
Re: Simple
loveyourtouch 3342 reads
1 / 21

I shouldn't give the peanut gallery the pleasure because I can already hear the snickering, but I will just so I can vent and ask a question or two. (Keep in mind I am a massage guy.  Not FS.)

This was probably one of my worst weeks EVER in the hobby.  It's obvious some providers have no shame and lack character when it comes to being honest.

Just saw my third provider this week, and ALL THREE had a visitor! (Verifiable.)  Despite me CLEARLY conveying the message that I like NUDE, B2B, sensual, and exchange massage, I was clearly told yes, yes, yes, and yes.  NOT ONE of them had the decency to let me know that perhaps another time would be better suited for this type of massage.  And in 2 of 3, the panties never came off. Probably a good thing, but so much for nude, eh? What is the probability and what are the odds?  (OK, for those in the back of the class, that was a rhetorical question.  I am well versed in statistics and can calculate the probability and odds.  And yes, there is a difference.)

I know this topic (or similar) was on the board a month or so ago, but why are providers so remiss in giving details like this? Such details are pretty important to know, are they not?  In 2 of 3 cases, I was dealing directly with the woman not a scheduler.

Just pisses me off thinking the money I wasted.  Could have spent that with other providers.  So is the first question I need to ask when scheduling an appointment, "Are you on your period?"  I'm sure that would go over quite well huh? Would anyone even respond to me??

I feel like my fingers are a diving rod.  But instead of finding water, they find the menses.  Perhaps this is the Almighty's way of telling me it's time to leave the hobby and enjoy other things .....

C'mon, ladies.  Please??? We're adults. We understand how a woman's body works. If you're into nude, sensual, and exchange, please do your clients a favor and be honest with them. Do you have any idea how far that honesty will go? Guys will appreciate that and repeat.  Sort of like short term pain for long term gain.  I know I would continue to see a woman whom I know will be on the level with me.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 539 reads
2 / 21

Of course you are right, providers (message or fs) should know that they are not able to give you the kind of session you expected when you made the appointment, while they deal their monthly cycle.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
I shouldn't give the peanut gallery the pleasure because I can already hear the snickering, but I will just so I can vent and ask a question or two. (Keep in mind I am a massage guy.  Not FS.)  
 This was probably one of my worst weeks EVER in the hobby.  It's obvious some providers have no shame and lack character when it comes to being honest.  
 Just saw my third provider this week, and ALL THREE had a visitor! (Verifiable.)  Despite me CLEARLY conveying the message that I like NUDE, B2B, sensual, and exchange massage, I was clearly told yes, yes, yes, and yes.  NOT ONE of them had the decency to let me know that perhaps another time would be better suited for this type of massage.  And in 2 of 3, the panties never came off. Probably a good thing, but so much for nude, eh? What is the probability and what are the odds?  (OK, for those in the back of the class, that was a rhetorical question.  I am well versed in statistics and can calculate the probability and odds.  And yes, there is a difference.)  
 I know this topic (or similar) was on the board a month or so ago, but why are providers so remiss in giving details like this? Such details are pretty important to know, are they not?  In 2 of 3 cases, I was dealing directly with the woman not a scheduler.  
 Just pisses me off thinking the money I wasted.  Could have spent that with other providers.  So is the first question I need to ask when scheduling an appointment, "Are you on your period?"  I'm sure that would go over quite well huh? Would anyone even respond to me??  
 I feel like my fingers are a diving rod.  But instead of finding water, they find the menses.  Perhaps this is the Almighty's way of telling me it's time to leave the hobby and enjoy other things .....  
 C'mon, ladies.  Please??? We're adults. We understand how a woman's body works. If you're into nude, sensual, and exchange, please do your clients a favor and be honest with them. Do you have any idea how far that honesty will go? Guys will appreciate that and repeat.  Sort of like short term pain for long term gain.  I know I would continue to see a woman whom I know will be on the level with me.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 610 reads
3 / 21

It happened to you and not me😂

Seriously, that is some serious bad luck.  
Maybe take a step back and a few days off with some favorite cold drinks or hot foods or whatever comforts you...

And get back on that horse next Tuesda

Wongbater 40 Reviews 417 reads
4 / 21
vorlon 119 Reviews 471 reads
5 / 21

As for why they do it, they want the $$ and they want it now.  Long term thinking isn't what they do.  Hopefully your next choice will work out as you desire.

ChefTito 31 Reviews 526 reads
6 / 21

I understand your frustration but the majority of massage girls aren't in it for the long haul.  Weeks, possibly months and it's all about the money and then, poof, they are gone.  If you were in direct contact with 2 of them then ask them why they didn't tell you that Aunt Flow was in town for a visit.  It appears that the only thing you didn't receive during 2 of your sessions was nudity.  Assuming these were first time visits for you were you expecting FIV and DATY?

loveyourtouch 393 reads
7 / 21

Wasn't expecting DATY or FIV, but they're  nice options to have  on the table.  But there was no nude as promised. Plus, every now and  then  when they are standing in certain ways or are in certain positions, let's just say the olfactory lobes get stressed.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 333 reads
8 / 21

In a good way or bad?😠

Posted By: loveyourtouch
Wasn't expecting DATY or FIV, but they're  nice options to have  on the table.  But there was no nude as promised. Plus, every now and  then  when they are standing in certain ways or are in certain positions, let's just say the olfactory lobes get stressed.

funman1969 9 Reviews 436 reads
9 / 21

Just put in ad . " My "  door will be locked from the 20th - 23rd every month

Posted By: loveyourtouch
I shouldn't give the peanut gallery the pleasure because I can already hear the snickering, but I will just so I can vent and ask a question or two. (Keep in mind I am a massage guy.  Not FS.)  
 This was probably one of my worst weeks EVER in the hobby.  It's obvious some providers have no shame and lack character when it comes to being honest.  
 Just saw my third provider this week, and ALL THREE had a visitor! (Verifiable.)  Despite me CLEARLY conveying the message that I like NUDE, B2B, sensual, and exchange massage, I was clearly told yes, yes, yes, and yes.  NOT ONE of them had the decency to let me know that perhaps another time would be better suited for this type of massage.  And in 2 of 3, the panties never came off. Probably a good thing, but so much for nude, eh? What is the probability and what are the odds?  (OK, for those in the back of the class, that was a rhetorical question.  I am well versed in statistics and can calculate the probability and odds.  And yes, there is a difference.)  
 I know this topic (or similar) was on the board a month or so ago, but why are providers so remiss in giving details like this? Such details are pretty important to know, are they not?  In 2 of 3 cases, I was dealing directly with the woman not a scheduler.  
 Just pisses me off thinking the money I wasted.  Could have spent that with other providers.  So is the first question I need to ask when scheduling an appointment, "Are you on your period?"  I'm sure that would go over quite well huh? Would anyone even respond to me??  
 I feel like my fingers are a diving rod.  But instead of finding water, they find the menses.  Perhaps this is the Almighty's way of telling me it's time to leave the hobby and enjoy other things .....  
 C'mon, ladies.  Please??? We're adults. We understand how a woman's body works. If you're into nude, sensual, and exchange, please do your clients a favor and be honest with them. Do you have any idea how far that honesty will go? Guys will appreciate that and repeat.  Sort of like short term pain for long term gain.  I know I would continue to see a woman whom I know will be on the level with me.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 367 reads
10 / 21

If only it were that simple...and regular lol.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 347 reads
11 / 21

butt he gets the budussy experience instead.  Poor performance merits demerits.  Don't be the typical cuckolded client.  Review the hell out of it.  If you showed up fresh as a daisy and got the bait and switch fuck around then commit it to record so mongers know to pay more expect less.

ChefTito 31 Reviews 366 reads
12 / 21

I was very new to the hobby and I scheduled with a well known provider.  She was the second provider I had visited and this would be my second visit with her and I was really looking forward to it.  On the flip I became a bit bolder and let my hand slowly caress her inner thigh (she was nude) and up to her flower and WTF I feel a string but also tape, like packing tape.  Since I had other things on my mind I didn't think much of it or ask her about it.  Obviously I Knew her Aunt was in town but the tape threw me off.  Later I assumed the tape was there to keep wandering fingers away but also trap any potentially unpleasant odors.  Ladies, is that a common technique used in the biz?

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 394 reads
13 / 21

Funny? No it's not.  

Posted By: ChefTito
I was very new to the hobby and I scheduled with a well known provider.  She was the second provider I had visited and this would be my second visit with her and I was really looking forward to it.  On the flip I became a bit bolder and let my hand slowly caress her inner thigh (she was nude) and up to her flower and WTF I feel a string but also tape, like packing tape.  Since I had other things on my mind I didn't think much of it or ask her about it.  Obviously I Knew her Aunt was in town but the tape threw me off.  Later I assumed the tape was there to keep wandering fingers away but also trap any potentially unpleasant odors.  Ladies, is that a common technique used in the biz?

ChefTito 31 Reviews 416 reads
14 / 21

I can laugh at the situation since it happened to me.  There is a lot worse that happens and it's usually the client that is doing it; falling asleep, or no,t and farting, shitting on the table.  And those were just massage girl stories.....
By the way, no names were mentioned to me.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 270 reads
15 / 21
vorlon 119 Reviews 316 reads
16 / 21

Agreed.  Reviews lose half their value if all we here is the good experiences.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 391 reads
17 / 21

couple won't allow.  ;(

So many things I leave unsaid

Major frowny face

loveyourtouch 386 reads
18 / 21
loveyourtouch 327 reads
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....shit on the sheets next time this happens to me. But I'd  hate to live with the new nick name ....not to mention would  probably  get  blacklisted

sweetromantic 142 Reviews 440 reads
20 / 21

My 2 regular providers know what I expect from them and they let me know its not a good time to see them and I know what they mean, I remember these dates and know not to try to see them during that week.

loveyourtouch 316 reads
21 / 21
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