
Re:You don't even know what happened yet
OmegaZap 7 Reviews 4970 reads

I was thinking the same thing...  When I read the first post, I was really disappointed because this is happening all too often again...

But when I saw MDL's post that someone else got stood up the same day, well, my first instinct was "uh oh, something's gone wrong, I hope everything's OK with her."

Remember too that Bulk would have had no way to have known this second data point had he not posted, (nor would we) so we're benefiting from information that he didn't have at the time he posted.

bulk4247 reads

after setting and appt via e mail with Kathie Monroe after 4 or 5 e mails saying yes she will be there. Kathie had my cell # and NO call NO email to say she would not make it I vist the citys 2 to 3 times a year so to say the least I am PISSED

Bulk...I hear she blew off another appt today also.  Very disappointing. Hopefully she has a good explanation.

This is not a good way to conduct business!

bulk3875 reads

and and it was a 2 hr appt! money must be to good in the city?

from what I hear things are a bit tight for some and busier than heck for others.

Bad deal anyway you look at it.  Better luck next mission.

plajw4264 reads

I have had a lot of appointments with Monroe
she has always, and I mean always !  E-mailed me, called me
back.  And gone the extra mile for the appointments
that I have had with her!  

I think it would have been better to wait a day or two before posting this.  Maybe you could have called her or maybe she will still contact you.  Of course standing you up is not good UNLESS there is a good reason.  As far as you know she may be in a hospital somewhere.  I do think bad service should be posted but not until it has been given a reasonable amount of time.  I am pretty sure if you find out later that there was a valid reason for hewr no show and post a retraction, not everyone who read the first post will see the correction.  

Just my 2 cents worth.

I was thinking the same thing...  When I read the first post, I was really disappointed because this is happening all too often again...

But when I saw MDL's post that someone else got stood up the same day, well, my first instinct was "uh oh, something's gone wrong, I hope everything's OK with her."

Remember too that Bulk would have had no way to have known this second data point had he not posted, (nor would we) so we're benefiting from information that he didn't have at the time he posted.

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