
need to know 11948 reads

Hi all
Just looking to find out if Tuzdae offers specials? I am sure from her reviews she is worth the regular price however specials always are good.

Ooops - N2N, I misread your original post, see my later reply...  I was going to just delete this one, but that doesn't make sense either.

Trust me, despite all the griping about price we've all been doing, if there's one gal in town who's worth the clams it's Tuzdae.  Search for her name (in message text, not as author) in this group, set the date range to something like 600, and let'er rip, and read through what hobbyists have been saying about her for a long time.  I haven't looked at her reviews lately, but I think you'll find that as long as you can live with services being covered (some have a real problem with that) that Tuzdae is widely regarded as the real deal in every way, even other providers often speak quite highly of her.

-- Modified on 2/13/2004 7:17:21 AM

need to know9678 reads

I have no doubt she is the real deal.  Just gathering info is all. If specials are avail we all like to be thrifty and we may have to alter our schedual to fit. If not thats fine also,just makes schedualing easier.  Lol

Sorry N2N, I misread your original post, hence my reply.

I thought you said you WEREN'T sure if she was worth the regular price based on her reviews, which is why I spoke up so quickly.

You said she obviously IS worth the full price but were just hunting for specials...

My mistake!

As far as I know she never does.  Why would she have to?  She's the best.  Save and rave, my boy.

need to know10975 reads

Thanks for the info Omega. Yes as I said I plan on a visit with her and would alter my schedual for a special but if not no real reason to wait. Storme I am not implying she should have to. Just some providers like Tymber Lee and others do offer specials and if I can make the particular days and hours work why not? Lol   Not trying to make waves. All is good.

I agree with your strategy, I've made it a point to see several locals lately that were running specials, not just to save $ but more importantly to "vote with my feet" and reward providers that are charging attractive prices.

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