
Review critiques
oleoneeye 152 Reviews 1519 reads

Perhaps one of the things we can start doing more of to provide more relevant hobbyist interest here on the boards is to comment on new reviews, especially where there are questionable items or for newer providers where there isn't much of a track record.  The reviewer can choose to respond or not, either on the board or privately by PM.  Subject line format would be Review of XXXXX by YYYYYY and the posting would contain a link to the provider's profile.  An example follows but normally each would be its own topic and thread.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 8:40:38 AM

and some reviews might simply prove worth reading because of entertainment value, that they're funny, sexy, etc.

Ok, seems like a decent and honest review but concern I have with it is that he says the photos in the ad are not real yet he also has indicated that the photos are accurate.  Ok, I suppose that could be the case if there is a close resemblance.  But look at these photos (I am including a separate link as the ad may disappear in time.  If thats an accurate photo, how is the appearance score only a 6?  I know its always subjective guys, but if thats not a 9 or 10, I must be gay.  


This has been a long running question of mine.  I see photos indicated by the review as not being accurate then in the next line a check in the box saying the pic is accurate.  WTH?  Seems like TER should have a catch there that prevents that confusion, or just use one box for pics rather than two.  

Accurate is accurate.  A picture of a different gal than the one you saw is not accurate.  A picture of the gal you saw taken a decade back that looks nothing like she does today is not accurate.  The idea is to figure out if you get what you expect going in, isn't it?

To me it sounds like you'll open the can of worms I've seen so many times with a someone saying "She's not a 10, she's a 6 at best. Now this other gal, she's a 10 and you gave her a 7. That makes you an idiot."

Personally I read every review with a grain of salt. YMMV and all that.

Especially for things that appear way off.  And with commentary perhaps see if there is a consensus.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 8:57:42 AM

but I think this is a bad idea.  And to say that it can be done respectfully is an oxymoron.   The review system in and of itself is less than respectful to women.  So, how can the critique of those same reviews be respectful banter?  

Aliases already wreak havoc on this board...how many more aliases do you think will come out of the woodwork and rip on providers and other hobbyists?

IMO, if a reader of a review wants clarification, they should PM the writer.

Just my .02cents.

I completely agree with you Belinda. It's one thing to identify fake reviews but another to be disputing another's (fictional) opinions.

I think it will be more critical of the hobbyist who post reviews that don't make a lot of sense, both bad ones and good ones.  Should we just assume that TER admin is the only curator of acceptable reviews?  Lets expect some sensibility and well as sensitivity.  

Posted By: belindabell
but I think this is a bad idea.  And to say that it can be done respectfully is an oxymoron.   The review system in and of itself is less than respectful to women.  So, how can the critique of those same reviews be respectful banter?  

Aliases already wreak havoc on this board...how many more aliases do you think will come out of the woodwork and rip on providers and other hobbyists?

IMO, if a reader of a review wants clarification, they should PM the writer.

Just my .02cents.

I have to agree with belinda, sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen to me.  Further more, don't think it would have to wait very long.  Think about it, when was the last time a review was the topic on this board and it was a  respectful thread.... still thinking..... not going to happen.

I also think Belinda is right.  If someone needs further info about a review Pm the reviewer.  I personally would take offense if people started ripping my reviews apart on the boards and I am sure most reviewers would.  Thats not going to be a civil conversation topic in most cases. It also depletes the point of paying for VIP If we start divulging the details of all the new reviews on the public boards with critiques Ters going to stop it anyway.

Posted By: Biglittleguy
I have to agree with belinda, sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen to me.  Further more, don't think it would have to wait very long.  Think about it, when was the last time a review was the topic on this board and it was a  respectful thread.... still thinking..... not going to happen.

.....against the idea.  Nice idea in theory, Oleoneeye.  But, the nays have made the more convincing case.

My two cents.


It's a nice idea in theory but in practice there are too many people on TER who wouldn't handle it properly or would just use it as an excuse to attack someone they dislike or just to cause trouble.

The best way to implement something like this, is not to post about it or try to convince others to do it, but to just start doing it yourself. Those who enjoy it will participate and eventually copycat, those who do not, will turn each thread into a trainwreck, but that's on them.

helper_helping1417 reads

isn't this what that board is all about?    IDK?   I rarely write reviews.   I know I wouldn't want any of my reviews picked apart on this board.

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