
No, because
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 516 reads

You can't fly away from LE.

Posted By: oldnavy81
have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

cash is king.  even if you have no SO don't do it.  just my 2 pennies

Please explain in a simpler and clearer, easy to understand manner. I want to make sure I get it!

You can't fly away from LE.

Posted By: oldnavy81
have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

You're creating a transaction that lives on computers, instead of just taking a few hundreds out of the bank. You're also extending an insane level of trust.  

In my opinion, you have to keep things separated. The hobby has to be something that never touches your regular life. Using the hobby to gain flyer miles puts it too close to everyday life. It's playing with fire, using something so potentially dangerous to boost your miles.

To specifically answer your question, I've never considered it.

I don't want any kind of electronic trail left beyond that of the ATM withdrawal.  I would think such a trail would be particularly riskier for those who have an SO who might wonder what these odd CC charges are about.

...and you have little to worry about subsequent fraudulent usage of your CC number since the CC issuer bears the risk of fraud, not you. You'll likely pay a transaction fee of up to 5%, anything higher and I'd step away from it.

I will never read another BS post about internet security on this board without laughing and farting myself into next Tuesday.  BTW my personal email address is [email protected].

Posted By: oldnavy81
have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

Posted By: Dr.BudGreen
Posted By: oldnavy81
have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

Another reason it wouldn't be wise is that cash advances are charged interest immediately, not after 30 days. The interest will likely offset any mileage gain you may receive.

And I believe you start paying interest on your entire balance right away.  Cash advances should only be used for emergencies.

If a girl takes CC they have a trail for income.  Since most (not all) girls claim $0 of income.  It's a HUGE problem they are potentially creating for themselves. Is that FF mile/cash reward really worth the risk of an electronic trail if things go south?  There's already been a big problem with CC being shutdown on a certain site last year.

Every interaction/instance in this hobby has a nuclear half associated with. It never goes away, just fades into the back ground a little bit more as time goes by.

I can see myself someday long in the future talking in my sleep or something. Or my grandkids 20 yrs from now data-mining 20 yr old data.

cc is stupid.

Posted By: oldnavy81
have you ever considered using a credit card for donation? it would help me gain flyer miles faster. what are your thoughts?

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