
Spoken like a true alias mack. _eom_teeth_smile
Wongbater 40 Reviews 349 reads


How does TER remain a reliable source of information if important reports can be pulled because OMG someone known to be "top of the line" (as far as reviewers report) has been outed here for bad behavior? Oh well.... guess someone else will have to get screwed w/o pleasure. Not my problem I suppose.

...and removal of the thread was a condition of the satisfaction of his grievance? Or, was the thread's removal due to the popularity of the subject of the post? Who knows? I can't even remember who the OP was.

Posted By: Drumsticks
...and removal of the thread was a condition of the satisfaction of his grievance? Or, was the thread's removal due to the popularity of the subject of the post? Who knows? I can't even remember who the OP was.
No clue. Only the Op & the other individual can answer that. I personally am not even interested in the answer. Lol! I just scratch my head when these things happen & it happens here a lot.

Please understand I am by no means bringing this up to directly attack or call out any individual. It's just that this incident happened to motivate me to raise the question addressing an ongoing problem here.  

We come here seeking true information that helps up make informed decisions. If however we pick & choose who we are providing "honest" information about & who we don't IMO it takes away from the integrity of the board making it untrustworthy.  

There was a time in all honesty that I believed wholeheartedly in TER as "THE" place to go to get the best & most reliable guidance. After all I've seen here over the course of several years however, my confidence in that notion have pretty much been abolished. That's hard for me to acknowledge & I hate that my bubble & TRUST has pretty much been destroyed.

I think the point is like it or not the post should remain permanent record unless it names names or otherwise is deemed inappropriate.  Why give a poster the option to delete. That option just perpetuates the games. If you post it stand behind it.

There are certain standards to posting on the boards, and very few people actually read the rules. Since I have no clue about which post you are talking about- I cannot say if the person did or did not follow the standards, but one of the rules regards being insulting- so if the moderator feels that the person is being insulting they can delete it.  

Every board and website has to have rules concerning conduct, and I don't think that the TER mods delete threads arbitrarily.

Actually as you read further you'll se the Op asked that the post be removed. Also, TER (sadly) no longer has moderator. Sigh..... I do miss them guys.

Ms Chayse,

You are 100% correct. Posts are removed for no good reason. Reviews are generally unreliable. The scoring system supposedly has rules but they are not enforced.  Plenty of things that make you wonder.  

Posted By: LChayse
How does TER remain a reliable source of information if important reports can be pulled because OMG someone known to be "top of the line" (as far as reviewers report) has been outed here for bad behavior? Oh well.... guess someone else will have to get screwed w/o pleasure. Not my problem I suppose.

fearlessfury590 reads

Children when did you decide this forum is legitimate,this is we're you grind your axe and sow your seeds.

Not as big an issue but a shill I put into a thread in the morning was gone last night. Reason thread pulled. They easily could have moved the shills in that thread to the thread  started earlier if it was for being a duplicate thread.
Going back to bad behavior - how does one report it here?   I would like to see TER explain that to us. Think posts like the one referred to by LChayse have a lot of value and should be allowed in some form.

CuriousSort585 reads

What is worse than that is like what happened a while back when a guy got caught in a sting in St Cloud and he posted a warning here that the sting was in progress and that thread got removed.  Who knows how many people it could have saved?

Perhaps the problem is the moderator of this board and not the board itself?  You could send your comments to the TER admins and maybe things will get better.

TheProfessor634 reads

Your 2 uses of the quotation marks have me a little confused. Are you saying "SOME" to be sarcastic? I understand the sarcasm with the "top of the line" statement, I do not consider her that highly rated myself. Maybe this link will help, or maybe I just need more coffee this morning.

I do agree that this board should be open to report bad behavior, both hobbyists and provider, within our ranks.

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 8:11:04 AM

As someone suggested, she called me and I requested it be removed.

Do I think she handled things 100% perfectly and couldn't have done any better? No (I'm referring only to the follow up - the day of I never had a problem with.  As I said emergencies happen, and this was definitely one of those times)

But I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why things happened the way they did.  And I no longer feel that my original post is a completely accurate description of events (or at least the intent behind them), so I asked to take it down.  Some of the things we spoke about were personal and said in confidence, so it would have been inappropriate to post them publicly, but they jibed with bits of context from our previous interactions and made the things that happened more understandable.

Glad to hear things were taken care of to your satisfaction and not just pulled by Admin.  

Posted By: AT2222
As someone suggested, she called me and I requested it be removed.  
 Do I think she handled things 100% perfectly and couldn't have done any better? No (I'm referring only to the follow up - the day of I never had a problem with.  As I said emergencies happen, and this was definitely one of those times)  
 But I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why things happened the way they did.  And I no longer feel that my original post is a completely accurate description of events (or at least the intent behind them), so I asked to take it down.  Some of the things we spoke about were personal and said in confidence, so it would have been inappropriate to post them publicly, but they jibed with bits of context from our previous interactions and made the things that happened more understandable.

you did not try to clear this up without making drama.  If you had, your first post would have been different.  

Apparently, this event occurred some time ago (the original post alluded to an old travel schedule). Why post now?  (That is a rhetorical question, don't bother answering.)

Why use an alias so that those of us reading this can evaluate your credibility.
I am not defending the provider in question. I have no idea what happened.  
But it is no surprise that  Talon (who has biases but no clue as to what happened) would leap to endorse your OP.

TheProfessor576 reads

How do you come to the conclusion that he had not tried to clear this up before the post?  His original post said that he had at least a couple of attempts to clear this up before he posted. With that in mind one could have also concluded that she only made contact after he posted and did so get the post removed to protect her reputation.  The one statement that you made that I do agree with is "I (we) have no idea what happened". So how do you make your conclusion?

It is obvious to most on this board that you are in the bidding for White Knight of the year again, possibly of the decade, if we consider your previous board names. You should know by now that neither the fine ladies on this board do not require your consistent defense and attacks on the hobbyists.

PS I always post under my alias primarily because it pisses of some of the small minded idiots on here. :-)

Prof: "How do you come to the conclusion that he had not tried to clear this up before the post?"  

Answer: Clearly, after he posted, they had a communication.

"she called me   ...  I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why things happened the way they did.  And I no longer feel that my original post is a completely accurate description of events (or at least the intent behind them), so I asked to take it down.  Some of the things we spoke about were personal and said in confidence, so it would have been inappropriate to post them publicly, but they jibed with bits of context from our previous interactions and made the things that happened more understandable."

This whole drama could have been avoided.  I am not sticking up for her.  I stated that I had no idea what happened but this is the third time in as many months that a misleading NCNS report went up and down.

Happy to have the reputation that I have.
Sex is good for me.  Are the chairs stuffy in the faculty lounge?

TheProfessor591 reads

I don't even know how to respond to this other than to say WOW!  So the fact that she finally called him after he posted is evidence to you that he did not even try to make contact before he posted.  How do you make that step in your analysis?

You do say that you have no idea what happened however your condemnation of him started in the subject line "The fact that she called you says..." And finishes in the first line "you did not try to clear this up without making drama.  If you had, your first post would have been different."  All "The fact that she called you says..." really says is that she called him after he posted, it says nothing about his attempts to contact her as he stated in his original thread.  

You continue to have issues with your comprehension or analysis in this post with "this is the third time in as many months that a misleading NCNS report went up and down".  How would you conclude they are all "misleading" without knowing the facts?  I would to recommend a remedial course in reading comprehension and analysis for you, they should help in all aspects of your life.  

Don't worry about The Professor, my sex life is very complete and very comfortable in and out of the Faculty Lounge.

highfives425 reads

With an alias to keep in the spirit of things

GaGambler406 reads

Can we pretend since GaGambler has no reviews, that I am actually posting under an alias too?

In that case. High five Professor!!! lol

Posted By: WK2014

 Why use an alias so that those of us reading this can evaluate your credibility.  
I find 0 value in reviews.  I get that others do, but just because others had a good time with someone it doesn't mean I'll have chemistry with her (and vice versa).  Because of this I have no incentive to write them either.  So if you're looking for an account with dozens of descriptions of who I've met and how my time was, it doesn't exist, sorry.

My apologies. I could have (should have) waited until that particular post was forgotten history. It's here now & no I'm not going to ask that it be removed. I will say however, I believe the Op of any thread should be allowed to change their mind & have a post removed. I would only suggest doing so can raise needless suspicion as I think is being demonstrated here.

I'll also add early on I was quite naive in putting too much credence in the boards as well as reviews. It took me some time to remember I'm reading people's views & views vary (innocently) & yes indeed people lie. Recognizing that however doesn't take away from my disappointment or change the fact I no longer come to TER (primarily) seeking information that is useful in making my ventures in the hobby safe & fun. I have managed over time to use it as a very small resource in researching. What information I do find is diligently followed up with more extensive digging through other sources as a result of misconceptions & blatant lies I've seen happen over time.

Quickly addressing Professor's statement. Because the lady in question doesn't come with what YOU consider good or great reviews it doesn't take away from the fact she has been an active provider here in Mn for quite a long time & there are many that do hold her in very high regard. Thus the quotation marks that appeared to be so bothersome to you.  

Finally, I'm seeing more PM notifications. I am not ignoring you. I don't & won't have VIP so I can't see PMs. Please either comment here or send me an email if you prefer to keep your correspondence private. [email protected]

Hey! It's Saturday! Hope everyone has plans to make it a pleasant one! I've ordered the Mayweather-vs-PacMan fight. Got friends coming to hoot & holler, grill & throw back a few beers & win or lose them bets! Hope there's more winners than losers.  


FWIW, if you thought that then others did too, so I'm glad that misconception was cleared up.  I don't want people to think things happened that didn't.

Along that line of thought - it's possible for events to remain the same, but for new information to change the way they are perceived.  I'm sure you've been NCNS'd far too many times.  Imagine if one of those times you found out a month later that the guy had an accident and was in a coma.  Obviously that's more extreme than what happened here, but the point is - 1. you would remove him from any blacklists you put him on, but 2. you still made the best judgement you could with the information you had.


You don't write like a newbie so I will address you as such.  This is my opinion only and I'm happy to give it...you come out of the situation you created looking like the problem IMHO.  You claimed to have been NCNS.  It happens.  Move on.  You write how you repeatedly send messages to force a response from the provider.  Bad form if you ask me.  She has a screener for a reason....but you persisted.  You claim to have received a "phone call' from the provider that you in essence blackmailed into calling you.  I hope that closes the chapter for you and I hope she won't consider seeing you.  Best wishes to this AT2222 user name in booking future appointments.  

Posted By: AT2222
FWIW, if you thought that then others did too, so I'm glad that misconception was cleared up.  I don't want people to think things happened that didn't.  
 Along that line of thought - it's possible for events to remain the same, but for new information to change the way they are perceived.  I'm sure you've been NCNS'd far too many times.  Imagine if one of those times you found out a month later that the guy had an accident and was in a coma.  Obviously that's more extreme than what happened here, but the point is - 1. you would remove him from any blacklists you put him on, but 2. you still made the best judgement you could with the information you had.

It clearly listed a sequence of multiple attempts to contact and get an explanation from the provider.

These threads can get confusing. Lol! If so, yes indeed I did & was hoping to see some sort of response but alas that won't be happening. I personally handled the issue privately the way I saw fit. I did not however base my decision on the OP's post alone.

This is one of those posts I admit I'm kicking myself over. Not the post itself but that I didn't wait. I did not want this to turn into an attack on the Op or the provider. Something that happens way too often here but that's another thread. Lol!

None of us really knows exactly what transpired. There could have been a very serious crisis that resulted in a major delay & a poor reaction on the provider's part. Having knowledge of her this is the scenario I prefer to believe. If you recall just shortly over a year ago I got very ill & unexpectedly ended up hospitalized for nearly two weeks. I came back to countless emails & PMs & appeared to be ignoring or flaking out on folks during that time. There could have been some discrepancies in the Op's reports although he did relay step by step, day by day events that appeared believable.  

What ever the scenario they apparently resolved the issue privately between themselves. My concern is how pulling the thread leaves many questions in one's mind & damages the reputation & credibility of the Op, the provider & the board as well. That's how it affects me anyway.

I take what I said about you back.   Your just another  man with no balls.  So chicks sucking my balls are just as personal, but I tell TER all about it.

Posted By: AT2222
As someone suggested, she called me and I requested it be removed.  
 Do I think she handled things 100% perfectly and couldn't have done any better? No (I'm referring only to the follow up - the day of I never had a problem with.  As I said emergencies happen, and this was definitely one of those times)  
 But I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why things happened the way they did.  And I no longer feel that my original post is a completely accurate description of events (or at least the intent behind them), so I asked to take it down.  Some of the things we spoke about were personal and said in confidence, so it would have been inappropriate to post them publicly, but they jibed with bits of context from our previous interactions and made the things that happened more understandable.

Posted By: talon199094
I take what I said about you back.   Your just another  man with no balls.  So chicks sucking my balls are just as personal, but I tell TER all about it.  
Posted By: AT2222
As someone suggested, she called me and I requested it be removed.  
  Do I think she handled things 100% perfectly and couldn't have done any better? No (I'm referring only to the follow up - the day of I never had a problem with.  As I said emergencies happen, and this was definitely one of those times)  
  But I have a much better understanding of what, how, and why things happened the way they did.  And I no longer feel that my original post is a completely accurate description of events (or at least the intent behind them), so I asked to take it down.  Some of the things we spoke about were personal and said in confidence, so it would have been inappropriate to post them publicly, but they jibed with bits of context from our previous interactions and made the things that happened more understandable.

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