
Re: Those were some good times
rochmn 288 reads

Those  M&G were  great  times

I hope everyone had a great 4th!

I was just checking out the other boards and I came across the Meet & Greet Board and it got me wondering why we don't have M&Gs here in the Cities?  It seems like other areas around the country have them regularly with no issues.  Unless I'm missing something, I'm not understanding what the issues would be legally to facilitate a private party where adults can just gather and meet, that's all.  I totally understand the ramifications if any type of activity during a M&G could be considered questionable or illegal.  I also understand the logistical difficulties associated with scheduling a M&G (scheduling a venue, cost, security, etc.)  I'm curious what other think?  I know a couple of summers ago there was a plan to have a M&G, but the organizer was advised to cancel.

I'm looking forward to hear what other are thinking.

Be Safe!


-- Modified on 7/5/2015 10:15:13 AM

LE takes an inordinate interest in such gatherings and no one wants them to show up, regardless of whether or not anything illegal is actually happening.

...but there seems to be healthy paranoia about conducting a publicly advertised M&G here.  

Phoenix recently had their first openly advertised M&G since 2008 and the reports are that it was quite successful and well attended, unfortunately, I couldn't make it to that one. I've attended the last two Las Vegas open M&Gs and each of them were a rockin' good time where I established new friendships with both the men and ladies and reestablished friendships with some of nation's top mongers and Providers.  

It would be nice if there was an open Minnesota M&G. When I say open I don't mean that security and vetting should be lax; au contraire, security and vetting should be at least as restrictive and exclusive as the most reasonable Provider feels comfortable with.

Good thread!  :)

...this would generate more discussion.


I think many of us don't know much about the M&Gs, have never been invited (like Drumsticks said), aren't part of the right crowd lol, or simply don't want to be seen by others as they want to keep their hobbying as private as possible. I'm sure there are several other reasons why but I also thought this thread would have been more active.

Could it just be the timing with the 4th?

Posted By: buck1848
...this would generate more discussion.  

Very true, timing is everything!


Plus, they are very tightly controlled and kept quiet here in MN since 2008.

Not much more to say publicly than that.

slatmaker470 reads

I attended several back when Tiger was around. I enjoyed meeting the ladies but all the men, including myself, were not all that interested in conversing with the other men.

oohga409 reads

It seems to me that given the current climate meet and greet are a very bad and unnecessary idea.

I recall those meet & greets quite fondly. I did enjoy talking to some of the guys as well as chatting up the ladies.

Sadly, too many people don't like others having those kinds of good times.

rochmn289 reads

Those  M&G were  great  times

MinnesotaFriend328 reads

I was at the last one before they took down the Nice Guys.  It was a lot of fun. I went UTR after that.  But I still lurk.

Posted By: rochmn
Those  M&G were  great  times

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