
Re: Are there really only 80 million gun owners in the US? I always thought most people own at least
knotsaway 36 Reviews 2455 reads
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... all I can do is think about all those who lost loved ones and friends in the horror down South today.

nobodysfool2007 1 Reviews 477 reads
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I have been watching the news since this morning, just shocked over the attack and killings.
My heart goes out to those who where killed or injured, and to their loved ones as well.

Posted By: knotsaway
... all I can do is think about all those who lost loved ones and friends in the horror down South today.

souls_harbor 512 reads
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As one commentator said, we shouldn't be shocked any longer -- as that implies the unexpected.  Many of us have been expecting the next, and the next and the next.

vorlon 119 Reviews 479 reads
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A heavily armed man was arrested who said he was on the way to a gay pride parade.  No known connection to the first shooting at this time.

ad4saf8 10 Reviews 287 reads
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Just curious, which thing shouldn't be considered unexpected?

Violence in the US by religious extremists, or violence against the LGBTQI community?

According to projects that document such incidents, about 20 LGBTQI are murdered every year in the US. My hunch is that that number is low, but it suggests that 300 have been murdered since 9/11. Many were committed by religious extremists - before last night, almost exclusively by Christian-identifying extremists.

We've already seen the next, and the next, and the next, ad infinitum. Violence against the LGBTQI communities in this country, that is. NOW it's supposed to be something we deplore, because the person doing the killing was familiar with the Koran rather than the Old Testament?

My fear is that the takeaway from all of this will be to act with hatred against Muslims, rather than to act against hatred itself.
Posted By: souls_harbor
As one commentator said, we shouldn't be shocked any longer -- as that implies the unexpected.  Many of us have been expecting the next, and the next and the next.  

vorlon 119 Reviews 337 reads
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Both are nothing new; the only difference this time was the number of casualties for what looks to be a "lone wolf" operation.

souls_harbor 220 reads
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Violence by Islamists against ... whoever happens to be in their path.  You know it is going to happen again soon. And again, and again.

Posted By: DreiHoden
Just curious, which thing shouldn't be considered unexpected?  
 Violence in the US by religious extremists, or violence against the LGBTQI community?  

vantheman666 10 Reviews 374 reads
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The gunman was a militant muslim with a hatred for gays, and was in contact with members of Isis.  He could just as easily been a christian or orthodox jew.  Religion is toxic and spreads all kinds of vile hate, and I want nothing to do with it.  I'm not only an Antichrist, I'm also Anti-allah, Anti-yahweh, and basically Anti-deity of any persuasion.  I will not pray for the people in this situation, but my thoughts are with them...and if this ever happens at the Gay 90's, I just hope I'm in a good position to take out the gunman.

funman1969 9 Reviews 342 reads
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Won't totally solve . But maybe take them out sooner. Yep have mine.

Posted By: vantheman666
The gunman was a militant muslim with a hatred for gays, and was in contact with members of Isis.  He could just as easily been a christian or orthodox jew.  Religion is toxic and spreads all kinds of vile hate, and I want nothing to do with it.  I'm not only an Antichrist, I'm also Anti-allah, Anti-yahweh, and basically Anti-deity of any persuasion.  I will not pray for the people in this situation, but my thoughts are with them...and if this ever happens at the Gay 90's, I just hope I'm in a good position to take out the gunman.

bosssik 313 reads
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How many more mass killings do we need to have before Congress has the balls to act in a responsible way. Columbine, Aurora, SandyHook and on and on and on...now this tragedy. WTF!!!

souls_harbor 269 reads
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The first clue someone doesn't know what they are talking about is when they mention "assault weapons" as if that means something.

Posted By: bosssik
How many more mass killings do we need to have before Congress has the balls to act in a responsible way. Columbine, Aurora, SandyHook and on and on and on...now this tragedy. WTF!!!

bosssik 395 reads
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No, the first clue someone doesn't know what they're talking about is when you blame Muslims.

vorlon 119 Reviews 344 reads
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If you folks want to argue about this, please take it there.

bosssik 334 reads
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souls_harbor 262 reads
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There is a death penalty for homosexual activities in at least 10 Islamic countries.  Wake up.

Posted By: bosssik
No, the first clue someone doesn't know what they're talking about is when you blame Muslims.

LChayse See my TER Reviews 296 reads
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It saddens me to no end thinking about the devastation these victims, their families & friends, & the entire community must be suffering. I just want to hop on a plane & hug everyone there.  

There is a discussion on the Florida board. Perhaps we could chime in & let them know they are in our thoughts & available to support them?

Love & peace be with us all.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 248 reads
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I'd like that, too, Ms. Chayse.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 211 reads
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and yet I can't get a single delegate to be local mod...;-( (that's frowny face for any hearing impared)

Wongbater 40 Reviews 245 reads
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you know and I know you are right.  So do a dozen dozen that read this board but won't pipe up.

bosssik 361 reads
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You don't get it..anyone can get a weapon of mass destruction ( an assault weapon ) in this country. A terrorist on the no fly list is to dangerous to allow on a plane but he can legally purchase an assault weapon. Whether it's a Christian conservative shooting abortion providers or White supremacist shooting blacks at a church in So. Carolina or a sick kid killing 5 year olds at Sandyhook elementary school. Any sick fuck can legally buy an assault weapon in this country. We are the only country in civilized world where this is possible and it is no coincidence that we are the only country where week after week innocent people are dying from gun violence. What don't you get ? Wake up ? I wish I could wake up from this nightmare. But there are too many morons who want to perpetuate the fear and hatred that got us here. They think the problem is Islam..WTF!!

bosssik 332 reads
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I apologized because Vorlon is right this board is the wrong forum for this discussion. It's a sign of strength not weakness to admit when you're wrong.

souls_harbor 255 reads
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Yesterday 80 million US gun owners didn't kill anyone.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 346 reads
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Wongbater 40 Reviews 274 reads
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I think you are misunderstanding my post.  The power syndicate is obvious.  I was just trying to say...let admins tell someone to go to the politics board.  You aren't MN board moderator so why try?  Sheesh?  Are you touchy or what?

vorlon 119 Reviews 230 reads
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The P&R board does have the virtue of keeping all the nastiness that involves political debate largely off the regional boards.  Well, at least this one; I seldom look at the other ones.  I think that is a good thing as we don't need any more unpleasantness than we already have.  So, yes I am going to ask/suggest that when such debates start here that they take it to the P&R board.  Obviously, just as is the case with any post anyone makes here, no one is under the obligation to pay it any heed.

souls_harbor 342 reads
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Data is by survey, so some room for error.  But interestingly, twice as many Republicans own guns than do Democrats.  So there is obviously a pansy-ass factor involved.  Also I suspect generation-snowflake is afraid of them.

Posted By: Drumsticks
...one gun. It's hard to understand why someone wouldn't own at least one.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 234 reads
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where you will jump in as defacto mod on the local board (and hey I agree let's keep it about hobby) but when things get heated you are either:

1)  absent
2)  take the easy party line way out.

That is why this local discussion board is pretty cruddy at present time.  I'm merely pointing out you as a board old head have influence.  Use that pair God gave ya and advocate for something important other than topic police.  It really, truly may help.  No Wong snarkasm (nobody better shoplift that term as I just trademarked it) is either implied or intended here Vorlon.

vorlon 119 Reviews 262 reads
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1)  Obviously, I have no control over when trainwrecks erupt on the board
2)  Call if whatever you would like but I post what I think.
3)  I believe any influence I have is largely because I think it is often wise to think about what I want to say before I actually post it rather than the first thing that pops into my head.

jerthebear 316 reads
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Where the fuck did you come up with that load of shit. You do realize that gun sales have gone through the roof since this moron entered the White House! Talk about a pansy ass factor. That clown has no friggin idea what the hell is going on anywhere in the world!

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 241 reads
33 / 33

I'm afraid to search, NSA and Sam are watching...

Posted By: jerthebear
Where the fuck did you come up with that load of shit. You do realize that gun sales have gone through the roof since this moron entered the White House! Talk about a pansy ass factor. That clown has no friggin idea what the hell is going on anywhere in the world!

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