
Re: If there's a complete list...
hotchaa 70 Reviews 469 reads

100% agree.   If the reply is from Em I stop any research or review checking.   She is money in the bank

So Em schedules for two girls I have seen and another I am interested in seeing.   I am wondering, is there any list of who she schedules for?  Would it be rude to ask her?

I am asking, because she seems to work with the type of girls I really like and my two experiences so far have been great and the one girl I am interested in is one of the best regarded on the site.

I kind of just want to be able to ask her "Hey, if I really like ________, who would you recommend?"

But I worry that this might be against the rules or something.

... Em would be the best source for it. So, why not go right to the source?

"she" will let you know who might be available in a given time, but didn't respond when I asked if there is a list of everyone she schedules.

I did not think she would, but thanks for asking.

She does seem to be connected with some of the best ladies out there.

Em does schedule for some of the greatest ladies out there.

In fact if I contact a provider and Em responds it is a check in the yes column because of Em's professionalism.

100% agree.   If the reply is from Em I stop any research or review checking.   She is money in the bank

Careful though. How easy would it be for a LEO to reply saying they are Em. It's just an anonymous moniker online. Still need to be careful.

i mean this in the kindest of ways, but did you think EM would openly say/admit to knowing what / that you ask? This is a gray hobby, and the answer to that sort of an answer opens up a HOST of legal liability to those that answer with accuracy and are later called to explain. Next time phrase it more differently, perhaps in the form of a vague question, as tho you'd never met / had no prior knowledge of the nature of each other, and you MIGHT get an answer.

If you want to talk to Em and want recommendations, you can always email through my email.  I don't ever mind that at all.  Em knows and looks out for the girls AND the guys!


I suppose a person who emails every provider that advertises everywhere can compile his or her own list  but providing one to anyone who asks seems a bit strange.  That's just me though.  I suppose Talon does have major pull around these parts so I shouldn't be surprised.  :-)

Posted By: talon199094

Check your PM

Posted By: Wongbater
I suppose a person who emails every provider that advertises everywhere can compile his or her own list  but providing one to anyone who asks seems a bit strange.  That's just me though.  I suppose Talon does have major pull around these parts so I shouldn't be surprised.  :-)  
Posted By: talon199094

So all new messages will sit there unread.  Not paying this site ever for the opportunity to read the "juicy details" on an ever increasing pile of fake reviews.  

Posted By: talon199094
Check your PM  
Posted By: Wongbater
I suppose a person who emails every provider that advertises everywhere can compile his or her own list  but providing one to anyone who asks seems a bit strange.  That's just me though.  I suppose Talon does have major pull around these parts so I shouldn't be surprised.  :-)  
Posted By: talon199094

In my inbox I do certainly have a list...wow.  Thanks Talon I think we are even stevens at this point.

cumotz397 reads

Did you get everything on the list? Where did you go? Whole foods or the Wedge? Did Em thank you?

If I was EM, I wouldn't give you a list of the ladies I schedule for. But I would suggest or recommend a lady you haven't seen before.
Giving a list of providers to new or even a regular client is not good for biz.


Posted By: hotchaa
So Em schedules for two girls I have seen and another I am interested in seeing.   I am wondering, is there any list of who she schedules for?  Would it be rude to ask her?  
 I am asking, because she seems to work with the type of girls I really like and my two experiences so far have been great and the one girl I am interested in is one of the best regarded on the site.  
 I kind of just want to be able to ask her "Hey, if I really like ________, who would you recommend?"  
 But I worry that this might be against the rules or something.

But you might just be better off doing as others have suggested and ask for recommendations.  Em might not be comfortable just handing out the entire list.

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