
Re: Would you call this civil?red_smile
MelissaGFE See my TER Reviews 1551 reads

I suspect more than one or two of Minnesota's beautiful ladies has had their feelings touched by this comment.  Minnesota's top 100 is filled with beautiful women of all sizes.  Each of them as beautiful and talented as the size zero's.  Here is an interesting article.

Guys and gals, I have noticed many mean spirited posts here recently. We are all in this together so lets post in that spirit. If I continue to see this sniping you can have this site to yourself and I will not participate. It takes a real man to take shots at people you don't know and will never know.
Have a nice day!

Better to continue to post and participate in a civil manner regardless of what the trolls do than let them drive you away.

MsChayse1262 reads

While I realize there have been those that have not been as civil as we would like to see they are fewer & farther between than they were even up till a month ago. Even then the more sensible hobbyists & providers out numbered them & put the skids to their poor manners rather quickly.

Any public forum is going to have it's Trolls that want to get people's adrenaline pumping but this board over all has been pretty tame in comparison. There are worse boards out there. Believe that & the reason they are worse is because the members of those other boards have allowed them to take over. Please consider that. We need to keep the Trolls in check to keep the board functional.


doggie_daddy421262 reads

what does that mean?  that you won't ALLOW a free exchange unless others agree with you?  are you the disseminator of all that is correct(to you)?

you can't control me or anyone else..you are rather pompous to believe that.

Are you the "we" in "we need to keep the trolls in check to keep the board functional?" WTF are you talking about.  Functional?  Your definition of functional?  Some folks get so fucking tired of your know-it-all attitude.  

As my  son said to me many moons ago  "you are not the boss of me"  

have fun

MsChayse1057 reads

I'm not saying I or anyone else can control anyone. Nor do I profess to be all knowing. I do however post my opinions in a sincere effort to be of assistance. & I can admit that at times I have been out of line when I've lost patience. In doing so, I have discovered through other's disagreeing with me at times that I was misinformed & yup, straight up wrong. That's ok. It's a learning experience. What I am saying is I am proud of & appreciate the fact that the MAJORITY of posters on this board over-all out weigh those that come here to attack & cause mayhem.

Your posts in this thread are an good example of what is not civil.  People can voice differing views, even get argumentative without getting personal or by using offensive language.  I suggest you dial it back a bit if you want people to take your posts seriously.  


Posted By: doggie_daddy42
what does that mean?  that you won't ALLOW a free exchange unless others agree with you?  are you the disseminator of all that is correct(to you)?

you can't control me or anyone else..you are rather pompous to believe that.

Are you the "we" in "we need to keep the trolls in check to keep the board functional?" WTF are you talking about.  Functional?  Your definition of functional?  Some folks get so fucking tired of your know-it-all attitude.  

As my  son said to me many moons ago  "you are not the boss of me"  

have fun

Wow, what was that?

Is it really necessary to lash out at others just because you have a differing opinion? All I got from your post was that you have difficulty expressing your opinion without tearing into someone. Your post doesn't make a point or counterpoint. It's just spew.

Posted By: doggie_daddy42
what does that mean?  that you won't ALLOW a free exchange unless others agree with you?  are you the disseminator of all that is correct(to you)?

you can't control me or anyone else..you are rather pompous to believe that.

Are you the "we" in "we need to keep the trolls in check to keep the board functional?" WTF are you talking about.  Functional?  Your definition of functional?  Some folks get so fucking tired of your know-it-all attitude.  

As my  son said to me many moons ago  "you are not the boss of me"  

have fun
We all know who decides which posts are acceptable and which one are not and it is not anyone from around here.  This is nothing more complicated than the idea that when trolls post their inflammatory comments that the best solution is not to engage them in a nasty flame war or to walk away but to post rebuttals pointing out the errors in what they said.  If enough people do this, the trolls won't have much influence.  If not enough do this then you end up with a board where the trolls are the dominnt posters and is of little to no vale to the rest of us.

doggie_daddy42994 reads

this is a direct quote from a recent post by you sirbucky:

"However, I see glowing ads all the time and check out the pics and see older and larger women than I would expect. Yet,  I see 8s and 9s for their looks. What gives?, are these pics accurate or the reviews? "

Is there something wrong with older and larger women to you? Appearance has been discussed soooo may times is subjective.  I do know a provider or 2 that was offended by this prejudicial remark.  Are they not worthy of 8 and 9's?

pot calling the kettle black?

I suspect more than one or two of Minnesota's beautiful ladies has had their feelings touched by this comment.  Minnesota's top 100 is filled with beautiful women of all sizes.  Each of them as beautiful and talented as the size zero's.  Here is an interesting article.

my2centsworth724 reads

I don't disagree with your post, but do you really think anybody cares if you have a hissy fit and decide not to participate?? Seems to me your post is a tad mean spirited as well.

ThreeCupsPlease974 reads

I recommend that the "powers that be" immediately appoint an "Etiquette Czar" to review all issues of etiquette that may be touched upon by posts to this board, and order harsh discipline to all those that are deemed impolite.  I nominate sirbucky to be Etiquette Czar, to serve for a single life term, based upon his background and experience with matters of good taste.  I also urge the board to grant sirbucky complete and total power in such matters, and that it be not subject to any appeals or recall.

Long live sirbucky, and long live good taste and etiquette!  

Would anyone like to nominate themselves as the "Potentate of Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling?"

Posted By: sirbucky
Guys and gals, I have noticed many mean spirited posts here recently. We are all in this together so lets post in that spirit. If I continue to see this sniping you can have this site to yourself and I will not participate. It takes a real man to take shots at people you don't know and will never know.
Have a nice day!

than under bridges, as we say. Don't feed them, and they'll go away.

unless someone is being vicious, posting spam, etc.

The boards overall seem pretty civil and the helpful comments far outweigh the negative ones. There are a few whose buttons get pushed too easily and immediately get into a spat but *shrug*, it can be fun when the insults are particularly inventive.

Re: comments on looks. This is a tough one since beauty is so subjective but I find it helpful when a little more details are given, e.g., if you are looking for a spinner, she may not be for you but I found her gorgeous and ripe!

And I'll echo what others have said about each review being about a human being. You can get most any point across without being crude or demeaning. Whether online or in person, kindness and respect go a long way.

And if you don't agree, go fuc-, er, I respect your opinion ;)

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