
No What?
Suzy4U See my TER Reviews 6129 reads

I'm not sure what you are saying no to. But if you wanted to discuss "deep" maybe you should email me directly lol

[email protected]

OK, my prior message about sharing first time experiences brought out some interesting responses.  I was glad to see the ladies tag on their on forum on the subject.  (Thanks, they are fun to review).

The reason for my original post was to get people thinking about their first experience and how much better the hobby is with a tool like TER.  I for one (as you may have read), did not do any homework on my first experience and spent a lot of money for almost nothing.....

That is less likely to happen today given what we do here.

Thanks for listening and hopefully, I got all of us thinking just a little bit...

I will go back into hibernation now were I am more comfortable....


Thanks in_Minnesota!  This little fun activity caused me to give some thought, not only to my first experience but also, to how my ongoing actvities over the past 40 years have had their low points and certainly their high points too. For me it also helped to re-affirm that my last 40 years have been "formative" years for me.  They have been years in which I have been shaped by my experiences.  For many of those years I couldn't help but to see the experiences as either great or terrible.  I was either strong or weak.  I either loved what I was doing or I hated it.  My behavior was either black or white to me.  I felt weak when I saw it as black.  I felt strong when saw it as white.  It reminds me of the old Scottish proverb: "Better to bend than to break".  The majestic Oak Tree will boast as the tempest rages while the reed will bend to the ground.  But eventually, as the tempest increases, the oak will fall to the ground uprooting even its powerful roots.  But the reed will survive because it is flexible and can outlast the storm.  Where am I going with this?  Well, for me, it means that all those many experiences over the years have taught me that when I think I am strong because I've taken an immovable stand one way or the other, I am really quite weak and will eventually break.  But when I am willing to be flexible and accept the course upon which I have embarked then I am able to gain and even enjoy what I am all about.  Let us not confuse rigidity with true strength.  To be strong I need to be tolerant, responsive, and gentle.  Quite recently I came to realize that strength is in loving yourself enough to truly love others.  It has helped me to genuinely honor and respect the many providers I have met.  The rigorous coarse I have taken over the years has finally brought me to where I am now comfortable to go with the flow and not worry about whether it is good or bad.  Thanks again for the nudge to go down memory lane.  And ladies, I look forward to continuing to celebrate life with you!   cme

You've been doing this for 40 years???? What did you start when  you were a baby? :-)

Yes, I was actually 5 years old when I picked up my first prostitute.  Oh, did I tell you that I lie a lot?  lol.  I'd give you my b'day, but I really want to emphasize that age is just an illusion.  It means nothing unless you are "under age" and have to go to prison for statuatory rape.  lol.

Well for me I enjoy the older gentleman. Takes longer to cum, and knows what the heck he is doing lol

I know most people say it is the result that is the best part, but my way of thinking it is the process of getting there that is most of the fun. As long as what I am doing feels good, does there need to be a big bang at the end?

Interesting point...  You know, I managed to drag myself through a couple of Marathons (even though I am not a runner like guy...).  This analogy may be a stretch....., but here we go.....

Several years after running the Marathon, I will always remember the trail, the people, the scenery and the joy of crossing the 1/2 way point, crossing the starting line, hitting mile 20, then making each final mile.....  The finish was a celebratory moment, the pinacle... But several years later, I remember everything along the run, but very little about the finish line.....

I better go to bed, I might hurt myself, this should only be done by trained professionals....

I'm disappointed that the main purpose of my response to Mn got lost while the question of cumming after 40 years was the point of interest.  Well, I'm just vain enough to assure you that I have no trouble arriving.  I guess I'll just have to go with the flow on how these threads get further and further away from the subject the longer they get.

I apologize for taking the thread off course. I do get carried away sometimes.

No, you two are pretty deep.....thinkers....

I'm not sure what you are saying no to. But if you wanted to discuss "deep" maybe you should email me directly lol

[email protected]

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