
That is the rule
DJ1985 21 Reviews 326 reads

There are also some who have multiple accounts and post using there various handles without even needing to use an alias.

What is the use other than nefarious?  I would ABSOLUTELY love to start and actively participate in such a debate.  Let's go ladies and gents...

But I do understand why someone may want to use them, such as when discussing a provider who takes anything remotely critical as a personal offense and will try to retaliate.

That being said, I've also seen many instances where they are used simply to cast aspersions on people and generally stir up trouble.  Occasionally, TER will flip such aliases but not often.

Seems like there are a lot of troublemakers out there just trying to provoke others using aliases.

One question I have - I thought you can't participate in a thread using both your alias and your profile handle? But it seems to me that some are able to skirt this issue...

Posted By: vorlon
But I do understand why someone may want to use them, such as when discussing a provider who takes anything remotely critical as a personal offense and will try to retaliate.  
 That being said, I've also seen many instances where they are used simply to cast aspersions on people and generally stir up trouble.  Occasionally, TER will flip such aliases but not often.

There are also some who have multiple accounts and post using there various handles without even needing to use an alias.

Exactly why I thought rehashing this debate was timely.  Guess TOR is working again for someone so let the alias manipulation continue...sigh

But so long as people are careful enough not to have multiple accounts logging in with the same IP, that is a lot harder to catch.

None of these "aliases" are commenting at all...

cumotz265 reads

You know, judging me and lumping me in with all the other aliases gets me all tingly inside. It's hard to type with one hand.
Seriously though, why do I use an alias? None of your business. I have yet to directly attack anyone on this board and I don't plan to. If I see a post that is questionable, I may comment or I may not. I will continue to post what I want and when I want. Why? Because I can.(I read this a while ago on this board) If you want to rip me, go ahead. I welcome it. I have said and done many a stupid things over the years and I'm pretty sure I'm not done. Hell, responding to your post may be stupid. Oh and if anyone has seen my balls please pm me. I can't remember where they are. Or if anyone knows where to get ball seeds or ball bulbs(perennials or annuals) again pm me. Maybe I will try to grow a pair. I need them to hobby.

Yours truly
the low life pond scum cowardly aliasshole with no balls who likes women

when we could still have handfuls of aliases, and life was just less serious.
My favorite alias (RIP) was Ben Døver.
Since Ben Dover was mod, he could recognize who I was easily, but there was scope for all sorts of mischief in those carefree times :-)

On a more serious note, in these days of proxies, IPs cannot be the way for TER to confirm IDs anymore.  At some point this will get to be a security issue, and it won't have anything to do with relatively harmless aliases.

Posted By: Wongbater
What is the use other than nefarious?  I would ABSOLUTELY love to start and actively participate in such a debate.  Let's go ladies and gents...

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