
Re:I warned everyone !!!!!!
keithcl 2 Reviews 4053 reads

I warned everyone about this person ...about two years ago!!!!
but I got RIP on here for telling the truth!...she bad mouth me on here ..call my home and work...but I just laugh in her face a said bring it on!!!!!...
but a lot of guys and Ladys can't do that!!

Tuz...Your a Sweetheart ..you always tell it like it is!!!!
and HUGS to all the REAL Ladys out there who make this great!!!!!

I think mdl or whoever should out the monster ,or monster should come forward and agree to give up all their info and to change.
There has been too many  victims and this is really wrecking a good thing in minnesota for a lot of good and innocent people!! There is no reason that all of the good folks should have to pay ,hide or think twice about a  thing they do in this community -- --

Im tired of hearing about countless good people that have screwed ,played ,threatened, outed , extorted and simply fucked with by the same supposed MENTAL MONSTER--
That kind of bullshit ended in the 80-s-90s when they ran the real pimps out of town!! --I guess we have a new breed that thinks that they run and control this entire community and I think its time that everyone stand up - get our nuts and balls together and not take this type of bullshit!! :)
  This could and SHOULD be a great community -- but due to one persons mental state its turned in to a large cess pool --  Countless people have been hurt INCLUDING MYSELF .  The bad monster sent a color copy of my reviews , my photos and a horrendous letter to my mother !!!! It made me sick and ill and still does --BAd MOnster.......
      There are too many Great providers out there that are all being put in the same category as one nutt case!! Its really sad for us good ones to be conpared in any way to one that is off of there rocker!!  
  Heres my advice and ideas!! I have never and will never agree with the stupid reference system --that was never around before in all the years of this industry and should never have been now!!!
  I do not want the guys name address etc etc,, as im not giving you mine.-- Thats how everyone stayed safe in the past

== sooo men DONT give out your info --
there are sooo many other ways that the gals can feel safe without all of that info..  Ive never in my life heard of such a dumb thing!! Even at the ranch where all is legal we didnt ask NOR WANT the guys names  ---
Which brings up another point--of girls getting references--this has been a joke and a mess since it started .. It does not work and it just again put too much info into the wrong peoples hands .... and some of us got called bad things cuz we didnt have all the data!!!!!
  Maybe we could all pool together a fund for the counseling, medication and the padded room for  the mentally ill person and save our community .  ((NOT))
I try to not say much,, but this is sooo old hearing about people that are getting hurt;( -
 Stop the monster!!!! IM calling scooby doo and his gang!!!!  Can we go back to having some fun around here!!!!!!!!!  
PEace --xoxoxo TUZDAE

nslguy3500 reads

Way to go Tuzdae!!! So very well said...

-- Modified on 10/6/2005 9:14:59 AM

Great to hear from you.  I could not agree more.  Please lets the rest of us know who the hell this is.  I am more than willing to help.  

They are crying out.  They need help and forgiveness.  we need to help bring this to an end the positive way.

I've stayed very much in the background about this mess which has stolen the "f" in "fun" so that it has looked more like the "un" culture of the whole industry.  I commend you Tuzdae, for your courage and know it was not easy for you to write what you did because you have built your career by being a lover of peace.  I hope the other providers will look into their hearts now and also come forward to let us know how they feel.  You've got character girl!!!  I hope there are others who are willing to give back to the community that has been paying their bills.  Kudos to Tuzdae!!!

Well, if you've ever seen Tuzdae's bag of tricks, you already know she's better hung than any of us and now it turns out she has way bigger balls too.

One of the things that will keep this whole disaster from sounding like a few hobbyists just out spouting conspiracy theories, and reveal it for the real nightmare that it is is providers who are willing to stand up and speak out.

I'm not one to "shill" for a provider but I can't think of a better time for about a thousand of us to show our support for her guts, by picking up the phone and burying this poor woman with all the business her schedule can handle.  I mean, let's face it, she's on pretty much every one of our "gotta try that" list or the "gotta get back" list anyway, so why not use this as the excuse?  Kind of a "support our troops" movement turned local.

It is our willingness... both providers and hobbyists, to stand together that will determine the fate of the local hobby scene.

Thank you for being so brave on something like this.


The amount of info some providers are asking for is insane.  Everyone in thei hobby wants to remain as anonymous as possible and I don't need a girl calling work to see who I am.  Nor do I ever want anyone to know where I live.  

I know the providers have huge risks, like that asshole that basically tortured Tia.  But, some of us guys have a lot to lose too.  Our wives will take our house and kids, we could lose our job if work finds out and I don't even want to think about explaining any of this to my mom.

One of the advantage of these boards is that people can get to know you by your handle.  It's the only name I ever give.  if people talk on the board they can get a better idea of who you are.

So more posts and less checks please

Another reason your my ATF

cleavers3132 reads

-- Modified on 10/3/2005 10:15:08 PM

jackieblu4umn3027 reads

Tuzdae and MDL,

I know this sounds pretty weak, but I started crying when I read these threads, you do not know what this woman has put myself, my friends and my family through in the last several weeks or on second thought, I guess you really DO! I have felt so bad for the others out there that have had to deal with her and especially the children-

What do I think of all of you?? That maybe only once in a lifetime do you run into REAL ANGELS ON EARTH!!!! Because we are hobbyists or providers, does that mean that we aren't "good" people? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I AM GETTING UP ON MY FEET, BRUSHING THE DUST OFF AND STANDING WITH YOU.  YOU ARE MY ANGELS, GOD BLESS!

XXXOOO a local provider=jackie

Mistery3926 reads

Whew, there is alot I have been missing. Just wanted to say hello! :-)

Pro43510 reads

Tuze, thanks for a great post. I remember the 70s, 80s, 90s and it sucked.  It is sad to see a bit of it popping up again.  

Having spoken with both providers and hobbyists, it appears that this person has affected many people.   Hopefully she or possibly he (there is an accomplice in this for sure), will burn out all their avenues, eventually imploding and fading away.

It is funny how it just takes a few bad apples to drive a lot of good ones away.  Maybe, in time, things will work out for the better.  I know that people are already organizing, forming their own private communities of trust.  

I also know that more and more hobbyists and providers are wising up to how much information they exchange and with whom.  Obviously we all need to know a little bit about the other for our own safety.  It is sad that someone or several people are bent on polluting that trust.  

In the end, I see more providers and hobbyists either laying low or using private exchanges and services that they can trust - minimal information exchange, etc etc The Back Channel, RS2000.

And not contribute to useless paranoia please remembe, vampires usually have assistants who do their daylight bidding.  Usually it is more than just one person at work - the stooge(s), the crony, the wannabe. Just be wise.

webslavedude3837 reads

although the damage has been done, i imagine that those letters have fingerprints on them.  i also imagine that this person has a record of some sort.  so hang on to that stuff, it might come in handy.  so might logs of those phone calls - even ID-witheld calls can be traced.  also be sure to remember and log the times of the calls - these can shed light on the stalker's schedule, and more.  granted they are taking advantage of everyone's reluctance to contact authorities - but some folks have friends in high and low places, and don't forget non-criminal, civil lawsuits for harassment, etc.  just keep the paper/phone trail.

I have been in the apparent sights for over 3 weeks, involving a disturbing phone call to my hotel room asking my real name, harassing phone calls accusing me of things I am not capable of, let alone even thinking of doing, and making accusations to other providers of things I am doing that are just outright not true.

I also have heard backchannel that there are now threats to send my video to my family, and to try to use that against me to get my kids taken away from me.  I have stayed silent for so long out of fear.....  as have a whole lot of others.  I come forward because Tuzdae and Jackie have offered themselves the courage to stand together, and I stand with them, along with any other ladies that are tired of this pattern of harrassment and are willing to take a stand.

I am also sad to say that the Provider Video party that I have been so looking forward to bringing to Minneapolis has been threatened.  I feel so bad that something I have wanted so badly to bring to the community is on the verge of being cancelled because of one person's psycho vendetta against me and anyone else that just wants to have a good time.  

I also ask that anyone the knows of any rumors against me (I have heard a few doozies already) please let me know so I can set them right.  I have noticed a huge decline in business here, and I want to know if it is something I am doing, or baseless rumors.....  I am truely concerned about my reputation, which was once one of the very best in the midwest.

I know my business has gone down to almost nothing, and as far as I know nothing is being said about me. Do you have pm? because I want to talk to you privatily.

you bet.....  message me here anytime sweetie

nslguy3294 reads

Sorry to say I am pretty sure this is effecting even the unaffected.....just lost passion for any play.....

-- Modified on 10/6/2005 9:15:35 AM

Whew, a lot of bad blood seems to be flowing around here- all the more reason to have a party. I spoke to Amber about this, and now she feels comfortable moving forward with the party, so we will.

Just a heads up, the Provider Video party will be held on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th.

PLEASE TO NOT FLOOD MY TER BOX WITH INQUIRYS AS WE HAVE NOT SET THE LOCATION OR TIME YET, JUST THE DATE. As soon as those things are worked out, they will be posted here or you can contact Amber Foxxx for details.

And due to the circumstances you guys have been dealing with up here, the guest list will be heavily screened to keep known troublemakers out. This will be the first Provider Video event held in the twin cities and we would love it to be as big a blast as they are in Chicago and we would love for this one not to be the last.

Diamond Jim

The biggest provider fights I ever saw stemmed from parties with limited guest lists.

This was totally NOT the fault of the people throwing the gathering!

Certain providers who didn't make "the list" went absolutely fucking nutzo.

Just don't use your position in the hobby to blackmail, extort, or threaten people. Pretty simple stuff. NO ONE will want to attend a porn party if the knew or even suspected that someone was there to gather intel to be used against them at a later date. This is to PROTECT the guests.

I never said making the list wasn't easy.  

I said that providers who don't make the list go fucking nutzo and start doing things like contacting family members and employers and threatening other providers.

There are a few providers in Twin Cities who I've wanted to visit when I get to travel there... I was hoping one of them wasn't her.  
(It's going to be a time before I visit Twin Cities, and I'm hoping this will be resolved by then.)

Unfortunate that there has to be a clinical psychopath in this hobby, making a good time and healthy commerce into hell. If only there were only one.  I wish your community good luck in handling her.  Turn her in is what I say!  Prostitution might be a misdeamenor, but extortion is a felony.  It sounds like as long as she's around you all live in fear of being outed or busted anyway.

This story does make me sick.  

Good post, Tuzdae, I admire you.  We do disagree about the reference system, though.  It's not perfect, but other businesses use this, and things are not going to get better for the hobby till its legal, or at least decriminalized.    

It really is sad that you girls have to deal with that in your city.

When Im on here late at night and have insomnia going on. I tend to post in any giving city.. I really dont care if it is New York boards, National, newbie etc.. Whenever there is a subject of interest to me, My fingers type. They have Tourette's sometimes.. ha

Recently I made a post in regards to Vanica's question about blurred pics vs. no blurred pics on her site.

Apparently this girl you speak of in your community saw this and I had about  3 voicemails (from 3 blocked calls ) the following day. Basically telling me to NOT  come to the twin cities, St paul, or id be in big trouble. 3rd message saying.. Make sure I have a thorough screening process because I'll never know whose showing up at my door.

Of course this didnt bother me, being that I wasn't posting for that reason.. but I can see how your girls would be scared to death over there :( :(

never2safe3464 reads

Blocked calls can be easily traced, if they were harrassing, just contact the police dept and then the phone company.

Also, saved voice mails can easily be converted into files to email.

You would think that people would be smart enough to know that if they keep harrassing people, one day, they're gonna step on the wrong toes. SCARY!

I warned everyone about this person ...about two years ago!!!!
but I got RIP on here for telling the truth!...she bad mouth me on here ..call my home and work...but I just laugh in her face a said bring it on!!!!!...
but a lot of guys and Ladys can't do that!!

Tuz...Your a Sweetheart ..you always tell it like it is!!!!
and HUGS to all the REAL Ladys out there who make this great!!!!!

doorjammer3042 reads

If you make an ASS out of yourself, you can't blame people for getting on,and riding you.

I just told the truth...thats all....and some people just can't handle the truth!!!!!!

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