two downtown.  
 I can send you a message after I'm done, but so far it seems like it'll go well. If you ever wanna take a trip up together, I'd totally be down - that'd be a lot of fun!

Tippe 41 Reviews 510 reads
27 / 27

Lady was refused extra towels at her request, could have been worst.

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