
Not a question of is she real. I think the question is what's the real menu.
loveyourtouch 567 reads

.... at least that's what it seems to be to me.  I get mixed signals from her ads and emails, so I won't schedule. However, I'm interested to read follow-up reviews since I don't have much confidence in either of the existing reviews but for different reasons

Don't know what to think about this one. The reviewer has more than 1 review but all of them are the only review for each lady. Seems fishy. Anyone else see or know anything about her?

loveyourtouch984 reads

She replied to my inquiry with a lengthy response that outright said she does not do happy endings but we could discuss release in person.  Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe it's more, but I am not going to guess. Did you get a similar response?  And, yes, the lone review is way too suspect to be believable to me. Hard to believe a traveling guy is going to happen to see a new girl here in MN, especially when she was like brand new.  If you see her, please give us an honest review.

In her ad she mentions a "VIP option".  I would wonder if the reviewer had that option.  By picture alone she is definitely "A lady of interest".  bigdell

loveyourtouch804 reads

Wrote she was booked until next week, which seemed really odd.

That doesn't make any sense. What is a "happy ending" if not "release?"

Also the reviewers 4 reviews are also the only ones the ladies have.  Another yellow flag.

I have this problem and it s not a blessing. If anyone has any advice as to how to address this issue, I'd love to know. And this isn't a new hobby for me. I've always struggled with this. However, my idea of a great, hot pictures that really shows off my assets may be different from what a guy would pick. On the plus side, usually when a gentleman arrives for the first time, he isn't disappointed.

loveyourtouch455 reads

And not all that spectacular because those 1990s - sized glasses take up most of the pic.

I've been in email conversation with Lucy for about 2 weeks on different topics.
She told me today that she wants everyone to know the second review is FAKE  
Quote No way I gave that guy a BJ , No way ! and is in the process of trying to have it removed.
I'll say like I said last week, that's her in pictures and the only thing that's stopping me from seeing her is the hour's she works. Yes, she's the real deal and has been getting a lot of positive feedback.  
Sounds like she'll be on TER soon.

Now everyone wants a blow job.  which I dont do but I said I did to get em lined up around the block.

Seriously !!!  That's probable why she took incentive to joined TER and try to clear her name or this is the biggest conspiracy theory  to rock the discussion board .
Better turn this one over to the commissioner of the WWF !  

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 7:15:26 PM

I'd steer clear; that review history could easily be made up.

Hey! It's Lucine, the person of focus/interest of this thread. I am actively working with TER staff on linking my 'user' account and 'provider' account. I am new to this site and still learning the tricks of the trade. First off, one of the reviews on the profile linked to my ad says I performed a BJ, which is 100% inaccurate. Having no control over the thoughts or actions of others, I hope those who are reading the reviews and this discussion are able to put themselves in a position of trusting their intuition.

Second, I find it completely absurd that someone would think someone they've never met is "too good to be true" without personal insight - if you don't know, you don't know. If you do honestly think that someone could be too good to be true, why not reach out and start a conversation? There's a lot more than just a body rub to my services. I have a professional background in the helping field and I am working towards Reiki certification. Soon, I hope to be owner and operator of a business offering legal sensual services to the public. If you are not looking for someone who takes human connection and self-compassion seriously, then I am not your girl. Move on, boys...Move on.

I do not consider myself a sex worker and I am upfront about that when folks reach out to me via email - my preferred way of contact (honestly, who has time to answer 134 unknown number phone calls when a day job is still in place?) If you are looking for a sex worker...again, I am not your girl. Move on, move on.  

So let me end on a positive note for myself, as it seems its the only guaranteed way to get the truth out there...

I am an attractive woman because I take care of myself and know what I'm worth - the way I talk, the way I walk, the way I feel is full of energy that screams confidence, enthusiasm, and acceptance. Just so happens I have a head full of sexy, blonde, wavy hair with money green eyes and tight body that falls into a category some humans like to call "beauty"; buy into it if you wish. I have carried intimate energy with me since I was young and have always been able to help people reach a feeling of ecstasy (and if you think you need to ejaculate to feel ecstasy, you have more work to do than you probably think). My work is about making people feel good in their skin, mind, and soul.  

Some say I am a dakini, a goddess, or sometimes just a girl who knows what she's doing and I have been convinced. But never has anyone ever convinced me that I am 'too good to be true'.  

Happy Tuesday, ya'll. May the force be with you..


loveyourtouch540 reads

Hello, Lucy (Lucine). It’s nice to read a thought-provoking response from a provider.  Thanks.  But as a client who spends a pretty good sum of money in the hobby over the course of a year, I feel compelled to respond to you to shed a little more light on this from a client’s perspective.  While I am speaking only for myself, I think other guys will agree with much of what I write.

For one who is new to this site, you have a pretty good grasp of it.  Many girls, especially massage girls, don’t even have accounts let alone chime in here.  I’ve seen girls who’ve been in the hobby for a while and don’t even know how TER works.  So you’re quite advanced for a “newbie.”  

Whether or not that reviewer who proclaimed a BJ was received actually saw you or not and whether or not a BJ was actually had only you and he know the truth, and we’ll have to hope TER gets it figured out.  

You wrote that you hope people will trust their intuition when reading reviews, but at the start of the very next paragraph you lambast people for thinking someone they’ve never met is too good to be true.  Isn’t that paradoxical? We think things or people are too good to be true because of our intuitions and experiences.  And too many of us have been burned too many times in here, so we do have to rely on our instincts, intuitions, and experiences. And in too many cases, the “intuition” of “too good to be true” has been true. I.e., the session did not live up to the advertised hype.  And when I am paying 180-200 hard-earned dollars, I want to have a reasonable understanding what to expect.  It’s not like blowing $25.  There are many very good – great – providers who advertise on BP (and elsewhere), but there are just as many whose services and pictures do not live up to the advertising.  Additionally, there are numerous fake reviews we must consider, and you might or might not be the recipient of one.

This discussion thread was more about your review than it was of you.  Since you only had 1 review when this discussion began, the question was whether it was believable or not and wonderment about your sessions.  I emailed you when I first saw your BP ad 2 weeks ago and asked about your sessions.  Do you do nude, B2B, exchange?  I never ask anyone about HJ or any sexual activities. Your reply stated you wear lingerie, so I inferred you do not do nude or topless.  You wrote that you do not provide happy endings but we could, “…chat about release.”  You also provided three different rates for each of your sessions and wrote that VIP includes mutual touch.

60 Minutes | $80 - $120 - $150
90 Minutes | $120 - $150 - $200
120 Minutes | $150 - $200 - $250

So in a 60-minute session, what do I get for $80 and what do I get for $150?  I asked those questions but didn’t get an answer.  So I am left to guess.  But since you clearly state no happy endings… what am I paying for?  Maybe we don’t need to “ejaculate to feel ecstasy” as you wrote, but that is what I want.  That is why guys see providers who advertise in the body rubs section.  If I just want to feel good, I can save $100 and go to Massage Envy or another spa.  I’ve seen girls who do the Reiki and all that other “feel good” stuff.  Maybe they feel good doing it, but I felt unsatisfied.  Perhaps you should advertise in the therapeutic massage section?

I hope the review issue gets resolved for you.  I wish you well in the hobby and will be looking for your next reviews.

Hey, thanks for the thoughtful response. I don't think one is trusting their intuition when they are basing it off of other people's perspectives, especially when 50% of the known perspectives are false. You can use your intuition when you reach out to me and I send out my standard email response (which has changed over the course of the 3 week period to filter out people who I likely don't want to work with). I can usually grasp who I want to work with and who I don't want to work with through just a short exchange. Also, I have more pictures to prove what I look like, you just have to ask for them. Honestly, with an inbox full with over 100 new emails every day of various levels of interest - I am going to respond most to those who seem to 'get' what I'm doing, which takes much more than a 'do you do nude?' inquiry. More so I am working a full time job in social work and have other hobbies that I like to engage in like sewing, drawing, writing, and yoga. So no, not everyone is going to get the best response from me; just the way it works. The only hours I am available for this work is from 8 PM - 12 AM.

 I'm sorry you felt that you didn't get enough information through our email exchanges. I think it's interesting that you criticized where I am advertising. I am well aware of the 'body rub' section on BP and I am not advertising there, that's where folks should be looking if that's what they're after. Actually, that's one of the reasons I am confused about this whole situation. I am advertising on the massage section, offering mutual touch with an expectation that there will be a face-to-face conversation when we meet. Those I have actually met have very much appreciated my approach to this - if it's not your style, it's not your style. It's a sensual experience - hands down, that's the bottom line. What I do is sensual. That means different things for different people, hence the variety. I get that it might feel fishy, I do, but if you're willing to try, then you should for your own standard and not from someone else's.  

I am not taking anything personally here. I am only commenting on how silly I find it that people are speaking like they know something - when I'm here, like..."woah, I do have amazing services to offer..what the heck? They won't reach out because they're scared I might be 'too good to be true'? Where's the fun in that?"  

Posted By: loveyourtouch
Hello, Lucy (Lucine). It’s nice to read a thought-provoking response from a provider.  Thanks.  But as a client who spends a pretty good sum of money in the hobby over the course of a year, I feel compelled to respond to you to shed a little more light on this from a client’s perspective.  While I am speaking only for myself, I think other guys will agree with much of what I write.  
 For one who is new to this site, you have a pretty good grasp of it.  Many girls, especially massage girls, don’t even have accounts let alone chime in here.  I’ve seen girls who’ve been in the hobby for a while and don’t even know how TER works.  So you’re quite advanced for a “newbie.”    
 Whether or not that reviewer who proclaimed a BJ was received actually saw you or not and whether or not a BJ was actually had only you and he know the truth, and we’ll have to hope TER gets it figured out.  
 You wrote that you hope people will trust their intuition when reading reviews, but at the start of the very next paragraph you lambast people for thinking someone they’ve never met is too good to be true.  Isn’t that paradoxical? We think things or people are too good to be true because of our intuitions and experiences.  And too many of us have been burned too many times in here, so we do have to rely on our instincts, intuitions, and experiences. And in too many cases, the “intuition” of “too good to be true” has been true. I.e., the session did not live up to the advertised hype.  And when I am paying 180-200 hard-earned dollars, I want to have a reasonable understanding what to expect.  It’s not like blowing $25.  There are many very good – great – providers who advertise on BP (and elsewhere), but there are just as many whose services and pictures do not live up to the advertising.  Additionally, there are numerous fake reviews we must consider, and you might or might not be the recipient of one.  
 This discussion thread was more about your review than it was of you.  Since you only had 1 review when this discussion began, the question was whether it was believable or not and wonderment about your sessions.  I emailed you when I first saw your BP ad 2 weeks ago and asked about your sessions.  Do you do nude, B2B, exchange?  I never ask anyone about HJ or any sexual activities. Your reply stated you wear lingerie, so I inferred you do not do nude or topless.  You wrote that you do not provide happy endings but we could, “…chat about release.”  You also provided three different rates for each of your sessions and wrote that VIP includes mutual touch.  
 60 Minutes | $80 - $120 - $150  
 90 Minutes | $120 - $150 - $200  
 120 Minutes | $150 - $200 - $250  
 So in a 60-minute session, what do I get for $80 and what do I get for $150?  I asked those questions but didn’t get an answer.  So I am left to guess.  But since you clearly state no happy endings… what am I paying for?  Maybe we don’t need to “ejaculate to feel ecstasy” as you wrote, but that is what I want.  That is why guys see providers who advertise in the body rubs section.  If I just want to feel good, I can save $100 and go to Massage Envy or another spa.  I’ve seen girls who do the Reiki and all that other “feel good” stuff.  Maybe they feel good doing it, but I felt unsatisfied.  Perhaps you should advertise in the therapeutic massage section?  
 I hope the review issue gets resolved for you.  I wish you well in the hobby and will be looking for your next reviews.

loveyourtouch513 reads

One has experiences in the hobby.  One has learned that there are many fake pics and ads, and based on the wording and pics in an  ad, intuition leads one to think maybe it’s real or maybe it isn’t.  Call it gut instinct.  Then one looks at reviews to see if their intuition/instinct can be corroborated.  And that is not a perfect science in this realm.  One has to see how many reviews a provider has. Have the reviewers seen some of the same girls so reviews one can compare sessions?  If not, does the reviewer in question seem to be within the bell curve of other reviewers, etc.  So many variables.  That is why it is called instinct/intuition.  

Again, you’re taking to task prospective clients based on an email.  Are you not using the same intuition/instinct/judgment deciding whom to see based on a few sentences?  You understand that just as your time is precious, so is ours.  And we often need to send a number of emails to various providers to schedule an appt.  And we know that many times we’re going to receive an automated email reply, so why should we spend time writing a lot in the first email?  Wouldn’t it be best to save the verbiage for the follow-up when one has the attention of the provider? You even admitted that you send a standard response and that yours has changed over the past 3 weeks.  And in my initial and follow-up emails to you, I was polite and detailed.  I asked when and where you’re available and what your rates are.  I provided more details in my second email and inquired about the rate variance for the hour massage.  

Your ad was initially in body rubs, and even in Escort Café you’re listed as Massage/Body Rub.  (Not that that really means anything, but that site does capture info from your personal website.)

If you’re only advertising in the Massage section of BP- great.  But I still think it’s a bit suggestive to have all the different rates for a one-hour session.  It sure makes one wonder what you’re offering that’s different.  Perhaps you’re playing on guys coming to see you “hoping” for more???  To me $150 seems a bit high for a one-hour lingerie massage if there’s no happy ending (your words).  Just saying…..

Again… good luck.  I do wish you well

Now, you've said the second review is at best inaccurate.  How about clarifying if either review is completely accurate, partially accurate, or completely made up?

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