
Thank you! ....regular_smile
loveyourtouch 472 reads

Your reply is greatly appreciated and fully supports EXACTLY what I and others have written here for a long time (but some guys just don't seem to get)......

It's ALWAYS about the money.  Period.  No, dude, she ain't gonna hangout and watch TV with you or have dinner and a drink for free because "you're cool" or "you're the best" or "you're number 1."  Ain't happening.  You're only number 1 for the time you're paying her for.

I've always said to take the money out of the equation and see how much time she has for you and what you'll get.  Providers don't give a shit about the guys.  Only the money.  Nothing is for free.  So to all those guys who think they're going to get something for free or a "Black Friday Special," think again.  Belinda summed it up very succinctly.  Her honesty is appreciated.

With the advent of apps such as Tinder there has been a surge in guys who want to "Netflix and chill". These guys are ones who I like to call NANCYs.

N(etflix) AN C(hill) Y(ou)

This got me to thinking about client/provider relationships. What if providers started doing this type of service? You and the gal on a couch in front of a 32" tv. Your 60 minute* session could become an episode of your favorite show. A 90 minute* session could be a full movie.

As for boundaries, they'd have to remain the SAME as whatever the provider normally does. And realistically, it probably should be more of a VIP type session for repeat clients who would essentially be on a "good/safe list".

This does a few things, for one, if it were truly a "safe list" type deal, more guys would behave better in the first place in order to gain access to this service. I had always heard that jerks still abound. Secondly, some providers could perhaps get out of the legal issues of "massage" by offering this exclusively. It becomes more of a "real life" date. Another thing this does is it allows guys a chance to watch a favorite show/movie with someone special. And if it's a series, this heightens the likelihood for repeat business!

So my question would be, would this be an interesting twist to the hobby? Would you pay more/less/same for this activity?

But I would never pay hundreds an hour to sit and watch tv..   Perhaps someone will enlighten me...

Same happy ending... maybe more making out, straight up (intimate?) cuddling or whatever else the provider is cool with.

Posted By: Feetlover
But I would never pay hundreds an hour to sit and watch tv..   Perhaps someone will enlighten me...
-- Modified on 9/19/2016 9:48:54 PM

If some our time is spent snuggling through a good show or movie, all the better for relaxing and getting comfortable with each other!  I'm a sucker for the gentle intimacies a good snuggle provide :)

I've truly enjoyed the evenings I've spent like that, and hope to enjoy more in the future!



I even recall hearing about a gentleman who would book an overnight and enjoy a good amount of video games and flirting with his date!

Or snuggle with me for free?😗

Posted By: CailinRoisin
If some our time is spent snuggling through a good show or movie, all the better for relaxing and getting comfortable with each other!  I'm a sucker for the gentle intimacies a good snuggle provide :)  
 I've truly enjoyed the evenings I've spent like that, and hope to enjoy more in the future!  

loveyourtouch491 reads

...getting your share of the freebies, OTB?

Let's see....  I can get paid to fuck, suck, and swallow cum, or I can get paid to snuggle and watch TV.  What to do??
Guess I'll watch TV for free.  

I get a lot of that.   NOT!!

(Where ya been all summer?)

loveyourtouch532 reads

I'm not gay, but, damn....  I'll cuddle and watch TV for a few hundred. I might puke afterward, but I'd have the money to see someone.... hmm.  No... this is NOT an offer.

There are professional snugglers who can be had at a MUCH lower rate.  Might not get pussy or head, but if all a guy wants is the cuddling and companionship...might be an alternative.  (Even though I laugh to myself wondering why someone would pay to be cuddled.)

You can already ask a provider for the type of session you describe.  Some are going to want their usual rate for however long it is, regardless of what you spend the time doing while others do have a lower rate for purely social time.

How you spend your time is up to you but I would expect the rate would be the same as any other appt.

loveyourtouch473 reads

Your reply is greatly appreciated and fully supports EXACTLY what I and others have written here for a long time (but some guys just don't seem to get)......

It's ALWAYS about the money.  Period.  No, dude, she ain't gonna hangout and watch TV with you or have dinner and a drink for free because "you're cool" or "you're the best" or "you're number 1."  Ain't happening.  You're only number 1 for the time you're paying her for.

I've always said to take the money out of the equation and see how much time she has for you and what you'll get.  Providers don't give a shit about the guys.  Only the money.  Nothing is for free.  So to all those guys who think they're going to get something for free or a "Black Friday Special," think again.  Belinda summed it up very succinctly.  Her honesty is appreciated.

A big part of it is indeed the money.  It's a job.  Would you go to work if you didn't get paid...even if your employer had a nice big screen tv, comfortable seating, and an awesome break room with snacks and drinks, would you go if you didn't get paid??????????  No, you would not.  Since this is many providers only source of income, few will do free OTC time.  Most if not all do not have time to just sit around and watch tv with a person she knows very little about...they have families, hobbies, friends, jobs.

That all said, it's not JUST the money.  Some ladies like to fuck and are horny a good part of the time.  I always try to find something I like about the guy I am with...whether it be a great sense of humor, the way he screams when he pops, his strength, his "look",  his intelligence, the way he moves, his confidence.   These things are all attractive qualities.  

Don't make us out to be evil and in it just for the money.  If a provider didn't like sex and men, in general, she would not be able to do this for very long

...also enjoy having sex with strangers. It can be thrilling for both parties and it's easy to read if your partner is actually enjoying themselves or can't wait until the session is over. I almost always get invited by the lady to come and see her again, and, again, I'm good enough at reading people to interpret this that she, within her professional boundaries, found me to be a person who she'd enjoy seeing again, was a gentleman and didn't gross her out too badly.

As to the OP's initial point of whether or not this is an angle that will allow Providers and Johns to circumvent prostitution laws... pfffffttttt.... it doesn't matter a bit to the prosecuting attorney. If a John receives any type of sexual gratification in exchange for anything of even marginal value, they can prosecute it as an act of prostitution. Would you prevail if this went all the way to trial? Maybe...maybe not, it depends on the jury. I know that guys like me would never be selected to be a juror in such a case. By the time it makes to to trial and after a defendant will likely rack up legal fees in the 10s of thousands. Regardless of the fantasy scenario you create with your Provider, what is the chance that you will get caught and prosecuted for feeling a woman's boobies while on a couch watching TV with a well reviewed Provider? 1 in 10 gazillion maybe? Just go out and have fun!  :)

loveyourtouch643 reads

... and one of the usual suspects drops in to prove me right.  (I hope you understand I am writing all of this light heartedly...)

I wonder how much they'd enjoy the "sex with strangers" and how often you'd be invited back if you had no Bennies or dead presidents in your wallet?

Yes... I am sure many women love the sex...as do the guys.  And if a guy is respectful, I'll bet most women would welcome him back.... IF HE HAS MONEY.  Take away the money and I'll bet the invite is taken away too.  

Agree with your second paragraph but will add that most prostitution cases do not go to trial not only because of the cost (as you wrote) but because of the stigma attached to a prostitution charge and just the sheer embarrassment / nature of the charges.  People just want this to go away so they plea bargain, pay a fine, and have it off their record in a few years.  Hard to beat such a rap, and proving entrapment is almost impossible and expensive.  And if you lose in trial, it's on your record for good.  (Unless you want to gamble and pay thousands several years in the future trying to expunge a conviction from a jury trial.)

Finally...  yes  ....  go have fun.  And be safe.  Everyone!

... the White Knight bomb during a civil conversation. And, of course, I am writing this light heartedly!  :D  

Keep lickin' away at my anal regions, baybeee!!!  ;)

He's just calling a spade a spade.😃

Posted By: Drumsticks
... the White Knight bomb during a civil conversation. And, of course, I am writing this light heartedly!  :D  
 Keep lickin' away at my anal regions, baybeee!!!  ;)

loveyourtouch413 reads

dumbshit a dumbshit

loveyourtouch483 reads

Badaboom.  Drum roll.  Rim shot (which a dumbstick would enjoy)

Yep..only a WK dumb as a stick knows what's appropriate and is too dumb as a stick to understand what my message was.  Perhaps you need to remove a dumbstick from your dumb ass and get a clue.  As Ron White says: "You can't fix stupid."

... something in Belinda's post that suggested she was a Maiden in need of rescuing? If so, I missed it. I tend to believe that, based on your nature of continuous Troll posts, you think that either agreeing with or civilly conversing with a woman is always a form of White Knighting. OK, so be it. The ladies just luvs the Drumsticks!!  You...not so much.  Thanks, Cman!  :D

loveyourtouch528 reads

What to write when dumbshits is blinded by shining armor?  You sure missed it dumb ass, and it was predictable.  I'm sure the ladies just love dumbsticks.... and I'm sure they'd love him and spend just as much time if he didn't pay them. (That is sarcasm, drummie boy. Figured I should tell you since so much goes over your head.)  If you think I'm a troll, I'll proudly wear that badge because I don't want to be a dumbshit wearing shit-stained armor riding a horse coated with my own cum.  And I'll bet the ladies would love me just as much if I brought them a handful of Franklins.  Is that really something to brag about?

Ba da booooom!

... would rate 8, 9 10, 11 or 12 for appearance and between 20 and 40 for performance beg me and beg me and beg me for just the chance to spend just a few moments within the aura of my gloriosity!  It's really humbling for me and it's helps to ground me to realize the reality that there are such sad Bozo brains out there, like you, who somehow fail to understand that the way to a TER woman's heart is through honest and objective TER reviews! Duh!! The better you treat a lady, the better you get treated. Ladies catch on to that really quickly and line up to compete against all the rest. It's a snowball effect, it really is!!  

BTW, you failed to answer the question I posed. I realize that the fact of concentrating on the issue at hand is challenging for you with your alcoholic encephalopathy and that's why you only serve those of us in Fortune 100 companies and can only dream, but never realize what it's like for those of us in the mainstream. Sucks to be you, donnit?!  :D

least ass chayser these days...

just sayin

loveyourtouch356 reads

I tried listening but heard nothing because your reply was written not spoken.  You should have written, "Read this."

You either didn't carefully read what I wrote or you misunderstood (I hope) because I don't think you're that foolish- even though I don't know you.  My reply was directed at the guys who think providers are going to give them something for nothing.  I.e., extra free time or a reduced rate for doing something other than fucking or sucking.  And that's not the case as you clearly and succinctly pointed out.  My reply was not directed at the providers.  In fact I was clear in stating that they are in it for the money. I.e., this is how they earn a living.

But to respond directly to your reply to me:

I consult mostly with Fortune 100 companies but all clients are at least Fortune 500.  On numerous occasions I have performed a lot of work and received nothing for the effort....immediately. The reward came months or years later when I finally got a contract.  I consider my efforts to be investments because they pay off in the long term by getting and keeping clients for the long haul. I've even had prospective clients take my ideas and not pay me. When's the last time you (or others) gave freebies to retain or reward long-term clients?  

If in an ordinary job, no, I would not work for free.  But I have done MANY things for relatives, friends, and neighbors and not charged them a penny even though they saved hundreds or thousands.  At the end of your first paragraph you sum it up well.  Providers have families, friends, hobbies (other than the fuck hobby), etc.  I.e., they have a life too. The finite resource is time.  If someone throws hundreds at you to fuck or suck their cock, suddenly that time commitment takes precedence over knitting or hanging out with the girls, right?  It's about the money.  Compensating for time.  The battle for the scarce resource: time.

Your second paragraph, while not paradoxical, seems to be incongruent.  You wrote that it's not just about the money but provide no supporting statements. The argument you provide, "Some ladies like to fuck and are horny a good part of the time.  I always try to find something I like about the guy I am with...whether it be a great sense of humor, the way he screams when he pops, his strength, his "look",  his intelligence, the way he moves, his confidence.   These things are all attractive qualities" does not at all support your assertion.  You like to fuck.  But do you do it for free? No. (Guys are jealous because we're always horny.  We'd fuck for free if we could.  Getting paid to fuck would be a bonus.)  Do you suck and fuck because a guy's got a sense of humor, because the way he moves, or because he is confident? I doubt it.  You suck and fuck because he pays you for it.  So the fact is- it is about the money.  Take away the money and how much slurping and sliding would you do?

My intent was not at all to make providers out as evil beings.  To the contrary.  I was telling guys who think you'll do things for free or at a reduced rate that they are dreaming because this is a provider's source of income. I was on your side.  But you are in it just for the money.  And there is NOTHING wrong with that.  That is not evil.  That is capitalism, and this is your job.

and gave me something to think about !

Thank you for your thoughts!!

Have a super awesome day!!!!!!


loveyourtouch574 reads

I didn't check your reviews earlier, and perhaps I should have, but I had trouble thinking that someone even thought this was a new idea.  I see by your reviews that you are mostly a massage guy like I am, so I have some questions....

How many TVs have you seen at the studios?  Think there might be associated costs with getting this all set up for a very few people to use?  Guys get "massages" to get some tit, ass, FIV, DATY, and a hand job. Some get more.  Lots of guys only do 1/2 hour sessions.  Often times an hour is 45-50 minutes.  Not sure where you're going to fit your TV into this, but I always go for an hour at a minimum and it never seems to be enough.  Watching a fricking movie or something on the idiot box is the last thing that comes to mind.  A real-life date lasts more than an hour to me.  And as I've written here, too many times to count, take money out of the equation and see what you get from the girls.  And there is nothing new about this at all.  Maybe you  should check out a professional snuggler.

Also, a vast majority of the girls use a scheduler and they screen.  So I am confused about this being a "VIP" session for the "good/safe" list.  I'd think guys seeing a naked provider to get jacked off would already be deemed "safe."

But here's an idea: ask Charlotte, Carmen, Roxanne, Ava, Brandi, et. al. if they'll go for it.  Then ask them if they'll give you a discount.  Be sure to let us know what they say.

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