
Re: Vantheman, do you have any reviews you can write?
vantheman666 10 Reviews 374 reads

I haven't seen anyone new in a while, so no reviews to write.

If you're ignoring me, give me a "like" and tell me why you're ignoring me and better yet, what I can do to be unignored. You can PM me, that way the whole board won't know you're giving me a second chance. Wouldn't want the WKs or your "friends" to find out lol.

Friends can of course respond, too lol.

I looked back at a few posts a couple years ago and there were literally thousands of views. Nothing like now and I thought that was cool. A lot of threads had many views unlike now so it's likely a loss of members more than anything else and not the other issues that MN has.

-- Modified on 6/21/2016 12:21:30 PM

-- Modified on 6/21/2016 3:18:12 PM

If someone is ignoring you, how would they know to like your post?

(Not ignoring you, apparently).

Ha good one.  
Guess the thread title disappears, too?  
In answer to your question about how they'd know, I think the "secret word of mouth" still works๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

I only know that someone is ignoring me when I try to send them a PM, usually with my greatest writings๐Ÿ˜ 

Posted By: DreiHoden
If someone is ignoring you, how would they know to like your post?  
 (Not ignoring you, apparently).
-- Modified on 6/21/2016 5:22:51 PM

everyone who is presently ignoring you is reading your every word via their other handles/aliases.  It's the way the board works now a days, apparently.  Side note, I'm not ignoring PM's either folks.  No VIP, no plans to get it anytime soon.  Waste of money.  Those that know me can throw up the bat signal in other ways.

I'm guessing that's an all time high for me๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted By: Wongbater
everyone who is presently ignoring you is reading your every word via their other handles/aliases.  It's the way the board works now a days, apparently.  Side note, I'm not ignoring PM's either folks.  No VIP, no plans to get it anytime soon.  Waste of money.  Those that know me can throw up the bat signal in other ways.  

So if someone is ignoring more than one other poster, they may not even know who posted.

and Wong is a big picture guy.  The totally odd couple.  Just saying I'm not Felix.  Wad...chime in already

Sounds like you need a hug buddy !  
meet you down at the 5s

At the 5S...except from MMS lol.

How to Win Friends and Influence People...again lol.

Posted By: jchan113
Please share.  

Isn't that book like 80 years old or something? Good news is, it's a quick read & an easy read. Went through it 30 years ago, and doing so got me so laid, so many times, I've never looked back! A timeless classic. "Speak in terms of other peoples' interests". Ya just gotta decipher which "other peoples" and "interests" you're dealing with. Bad news is, it never stops. Which, it turns out, is a good problem to have.

I should read it again - I've noticed a few occasions where I was kind of a prick, for only self-serving reasons. That shit always comes back to bite me.

Posted By: OldTimerB
How to Win Friends and Influence People...lol

...at most. Yet, as you go back to older pages, the number of views of the posts has increased by several hundred. As you go back several years, post views can number in the thousands and sometimes in the 10s of thousands. I think it's odd that views of older posts seem to keep increasing over time. I suspect that if you look at this post a couple of years from now you'll see that your OP will have a couple thousand views even tho it had nowhere near that when it left the 1st page. This phenomenon occurs on other discussion boards, too.  I think there's some other mechanism at work here other than the number of members or the loss thereof. It's difficult for me to believe that there are that many people who actually go back and read posts that are years old on such a consistent basis.

I've never even noticed the "like" link. I was looking for a button.  Found it, though.

Just because I don't respond to someone's post or don't like it doesn't mean that I'm ignoring them.  I don't "like" or comment unless I have something useful to add to a thread.  As for PMs, I've got 9 of the damn things sitting in my inbox, but I don't have VIP right now.  It's starting to bug the shit out of me, but on my limited budget I can be reluctant to upgrade, because it means waiting at least 2 more weeks before having a wonderful date with a wonderful lady.  OTOH, I suspect some of those PMs are from ladies attempting hot pursuit of me, so maybe I should shell out $40 for a damn Target card and see what my prospects are.  No, OTB, I'm not ignoring you.

Two weeks VIP, 15 days for the anal retentive lol.

I haven't seen anyone new in a while, so no reviews to write.

If you've seen anyone this year, you could probably write a review. Technically it's supposed to be from the last 3 months but who's to say your review from before 3/24 isn't valid.

Posted By: vantheman666
I haven't seen anyone new in a while, so no reviews to write.

Suggesting that guys be dishonest about the dates on their reviews in order to get them published for VIP days?

Was that mentioned in that book you're reading?

Posted By: OldTimerB
If you've seen anyone this year, you could probably write a review. Technically it's supposed to be from the last 3 months but who's to say your review from before 3/24 isn't valid.  
Posted By: vantheman666
I haven't seen anyone new in a while, so no reviews to write.

Saw someone in June, posted a review saying May. Same BFD.  

I just made a suggestion that might help a brother hobbyist out, something you know nothing about obviously.

Maybe all of "us" on the other side will start scanning your past posts to see if you've ever broken the law. Get real.

IMO what really helps brother hobbyists out is being honest in reviews, while acknowledging a lot of what's in reviews is subjective.  

But the date of the session isn't subjective.  

Go ahead and scan my past posts, if that tickles your fancy.  They're on a public web site after all... anyone who wants to do that can do it.  That seems to me to be a really boring way to spend a beautiful summer day, but to each his own.

If means he has not seen anyone he hasn't reviewed then writing a new review of someone he has already reviewed won't get him VIP.

Wait two week???? Damn, that sucks, I see 3-5 just about every week.

Posted By: vantheman666
Just because I don't respond to someone's post or don't like it doesn't mean that I'm ignoring them.  I don't "like" or comment unless I have something useful to add to a thread.  As for PMs, I've got 9 of the damn things sitting in my inbox, but I don't have VIP right now.  It's starting to bug the shit out of me, but on my limited budget I can be reluctant to upgrade, because it means waiting at least 2 more weeks before having a wonderful date with a wonderful lady.  OTOH, I suspect some of those PMs are from ladies attempting hot pursuit of me, so maybe I should shell out $40 for a damn Target card and see what my prospects are.  No, OTB, I'm not ignoring you.

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