
Re:Paying for a Twins Stadium
mountaineer 4 Reviews 25845 reads

Well, no sports figures make much money off me, but I sure agree that their salaries seem utterly ridiculous in a world where teachers scrape by and often buy needed school supplies out of their own pockets.

However, sports franchises do offer something of value to many in the community, they generate secondary revenue to middle- and lower-income people, and they offer a sense of civic pride. Well, maybe not the Vikes, but sometimes ... ;-)

The bottom line is, as always, the bottom line. As long as there are cities willing to compete for sports franchises, and fans and advertisers willing to pay big bucks for access to sports, this crap will continue.

Launce26976 reads

A few months ago in another land we played with some demographic numbers for the Twin Cities Pro******* market.  Based on those numbers I think we can solve two significant issues with one simple change in the law:

In order to make a stadium fly the state needs to come up with $330mm over 30 years or about $11mm/yr.  Based on the current market and rate of approx $220/hr a 12% tax would generate about $4.8mm in state revenue towards the stadium.  Assuming that there would be an increase in the market with this law change it could potentially pay the entire $11mm/yr.

Now all we have to do is find a couple of legislators brave enough the introduce the idea :-).  Any thoughts?


ofuangel30038 reads

I just had a little chuckle to myself.... it just seems like another scheme to profit on our work.... seems like you will get your cake and eat it too... entertainment all around... but you make an excellent point.  Revenue is lost everyday but it isn't just your one example it is taking place with side jobs in almost every industry, food industry, construction... my only thought is that sometimes the underground economy is keeping things afloat.. because if it was all reported then the government and MEN would continue to find more things to spend it on... hence not lower taxes only larger spending.  Now if you would have put it in the context of free health care or child care. These services benefit almost the entire population.  Then you would have my backing.... but not just to PLAY BALL...

Launce25252 reads

Hadn't even thought about it from that standpoint, but now that you bring it up I agree with you.  I was thinking about it purely from a standpoint of an option that would allow the legislature to put it on the floor for a vote.

From this position a legislator could bring it up that it's a business that will be with us always, that LE efforts do nothing more than move it around or at best slow it down for a brief period.  They can then bring up the positive aspects of full legalization (besides tax revenue) such as safety for providers, provide a better future since the stigma of an arrest records would be gone, etc, etc, etc.

The stadium funding issue just gives them a good reason to bring it up, other than purely on it's own merits which none of them would do.

BTW, I go to about 1 Twins game a year, baseball don't exactly turn my crank (though I would like to see the Twins stick around).


beesa4924794 reads

I am curious, what do you think of a National Sales Tax?  This seems like the only way to collect tax on the underground money.
I agree that the government would certainly find a way to spend
the extra money.  But I think WOMEN are equally good at spending?
*smiling here*

Big_Kahuna27267 reads

I'd be okay with either a flat income tax or a national sales tax, but not both.

Launce28441 reads

The government has enough of our money to spend, they don't need ANY extra whatsoever!  

We're already taxed at least twice on every dollar, and sometimes as many as 5 times.  Elimination of ALL income taxes and institution of a national sales tax is the solution that IMHO is the fairest to all citizens and will be best for the economy.  We'll all pay taxes based on our consumption and it will also be an encouragement to save and invest which will further strengthen our economy.  Yes, I know that spending is good, but bad credit is costing us a premium of approx 22%.  Personally I don't want to pay an extra 22% for everything I buy so that others (credit jumpers) can get it for free!


Think globally here - not just for a Stadium, but for better housing, education and health care for all that need it. I am not trying to be a Bleeding Heart Liberal - but start from the obvious - Legalize gambling, we already half way there with the lottery - why can't we just go all the way and make state owned and operated casino's legal. They will generate more then enough to pay for mulitple pro stadiums over the course of 30 years. They would also generate enough to make sure the healthcare and schools would not suffer. The reason we can not get casino's approved is a couple - strong Native American Lobby as well as too many vocal opponents to gambling. I don't think they are in the majority but they are vocal and organized.

By using this money on a prorated basis for education, healthcare, stadiums our taxes would be reduced, there would be more money spent in the state and cities that would be bold enough to move forward. Goods and services of all kinds would be more in demand.

It is the same people that scream about using tax dollars to finance a stadium (for the most part) that are screaming about not having enough revenue. In the end - it is our fault - for either we did not vote, or we elected wimps. We can only get the mild mannered guys that can look good on TV and polls. After they are elected, they stay the middle ground, because that's who thier constiuents (us) are (wish there was spell check!!!) and we don't want to spend more money.

It is tough for someone to run for an office with "New" Ideas. To get new ideas,  you need to ruffel feathers and go against the norm. The typicall candidate will have deep pockets as well as be connected. (Jesse is the exception that proves the rule). To be connected and have the deep pockets typically means you play the game and don't rock the boat.

Even if we were lucky enough to get that person through the primary, that person will have to have a thick skin, The (media) will dig into the past and find something to write about, be it finacial or social skeletons. There are excellent people that are afraid to run for any office for this very reason.

Sorry for the ramble here folks - but until we can get organized and have a voice - legalization of anything in Minnesota is a long way away. There are strong lobbies to work against - the Native Americans, MADD, GA.

There are answers and solutions. We can have it all. The question is, do we want to work for it?

my thoughts on this twins stadium?  i think the owners and players should finance there own stadium.  i look at the salaries of professional sports figures  and i look at the bottom of my tax form and i ask why me..why not them. they are a lot better off then me. but they will never pay for there own stadium because its to much of a gamble. they would rather take a chance with tax payers money instead. and for some small chance that it does turn a profit they will want there cut.

Well, no sports figures make much money off me, but I sure agree that their salaries seem utterly ridiculous in a world where teachers scrape by and often buy needed school supplies out of their own pockets.

However, sports franchises do offer something of value to many in the community, they generate secondary revenue to middle- and lower-income people, and they offer a sense of civic pride. Well, maybe not the Vikes, but sometimes ... ;-)

The bottom line is, as always, the bottom line. As long as there are cities willing to compete for sports franchises, and fans and advertisers willing to pay big bucks for access to sports, this crap will continue.

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