
Re:My donation....
timbo87 3 Reviews 13277 reads

Please come as soon as possible

travelinmnman7976 reads

Channel 14 (Bloomington Public Access) had a report from the BL PD that two ladies and one gentleman were arrested on Wed and Thurs.  Ladies were "from out of state and advertised on a national board"  Anybody heard about this?

Haven't heard anything, but this does create some concern...

Most busts are "first person," either LE posing as a provider to sting hobbyists, or more likely as a hobbyist to sting providers...  This is easy for LE to do, just make an appointment and show up like anyone else.  But in either case, LE is "in" the transaction, so they directly witness the misdemeanor.

It is both technically and legally much more complicated to bust people "third person," so I'm curious about the mention of a gentleman.  If he was a client, this would be quite disconcerting as thes kinds of busts are quite rare.  In order to witness the misdemeanor without being part of the transaction, LE typically has to resort to surveillence of some sort, and now you're talking about very complex legal issues, court orders, etc.

Hopefully there's a simple explanation...  Perhaps one girl gets busted in room A, rats out her travelling partner who's in Room B with a client, and client ends up in the mess.  Hopefully, the gentleman was just a driver or pimp that was traveling with the girls.

Ironically, it was just a week ago today that I posted an emphatic "Not Bloomington!!!" reply to a provider's request for input.  Let me reiterate...  "Not Bloomington!!!"

First WB, Now Blom. Is there a "safe" place? Are we becoming lax in our diligence ( both providers and hobyists)? Have we fallen into the false sense of security that these sites are immune to LE

Miss_MN6137 reads

There have been many cases where LE ends up busting clients when they were initially interested in busting the provider.  Not to rehash old wounds, but with MGC, they nabbed the clients as they came out and then busted the agency.  With Tangerine, they raided the establishment, took the girls to jail, then had an undercover work the house and they busted any clients that came in that night.  Usually the guys get out of charges if they testify against the girls.  These are just two examples, but I know there are many more.  So, it is not uncommon for both guys and girls to get arrested in the same bust.  It is highly likely that these girls had an appointment set up after LE's, and the guy showed up for it.

AnonyWishes7060 reads

In the case of MGC, a complaint was called in.  They made an apt with one of MGC's escorts and couldn't make her incriminate herself so they started questioning clients coming out.  If MGC would have packed things up when they knew the heat was on from neighbors as well as LE, none of this would have happened and they'd probably still be around.

I don't know about Tangerines, but if it was a business visible to everyday people and businesses adjoining their facility, it doesn't surprise me that they would get busted.  How long were they there at one place?  One day too long obviously  

If the stakes are high (felony offense for an agency, interstate trafficking of women) or complaints are made, they will investigate.  

I know of one specific agency that brings girls here all the time.  They've busted a few of the girls and the girls were smart enough to stay quiet.  They got charged and left the state.  LE didn't in these cases set up the clients because the agency doesn't have clients come and go as they please.  Walk-in massage parlors are a better target for setting up clients who enter after the bust.

We hopefully know to keep our mouths shut.  Anything can and very likely will be held against you.  

I don't know how many men are part of the 1900 busted last year, that would be interesting to know.  Most I'd bet tried to pick up a girl on Hennepin Ave.

My point I'm trying to make... they're after the big fish and usually don't bother with the guys.  If I was a hobbyist, I'd stick with smart people and hope they're smart enough to keep me out of trouble.  If questioned, don't say anything and you'll be fine.  

-- Modified on 4/20/2004 4:03:12 AM

Very well said (like usual) anony...  I think we get jaded about LE and their intentions...  

There are CERTAINLY exceptions, but most people involved in LE aren't out to cause any problems or hassle the gals...  The MGC bust keeps coming up again as a textbook example.  There was so much traffic in and out of that apartment building, for so long, yet it took many complaints  and many visits from the department's CSOs (community serice officers) before any further action was taken...  LE wasn't out "lookin for trouble," in fact, trouble had to yell pretty loud to get their attention.  If there's a guy sitting outside your door with one of those click counters and a clipboard monitoring the heavy flow of traffic in your hallway like it's a skyway, you might want to lay a little lower.

I was disheartened to talk to a young traveler that was busted last November who was really humiliated and treated with genuine contempt by LE...  I've heard other providers who were busted say they were treated as politely as one can be given the circumstances, so when I hear of LE really being jerks to the girls, that's really disappointing.  Save the tough guy routine for the pimps or agencies that are exploiting girls, not for indies or agency girls just out makin' a living.

AnonyWishes7411 reads

We don't hear these as often as they occur.  The girl gets busted... makes bail and leaves.

They've held classes with hotel staff on what to look for and report.

The man was probably traveling with them. Exactly what LE looks for.  Pimps, underage girls and drugs.  Since they're traveling from out of state, they just got busted for a misdemeaner, but I'm guessing their male friend was busted for felony offenses.

Here's the scenario I suspect went on.  Two girls advertising on Eros as visiting.  Traveling with their "friend" check into a hotel together using cash as currency.  

Hotel staff suspects and/or LE comes in for usual check, "show me photo copies of everyone paying with cash".  LE checks the photo's on their id's or surveillance photo's and matches them to their photo's on Eros.  Better yet, they give their booking number as the contact number at check-in, DOH.

LE books a date with fake ID because of course their male friend can supply protection from weirdo's so they only need basics to book a date... full name, cell number and maybe work number.  

LE walks in as a date... asks her if she has any rubbers while hassling her a bit and once she touches him... busted along with her friends. Probably not too hard to bust the other two since they checked in together and probably booked adjoining rooms.

I doubt a hobbyist was involved.  

Next week is a big week with NBA playoffs.  Many traveling ladies coming to cash in on the frenzy.  There will be many busts we probably won't hear of on the strip as well as everywhere people act stupid.  There are no "safe" hotels to work out of, only safe practices and discretion.

Just to add to anony's post.  Last year there were 1,930 prosecutions for prostitution in MN.  I believe (anony may be able to correct me) that this does not include any that were negotiated down to DTP.

bigdogtc200310329 reads

I have noticed that the traveling girls have been easy targets over the last year. With all the ladies that I have seen from out of town always stay in Bloomington.  I understand close to airport and such but why not any other city?  I don't really blame the hotels for this, can you imagaine all that traffic to multiple rooms each and every week?  I mean with house keeping on the floors all day who would not notice???  Girls stay in other citys!!!    Bloomington is not the only place we will travel to.

eroticgina7067 reads

to visit your lovely city but never knew where to stay can anyone help me?
Also 24 new pics coming this week.

Do you have access to PM's on TER or e-mail?  I have some specific recommendations but would prefer to pass them on discreetly.  No e-mail listed on your site or profile.

Good Point! All they need to monitor is # of wrappers in the rooms' trash. Bang! Busted!

eroticgina7616 reads

Now why would any girls leave evidence in her room?
I get rid of it outside of the Hotel after 2-3 clients.

Because you know what you are doing and how to protect yourself.  Some people don't.

OldCowboy6612 reads

And May and July and August and.....

I am interested.  Your price makes me a bit hesitant as there are great local providers who have great reviews (you have great reviews as well).

eroticgina5886 reads

for each city aries I would only make it $325/Hour does that make you feel better?

I'm sure you would have plenty of attention at $300. There are quite a few players in the twin cities that refuse to go over that price point. The major agencies sending girls here have found that $300 seems to work out best for them and their ladies. Anyway charge what you like and good luck to you as you are a cutie!!

Please come as soon as possible

I suspect most of this could be avoided by everyone using a reasonable amount of caution and discretion.  There are always some people who will be careless and they are the most likely ones to attract attention and get busted.  LE only has so much resources so wave a red flag in front of them and they will nail you.  If you drive down the highway at 100 mph, weaving in and out of traffic the highway patrol will pull you over.  Keep it down to 75, drive in a sane fashion, and pay attention to your surroundings and you will likely be fine.  To use another anaology, I lock the doors on my vehicle and take other precautions against theft.  I don't believe it makes me immune but the idea is to get the thieves to look for an easy target.  The same principle applies here I believe.

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