
Re: I love your accountability.
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 961 reads

Good points...a "manager" could be getting her name out there, too.  
Sometimes even bad publicity can build a girl's business. Not how I would do it but...

Strange how the OP has nothing to say. Either way, I appreciate the heads up about her and I'm looking to see other ladies, at least for the time being.
Posted By: MrCOYOTE
I can't tell if the OP is describing a real NS or is her manager who concocted this story to punish her for going freelance.  Can you?  
 The fact that she does not respond does not say much. There is no evidence that she knows about this board or that the OP told her what he would do.

pushmepullu2164 reads

Set up an appointment with this massage provider yesterday. All seemed fine, provided my references, received directions - nothing out of the ordinary until about 10 minutes before the appointment (when I was a few blocks away) I received an email = "Hey sweetie I have to reschedule". And that was it. I replied and texted for some clarification, no response.

I don't know if this is someone playing games, I noticed that she's not reviewed, but something here is very much out of the ordinary.

Unless the provider in question would like to chime in to provide an explanation, all I can say is, I would recommend that you stay away. Either she is flaky in the extreme or something unusual is afoot.

(Posted via an alias)

You trash someone from behind an alias. Nice

Mr. Coyote,

I can't really say how I feel one way or another about the hiding behind an alias but I do appreciate him bringing it to our attention about her. She has had some time to respond. How would you have handled it? I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, just asking the question.

Posted By: MrCOYOTE
You trash someone from behind an alias. Nice

I can't tell if the OP is describing a real NS or is her manager who concocted this story to punish her for going freelance.  Can you?
The fact that she does not respond does not say much. There is no evidence that she knows about this board or that the OP told her what he would do.

Good points...a "manager" could be getting her name out there, too.  
Sometimes even bad publicity can build a girl's business. Not how I would do it but...

Strange how the OP has nothing to say. Either way, I appreciate the heads up about her and I'm looking to see other ladies, at least for the time being.

Posted By: MrCOYOTE
I can't tell if the OP is describing a real NS or is her manager who concocted this story to punish her for going freelance.  Can you?  
 The fact that she does not respond does not say much. There is no evidence that she knows about this board or that the OP told her what he would do.

pushmepullu1092 reads

1) I'm not her 'manager'. That is something of an elaborate conspiracy theory, but you can believe me or not.

2) I texted her three times after the last minute cancellation. Then emailed her. No response. Considering I was almost outside the building, that she has my references, other verification information, email, phone number, I believe I was owed an explanation, or at least not silence. That is unsettling. I think this kind of odd behavior is a red flag that the community can benefit from knowing about.

3) I made it clear in my subsequent email that I would be posting. So, she knows where to find this and reply.

4) I am not trashing anyone. She could have the most legitimate reason ever, however if she did, it's strange she did not tell me what it was. I responded in a very measured and polite manner at all times.

5) If you think my information is valueless, then book an appointment. She may appreciate a white knight.

6) Providers discuss clients on the providers only section. They discuss us in references. I think that it should be expected that odd and unsettling behavior from a provider will be discussed too.

As for why I am using an alias - because I wanted to. There is enough information about me in unwelcome hands as it is - I care not for anyone's opinion on that regard, I'm not interested in what anyone thinks about that.

Thank you

And if you take a look at the number of providers who get reviewed or discussed on here, most of them don't participate here.

Hobbyists do this all the time and you know what we providers do?
 Schedule someone else .

FYI : She wasn't really obligated to see you if she didn't want to in the first place and doesn't "owe" you an explanation as to why either.
I don't see how trashing her before she even has a chance does any good for anyone except let the rest of us know just how mean you are

pushmepullu806 reads

Posted By: MsDynamite
Hobbyists do this all the time and you know what we providers do?  
  Schedule someone else .  
 FYI : She wasn't really obligated to see you if she didn't want to in the first place and doesn't "owe" you an explanation as to why either.  
 I don't see how trashing her before she even has a chance does any good for anyone except let the rest of us know just how mean you are.  
Unreliable and ungentlemanly hobbyists are discussed elsewhere, I know this for a fact, and we have no right of reply. She knows I am posting here and can reply at any time.

Again, I didn't trash anyone. Raising a concern about strange behavior. You don't think it helped, but I see that several people disagree with you.

You think she didn't owe me an explanation, well - if I entrusted personal information to her about myself, which I did, I could not disagree more. If you can't understand why this causes concern for me, then I'm not going to spend too much time trying to explain, but I don't see why that's so hard to understand.

Mean? Well, that's your view.

Once the OP received directions and was only ten minutes from the appointed time, I would say she was obligated to either see the man, give a reasonable explanation, or accept the consequences.  Lacking an explanation, the OP decided to, understandably, go public. Don't providers have the option of blacklisting or spreading the word about unreliable clients?

I don't believe the OP is her manager.  I also understand from experience, why the OP used his alias.

You missed the point of my comment entirely.  
Since contracts aren't enforceable (I;e being that offering up handjobs or whatever prostitution type services in itself is technically not a legal profession at all here.
No one is obligated to see anyone they don't want to .
Forcing someone to see you against their will is not cool and it's definitely not cool to come on here like that because a lady changed her mind about seeing you.  
You aren't owed anything.  
Whether or not she's a legitimate provider is moot .

Posted By: 2late
Once the OP received directions and was only ten minutes from the appointed time, I would say she was obligated to either see the man, give a reasonable explanation, or accept the consequences.  Lacking an explanation, the OP decided to, understandably, go public. Don't providers have the option of blacklisting or spreading the word about unreliable clients?  
 I don't believe the OP is her manager.  I also understand from experience, why the OP used his alias.

You are needlessly arguing semantics.  In this business it's about what you can get by with and what you can live with, what the market will bear.

Seriously, you thought I was talking about legal obligations?  whatever  Note I suggested three options.

Posted By: MsDynamite
You missed the point of my comment entirely.  
 Since contracts aren't enforceable (I;e being that offering up handjobs or whatever prostitution type services in itself is technically not a legal profession at all here.  
 No one is obligated to see anyone they don't want to .  
 Forcing someone to see you against their will is not cool and it's definitely not cool to come on here like that because a lady changed her mind about seeing you.  
 You aren't owed anything.  
 Whether or not she's a legitimate provider is moot .  
Posted By: 2late
Once the OP received directions and was only ten minutes from the appointed time, I would say she was obligated to either see the man, give a reasonable explanation, or accept the consequences.  Lacking an explanation, the OP decided to, understandably, go public. Don't providers have the option of blacklisting or spreading the word about unreliable clients?  
  I don't believe the OP is her manager.  I also understand from experience, why the OP used his alias.

t's about the fact said provider gave the best notice she could and he has no problem trashing her here for no good reason and demanding an explanation when none is needed.
Ladies are allowed to change their minds just like you fellas are - no explanation needed .
Just because it didn't work out for him does not mean she's "bad" or something wrong is happening there.  
I swear some guys who hide under aliases sound like toddlers who didn't get the toy that the other boy has.  
Also, let's not pretend that all of us here are the Virgin Mary and that no one calls a body rub provider in hopes of getting a hanjob or more lol

OK, I guess we read it differently.  I don't see where he 'demanded' an explanation or trashed her more than just giving his side of what happened.  To me, good business practice and common courtesy requires more than 10 minute notice and a 'can't make it' explanation.  Good luck to both of them and to you MsDynamite.

Posted By: MsDynamite
 It's about the fact said provider gave the best notice she could and he has no problem trashing her here for no good reason and demanding an explanation when none is needed.  
 Ladies are allowed to change their minds just like you fellas are - no explanation needed .  
 Just because it didn't work out for him does not mean she's "bad" or something wrong is happening there.  
 I swear some guys who hide under aliases sound like toddlers who didn't get the toy that the other boy has.  
 Also, let's not pretend that all of us here are the Virgin Mary and that no one calls a body rub provider in hopes of getting a hanjob or more lol.  

pushmepullu741 reads

Posted By: MsDynamite

 Whether or not she's a legitimate provider is moot .
Not only moot but central the the topic. My first thought was that there could be a sting operation in full swing and I was being diverted away from the scene. I have heard of such things. So you see that this information is not valueless.

And in all honesty, I gave whoever it was full notice that there was a good chance that this would get posted and discussed.  

You never know, they may still post, explain, and all will be well. That still could happen.

Oh pardon me !
All I read from your original post was
"I'm gonna trash this new provider because she wouldn't see me for some reason that's none of my business so, that makes her a bad person whaaaaaaaaaa everyone look at me right now!
Title should of read;  
"Local misogynist seeks attention and thinks he's owed something for being canceled on."
At least you got a damn email that's something quite a few people don't get.
Further so many complain that there's not a lot of new providers but you guys run them off by being ignorant dickheads.
Talk about eating cookies in bed ad wondering why the ants are there biting you. Eesh

No one forced her to make the appointment.  Unless you have a true emergency that I'll understand.  Hate it when I drive 30-60 minutes and for whatever reason provider changes her mind.  To you I says FUCK YOU for wasting my time.  To me it seems like a lot of providers seem to think that their time is some how magically more valuable than ours.
I have verbally agreed do take on contract and turns out it took it was going to take more time and resource then I originally estimated, guess what I still completed the deal.  OP you did a good thing by informing us here.

Posted By: MsDynamite
You missed the point of my comment entirely.  
 Since contracts aren't enforceable (I;e being that offering up handjobs or whatever prostitution type services in itself is technically not a legal profession at all here.  
 No one is obligated to see anyone they don't want to .  
 Forcing someone to see you against their will is not cool and it's definitely not cool to come on here like that because a lady changed her mind about seeing you.  
 You aren't owed anything.  
 Whether or not she's a legitimate provider is moot .  
Posted By: 2late
Once the OP received directions and was only ten minutes from the appointed time, I would say she was obligated to either see the man, give a reasonable explanation, or accept the consequences.  Lacking an explanation, the OP decided to, understandably, go public. Don't providers have the option of blacklisting or spreading the word about unreliable clients?  
  I don't believe the OP is her manager.  I also understand from experience, why the OP used his alias.

And wouldn't that be quite the shit show if every lady in town came on here complaining about the daily time wasters lol !!!

... which is, treat others as you'd like to be treated.  It's been called "the golden rule", and some consider it overly idealistic and infeasible in everyday life... as in the lives of providers and hobbyists, for example.

Call me idealistic but I think it's a good rule to keep in mind, for providers and hobbyists.

In this case, had the provider in question followed this rule (and I'm assuming here the OP is accurate), she would have never broken the appointment 10 minutes prior without following up with an explanation, apology, and offer to reschedule.  According to the OP, none of that happened.  How would she have liked it if, 10 minutes from an appointment, the client emailed her to say, "Hey sweetie I have to reschedule"?  I doubt she'd like that, as it would be too late to schedule another client for that time so that would be missed income for her.

It's true that providers and hobbyists can decide to not keep an appointment if they so choose.  But a last-minute cancellation without apology or explanation isn't the way to do it.  It's not a good way to build a satisfied and loyal client base, that's for sure.

I like your post knots.  And I think Vi has some valid points too.  What it boils down to, at least for me, is an appointment is never guaranteed until both client and provider see the whites of each other's eyes.  Plans are made, plans are broken, and plans are re-scheduled.  It happens all day every day in this business.  Along each step of the process each side gets the choice whether it's worth either his or her time to make it to the point of meeting.  Case in point...I had an appointment set up this past weekend.  From my experience, I texted my new friend in plenty of time prior to my appointment to again confirm we were on and to get the address.  Silence ensued.  My window of opportunity to make the scheduled appointment time slowly passed away and I chalked it up to a NCNS on her part.  I saved myself an hour round trip driving and waiting around time as she had only given me the general area in prior conversations.  Was I going to drive up to the area and hope for further texts or a call at that point.  Nope.  Was I pissed, no not really because I know there is no obligation for her to follow through.  Was I disappointed.  Sure.  Did I post a rant under an alias on TER.  Absolutely not.  I ended up hearing from her later that same evening.  She offered up an excuse (and I don't even care if it was real or not) that she was not feeling well and had laid down to rest to try to feel better, etc and fell asleep.  She offered to re-schedule and make up for the lost appointment.  That for me was plenty and I have plans to make another appointment in the near future.  Am I sure I will end up seeing this provider now that we have re-scheduled...definitely not.  It's the nature of this business.

SK11717 reads

Now I have enough info to put two ladies on my list people I won't consider.

1. I communicated with Misty a few minutes ago. She had no idea she is being discussed here. The troll (aka alias) did not inform her he was going to post or of the post.  No surprise there. The Board rule barring slander apparently doesn't apply to trolls.  
2. I have seen Vi a half dozen times under another name.  Her reviews show and I agree she is one of the best masseuses in the business.  I will see her again in the next couple weeks and post another review of her.

pushmepullu1042 reads

Posted By: MrCOYOTE
1. I communicated with Misty a few minutes ago. She had no idea she is being discussed here.
If she didn't read my responses, then that's not my fault.

So I did just receive a string of texts claiming that she needed to go and see a friend who was in critical condition in hospital. That could be true, strange that only when prompted by Mr. Coyote did I find out, but I can understand that it might not have been at the front of her mind.

All I can say is, if you think that story is true and that she's legit, go and have fun with Misty and I sincerely hope you have more fun than I did. Now that she DEFINITELY knows that she's being discussed, she can set all our minds at rest and get a chance to introduce herself. I'd say that's fair

Everyone else feel free to post whatever rant you want!  And BTW admins, I'm still cool as a cucumber.  :)

1. Chicken shit for putting this type of criticism out on an alias.  
2.  She does not owe you an explanation for canceling the meeting at the last minute.  Some possibilities:
"I just got an onset of food poisoning [or any other malady] and don't want to have the shits while seeing you."
"My dog (mother, father, brother) just died."
"My close friend just dropped by unexpectedly and I really can't yank you off right now."

In other words, shit happens.

She canceled, the reason is not your business.  
Don't like it, don't see her.

Maybe your ax murder identity is becoming know....

She is new and her reviews or standing clients up should be noted somewhere, this place is as good as any.  

You saved me some money, I know that, and I appreciate it. If she decides to stop her Tomfoolery I'm sure she'll get some good reviews. If not, then you helped us all!

Reference: Misty  (615)300-1940   615-300-1940

Just goes to show that TER ought to have both "likes" AND "dislikes".
Some posters get many " likes" which might lead one to wrong conclusions.
Personally, I liked/agreed with some points from both sides of this coin/discussion...and disagreed/didn't like as well...regardless of the poster.

pushmepullu715 reads

Misty did, eventually, chime in to the thread, although her posts were pulled for reasons I'm not sure about (maybe at her request).

She said that the reason she cancelled was that she needed to go and see a friend in hospital. So my suspicion that something odd was happening was correct, luckily (for me) not for any reasons that I should be concerned about (hopefully).

The alarming part of this was that her building was in eyeshot, I was driving towards the parking lot when I got the cancellation. That was unnerving. She could have been more communicative, but I would let the benefit of the doubt prevail, although I won't  be rescheduling, I'll let someone else give her first review.

I did request that this thread be removed as I don't think we really achieved anything, but I was told it won't be removed.  



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