
Re: So having sex for a lesser amount (or free) to satisify your needs...
loveyourtouch 500 reads

That was sort of my point from the beginning. Rather than post here, where no one could help you (since it wasn't  an ad..cough cough), why didn't  you just ring up an old friend (or good client)? Just think of the repeat business.  And, no, I didn't miss the obvious. Of course I don't know you and don't care to. My comments were solely based on the gibberish you wrote in the first place.

I'm trying to keep this from sounding like an ad because it's not, but holy shit, I'm horny. Obviously I'm not unique in this, as other women get horny too, but I get like...insatiable. It's frustrating because while guys can just hire a provider, I'm kind of stuck. I mean there's always CL but I don't want to run the risk of getting murdered or just plain disappointed. I try not to reach out to even favorite clients because I don't want it to sound like I'm lying and just hitting them up for cash, though I still need that boundary there.  

Ugh. Dying. Okay vent over. No real point to this, except to maybe commiserate with all the horny people out there.

loveyourtouch519 reads

I know I'll be ripped up and down for this, but so be it.

You are an escort. Guys pay to fuck you.  Why not just post an ad and say you'll fuck the next 10 guys for $100 or $50??  Or....  call a few of your regulars on the sly and say, "Hey...  I'm super horny.  If you can come over soon, I'll do ya for free as long as you take care of me."

Welcome to what guys feel.  Except we have to pay for it.  And pay a lot.  Can't say I feel for ya because I've never been paid to have sex, and being a guy, there really aren't those options (maybe for gay sex, but that ain't me).  Just put in a new set of batteries and have fun.

loveyourtouch429 reads

...  you mentioned insatiable.  Well, guys get that feeling too.  Just think how expensive it'd be for a guy to "just hire an escort" as you wrote to meet his desires.  Could spend over a grand a day- easily sometimes- to get fully satisfied.  If you had to pay to be satiated, what do you think that would cost?  Welcome to the male world.

The reason I don't post an ad offering $100 qv or whatever is I, while horny and unsatisfied, still regain enough self control to keep my personal standards up.  

It looks like it's a dry day for both of us ;)

loveyourtouch489 reads

... lowers your standards?  Really?  To me that says a lot.  Not even some good clients you could show customer appreciation with?  One can still have standards and respect but participate in sex for the sake of sex.  I don't see the correlation as you do.  After all, how many married or attached guys come to you and pay for services?  What do you think their partners would say about standards and respect.  Pretty relative term, huh??

Today might be dry for you, but please don't speak for me because I happen to write my beliefs on this board.  We've never met or exchanged emails.  You don't know me at all.

I think I may know a bit more than you about the kind of client I would get advertising for $100. As for free sex, that's a different story. An old friend pulled through, and I'm unsatisfied no more!  

I won't speak for you if you don't speak for me. To point out the obvious (which you may have missed) you don't know me either.  

Aaaaand that's all folks, have a good night!

-- Modified on 9/1/2016 9:08:01 PM

loveyourtouch501 reads

That was sort of my point from the beginning. Rather than post here, where no one could help you (since it wasn't  an ad..cough cough), why didn't  you just ring up an old friend (or good client)? Just think of the repeat business.  And, no, I didn't miss the obvious. Of course I don't know you and don't care to. My comments were solely based on the gibberish you wrote in the first place.

Butthole335 reads

...choices are limitless!

where this is going to lead don't you Leeass, or BM, or Dumbstix, or whoever is logging in on this handle currently..

Butthole300 reads

Who knows??  ;-)

-- Modified on 9/2/2016 12:42:06 AM

I swear I masturbate at least 3-4 times a day that's including seeing 2-3 clients a day... My hormones are off the charts...  My over night guy was like "really Gemma"? We just did it.... Btw I kept him up all night....  But I feel ya... I venture into tindr, bumble when touring but civie guys seem to play stupid games & get scared when a girl states they are DTF!! Ugh... Thank GAWD for my lelo & the bag of goodies I travel with!!!  

Oh Minneapolis, you have become my 2nd city I adore the most!!! See you soon!!!  

It's seriously unsettling when women, especially ones you don't know well, come onto you. Because most guys aren't used to that, and there are a lot of crazy girls pit there. You get to feeling like you're being pushed by an intense salesman. You know he's probably not looking out for your best interests.

...are unabashed in revealing that. I s'pose that's what makes them especially good at what they do. A woman who openly expresses that she gets horny for no particular reason can unnerve some men but most of us love thinking about your wet panties.

loveyourtouch370 reads

...or other parts of her body?  Wonder what else she's hiding in there?  Would give "opening up Pandora's box" a new meaning.... if her name were only Pandora.

I am $20,000 in debt from a shitty marriage, and of course have to pay alimony per the divorce.  And it gets even more fucked up than that.  Right now, because of insufficient funds, I am still living with my ex-wife and mother in law.  My need to get the hell out of that house drives me out barhopping, where I spend more money.  I do my hobbying by setting aside $20 per week.  Because of that, I am unable to set dates with the average-priced women around here, and work with a $150-$250 budget per date.  That means, on average (unless I happen to get lucky at the bar), I get a "date" once every two or three months.  With civie dates, it's even worse.  I have to spend money on a woman, and hope that it "pays off."  As a man, I don't have the luxury of sitting at the bar and having members of the opposite sex hit on me.

However, I have a delicious idea.  If I were to get VIP for a month, and could get PMs, would any of you local ladies be interested in procuring a friend with benefits for those moments when you're horny but not getting any business?  Of course, I would be willing to go through your screening to prove I'm not a freak.

Any bites?

loveyourtouch319 reads

... fucked up and pathetic story.  I hope it was only written as sarcasm.   I'm sure there will be a never-ending line of escorts willing to be your FWB while everyone else pays.   I'm SURE...100%....no other guy has ever offered this service to every escort he pumps.   Better plan on many more nights at the local bars.  And if you can't snag some puss with a semi-intoxicated woman, why would a several-hundred-dollar-per-hour hooker give it to you for free??

Butthole401 reads

4 or 5 Providers call me for a good dickin'

What sucks though....ALL women require TWO whole months of VIP. You only offered to buy one.
Damn, so close!

loveyourtouch366 reads

...OP will be spending more time at the bar.

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