
jgoodman222 14 Reviews 564 reads

Who know if anything written here is true.  Interesting that the gal involved has not piped in.

TwoIron2113 reads

BBFS see recent review by boomboom4u.  
Concerning because she is a popular massage provider

You could infer this but I don't think he really got BBFS...but who really knows, fight?

Posted By: TwoIron
BBFS see recent review by boomboom4u.  
 Concerning because she is a popular massage provider

TwoIron952 reads

He states as much in the juicy details.

Some guys neglect to include the detail of using a cover thinking people will just assume it was used. Unfortunately that can lead to speculation that a provider is offering BBFS when she isn't.  
This is a good example of the need to be specific if a condom was used or not so guys looking for that service can find it and providers who don't offer it aren't bombarded with requests for something she doesn't do.

Which doesn't prove it is true of course but the text of the review leaves little room for doubt what he intended to say.

not specific to this review but rather to the careless way some reviews are written.  

Posted By: vorlon
Which doesn't prove it is true of course but the text of the review leaves little room for doubt what he intended to say.

Not my intent to disservice anyone just wrote a review.

And it sounds like she showed you a good time.

This is disgraceful on its face.  There would NEVER be a reason to put a statement like you did on the world wide web.  IF it were true of any provider she would not want anyone to say it in a review.  The only possible reason you would do that is to inflict harm.  She is very upset by all of this and for the decent guys who have defended her, she is very grateful.  Her words "it means a lot that my friends have my back"

She has not commented because several people including me have recommended that she give this no attention at all.  She is counting on "her friends" to back her up and complain.  My hope is boomer has a change of heart and pulls the entire review and any future review that is intended to hurt some one.  

This person in particular deserves nothing but kindness.  Her decision to not see you is her choice, disrespecting her for that is cruel. She does not post and is listed as Massage/ body rub and now every dirty d, in town will try to push her to do things she does not do.  How could anyone do that to such a nice girl...

has a history of less than responsible posting.

... the OP has done a disservice to this provider, if in fact the review is bogus.

Who know if anything written here is true.  Interesting that the gal involved has not piped in.

she described the reviewer to me as "disrespectful" and "aggressive", and the review as "untrue."

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 9:01:42 AM

I've never posted on here, but as someone who has seen this provider many many more times than I can count, I feel like I should speak up. I cannot comment on what may have happened in anyone else's session, but I can say that in all my sessions with her I was never once given options for upgrades.  At the very least, that says YMMV. Reviews and posts like these of a massage provider do them a great disservice. Even if the review contents were 100% true, she is listed and advertised as a massage provider, not an escort. The 30+ reviews that came before this apparently didn't mention any such service (they didn't back when I had VIP, anyway). Now she'll get to deal with a flood of people wanting this, some more insistent than others.

I'm speaking up partly because I know she's not particularly fond of reading her own reviews

All I did was give page a nice review. I really don't get all this speculation and bad mouthing me.

Your review strongly implies, without explicitly stating it, that she had sex with you without using a condom (BareBack Full Service). That's a very unsafe practice and many guys have stated many times that they will never see a woman who offers BBFS. If a condom was used, and you just failed to mention it, the "nice" thing would be to say so here, and ask TER to let you revise the review to clarify things.

If you insist it was BBFS, so be it. But don't kid yourself. Your review, if believed, is likely to cost her a good bit of business. And if the claim is true, that would be appropriate. But it's not something most would call "nice."

What happened, happened. I'm sorry if it's not what people want to hear. I thought we were supposed to write the details. If it hurts her I am sorry maybe she shouldn't offer it then. Someone tell me how to remove the review if it's  possible.

Very Well stated with regard to future business for the provider minn4evr, and yes you state
that if the activity had been experienced, then the review is appropriate.  
I cannot view the actual review, however, What would you consider nice ? Is this meant to cast doubt, or guilt ? upon the reviewer ?
Is your statement, meant to imply that the reviewer should have left that part out ? So as to be Nice ? and thus allow the provider to continue to meet individual fantasies, without anyone the wiser, as to how far she will go ?
TER itself has the marketing slogan, something like " Will She ? " and this is TER, and the reviewer
posted a review, so everyone has an idea, of if She Will ? or YMMV.

It is clearly the choice of present and future clients, as to if they
will seek to continue to do business with a provider.  
He clearly stated in subsequent replies in this thread, that he posted an honest review, and now
the cat is out of the bag ? So let the chips fall where they may, At least boomer may decide to
go back and hit it again! If she is open to a repeat ? , and I am sure that there are plenty of others,
who are lurking, and may seek out said provider, and request that very same service that the reviewer received. All the provider has to do, is say Yea, or Nay.  



Posted By: minn4evr
Your review strongly implies, without explicitly stating it, that she had sex with you without using a condom (BareBack Full Service). That's a very unsafe practice and many guys have stated many times that they will never see a woman who offers BBFS. If a condom was used, and you just failed to mention it, the "nice" thing would be to say so here, and ask TER to let you revise the review to clarify things.  
 If you insist it was BBFS, so be it. But don't kid yourself. Your review, if believed, is likely to cost her a good bit of business. And if the claim is true, that would be appropriate. But it's not something most would call "nice."

He asked why people were badmouthing him. I explained. He introduced the concept of "nice" by saying he gave her a "nice" review. Given the damage an accusation of BBFS is likely to do, I don't consider it "nice" to say it. It may be honest, it may be accurate, it may be appropriate, but it's not "nice." Apparently the people badmouthing him felt that way, also. You can disagree with that sentiment, but I gave him the explanation he asked for.

I can read his review, unlike you, and as far as I'm concerned he is being very coy. The review implies BBFS, but doesn't say it explicitly. In later posts he says "it" happened, but he never does explicitly say what "it" is. He says he posted an honest review, but never clarifies if he is really claiming BBFS occurred, or if the review is being misinterpreted. So the cat is not really out of the bag. He is keeping things murky, probably intentionally. Damaging innuendo is definitely not "nice."

Thanks for the explanation. I did not see your post as bad mouthing the OP, and I  was truly interested to hear what your perception of Nice is, that having been said, I guess that is all I have to say on the subject.

Posted By: minn4evr
He asked why people were badmouthing him. I explained. He introduced the concept of "nice" by saying he gave her a "nice" review. Given the damage an accusation of BBFS is likely to do, I don't consider it "nice" to say it. It may be honest, it may be accurate, it may be appropriate, but it's not "nice." Apparently the people badmouthing him felt that way, also. You can disagree with that sentiment, but I gave him the explanation he asked for.  
 I can read his review, unlike you, and as far as I'm concerned he is being very coy. The review implies BBFS, but doesn't say it explicitly. In later posts he says "it" happened, but he never does explicitly say what "it" is. He says he posted an honest review, but never clarifies if he is really claiming BBFS occurred, or if the review is being misinterpreted. So the cat is not really out of the bag. He is keeping things murky, probably intentionally. Damaging innuendo is definitely not "nice."

1)  It is pretty common for providers to offer more than what they usually offer to some clients but that doesn't mean they want it known publicly because they don't offer it to anyone.  Putting that in a review causes problems for her and is a good way to kill any chance of her seeing that reviewer again.

1)  In particular, BBFS is a very sensitive topic to put in a review.  It can be damaging to a provider's business to put something like that out there, true or not.  It has been used by others to try and deliberately hurt providers.  In this case, this is your first review in over 4 years and of a provider who didn't get her first review until close to 3 years after your previous one.  It makes it very likely this was your first time seeing her.  I find it dubious that she would offer an upgrade all the way to BBFS for someone she's just seeing for the first time, particularly when other posters who have seen her multiple times say that there was never any hint of such a thing being available.

It was the first time we met I asked she offered for higher donation. Again how is this on me? Should I not say anything? I never met her before I don't know what she expects from clients. I'm sorry I don't know the in's and outs. I obviously need to learn to say what people want to hear instead of what happened. I asked she said no problem

cumotz462 reads

If what you say is true then you are just as guilty. It takes two to tango.  I'm sure the providers here on TER will be falling over each other to get their lips around your little BBboomboom

That is exactly what happened. I asked she said she is always up for it. How is this my fault? From the emails I have been getting it looks like it happens a lot. I'm just the only one to put it in a review. I thought we were supposed to give  juicy details so that's what I did. I have done nothing wrong here. I wrote her a nice honest review. I'm sorry if it offended anyone.  Also everyone posting on this thread is just as guilty as I am for for writing it because your bringing so much attention to it. So, I am done commenting so feel free to rip into me all you want. I was just being honest. Believe what you want.

Vostro758 reads

Some of you guys are hypocrites. Valid or not, we're on here to read real reviews and ask everyone who submits a review to be honest. Most of the crap in reviews states how thick some guys dick is or how she loved getting eaten out by him. Get thr f**k away from the keyboard you sad, narcissistic bastard. We want to hear what the provider does. If what is claimed by boom is true, whether it's the nice thing to say or do, we take his word for it and make our own decisions. Now, I'm not saying it it true but this isn't the first time this has come up for this provider. It wasn't bb but someone posted she offered fs.

I'm so tired of these sorry-ass white knights defending providers. Let them speak for themselves and stopp being a complete waste of a guy. You've lost your guy card a long time ago.

Oh, I'd like to start a review site for sugar babies. My first review will be about my true encounters of this gorgeous 22 yr old blonde who is on bc and let's me fuck her bb all day long. Not only she let's me fuck her for hours, I've made her orgasm 8 times once. It's a win win for all. She loves this dick, so go f off in your sorry reviews to make yourselves feel better.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 8:46:15 PM

that most people do give a fuck.

Otherwise someone might say "Vostro has AIDS" or "Vostro is a violent bastard" or "Vostro is a cop" and they all might be just a little true, or even complete lies, certainly they would be damaging, but no one would give a fuck.

Right on Vostro

Posted By: Vostro
Some of you guys are hypocrites. Valid or not, we're on here to read real reviews and ask everyone who submits a review to be honest. Most of the crap in reviews states how thick some guys dick is or how she loved getting eaten out by him. Get thr f**k away from the keyboard you sad, narcissistic bastard. We want to hear what the provider does. If what is claimed by boom is true, whether it's the nice thing to say or do, we take his word for it and make our own decisions. Now, I'm not saying it it true but this isn't the first time this has come up for this provider. It wasn't bb but someone posted she offered fs.  
 I'm so tired of these sorry-ass white knights defending providers. Let them speak for themselves and stopp being a complete waste of a guy. You've lost your guy card a long time ago.  
 Oh, I'd like to start a review site for sugar babies. My first review will be about my true encounters of this gorgeous 22 yr old blonde who is on bc and let's me fuck her bb all day long. Not only she let's me fuck her for hours, I've made her orgasm 8 times once. It's a win win for all. She loves this dick, so go f off in your sorry reviews to make yourselves feel better.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 8:46:15 PM

and hypocrisy...

Posted By: Vostro
I'd like to start a review site for sugar babies. My first review will be about my true encounters of this gorgeous 22 yr old blonde who is on bc and let's me fuck her bb all day long. Not only she let's me fuck her for hours, I've made her orgasm 8 times once. It's a win win for all. She loves this dick, so go f off in your sorry reviews to make yourselves feel better.
 The only thing you forgot to mention were the dimensions of your extraordinary cock.

-- Modified on 6/16/2015 5:15:49 AM

TCButtman457 reads

I agree with vostro. Board is filled with pathetic white knights hoping to exchange their lame efforts for later adulation... Oh baby your dick is so big... Oh baby, You made me come 8 times (even though I take antidepressants) and so it goes.

-- Modified on 6/16/2015 12:43:41 PM

Vostro439 reads

My last paragraph was supposed to be narcissistic and hypocritical. Too bad ter doesn't have a flashcard feature for idiots like you.

All the white knights who defend on here and go email or contact the providers about what is being said about them are pathetic. This is fantasy world, and no matter how much you do for them, you are still a client. Move on and save yourself...for all of us.

While I don't think I would go as far as calling anyone an idiot, that in itself is not what the thread is
On the subject of White knights, and fantasy world, and clients, and providers,  this all has been hashed over time and again, and yes, It is a valid statement, and you, Vostro have reminded everyone of the fact.
I cannot argue with any of that content what so ever, nor would I have reason to argue or debate
any of the content of that part of the message.  It is what it is. :)
Also what is true, there are providers, whom do engage in bbfs, and other activities, yet will deny
it, and call the reviewer a liar. As well, there are clients who engage in bbfs, yet deny they would do so. We were not there, so who is creditable ? client or provider ?
It is up to an individual to decide. :)

Posted By: Vostro
My last paragraph was supposed to be narcissistic and hypocritical. Too bad ter doesn't have a flashcard feature for idiots like you.  
 All the white knights who defend on here and go email or contact the providers about what is being said about them are pathetic. This is fantasy world, and no matter how much you do for them, you are still a client. Move on and save yourself...for all of us.

Well I did consider the possibility that you were being sarcastic, but given the quality of your incisive logic and lucid prose, I decided probably not.

My mistake.  I apologize.

ForgetAboutIt398 reads

Posted By: Vostro
Some of you guys are hypocrites. Valid or not, we're on here to read real reviews and ask everyone who submits a review to be honest. Most of the crap in reviews states how thick some guys dick is or how she loved getting eaten out by him. Get thr f**k away from the keyboard you sad, narcissistic bastard. We want to hear what the provider does. If what is claimed by boom is true, whether it's the nice thing to say or do, we take his word for it and make our own decisions. Now, I'm not saying it it true but this isn't the first time this has come up for this provider. It wasn't bb but someone posted she offered fs.  
 I'm so tired of these sorry-ass white knights defending providers. Let them speak for themselves and stopp being a complete waste of a guy. You've lost your guy card a long time ago.  
 Oh, I'd like to start a review site for sugar babies. My first review will be about my true encounters of this gorgeous 22 yr old blonde who is on bc and let's me fuck her bb all day long. Not only she let's me fuck her for hours, I've made her orgasm 8 times once. It's a win win for all. She loves this dick, so go f off in your sorry reviews to make yourselves feel better.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 8:46:15 PM

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