
Narcissism reigns!!!!!!teeth_smile
cmeflyhigh 23 Reviews 5366 reads

One might wonder what it is that is common to all of us gentlemen who have found this community so wonderful.  On first thought it would seem quite obvious -- just look at all the absolutely phenomenal ladies who entertain us.  But upon further examination I would submit that the one thing that most of us have in common is a very well practiced sense of narcissism.  We are very much in love with ourselves.  We see our reflection in everything beautiful.  Case in point just for laughs:  Whenever you see a post which is followed with EOM you would think that nobody would bother to open it and create a "read" on the counter.  But no, people still open them in hopes of gaining something more to titillate them (us).  I would never claim to understand the female side of things, but maybe the same is true of the ladies.  Maybe you are in the business out of a strong sence of narcissism -- to have more money than most -- to have many men not only admiring your structure, but emailing and calling you to ask for your attention.  In the "normal" slice of society narcissism is thought to be "bad" or, at least, "unhealthy".  And I ask, why?  Why is it wrong or negative to be in love with yourself?  Doesn't that also make us better lovers of the world around us?  Doesn't it, contrary to its connotation, make us more sensitive to others?  And I suppose that if I don't get a lot of reads on this post I will be bummed out because of my obvious lack of popularity.  Just a thought that floated through my twisted mind. Now I have to get to work on an obligation which I have for tonight so that I will be loved and appreciated for how great I am.

Leaky5024 reads

I read it just to see if there was a screwed up link on the inside of this one in the text j/k. LOL sorry I just had to take a shot.

I couldn’t resist.  I would like to respectfully share my thoughts on the subject.

First, I’d like to say that I open EOM posts because I only lightly scan the subject line, and after I get into the post and see no text, the first thing I do is look up at the subject line and see an EOM.  Then I promptly kick myself for not saving myself a click or two all because I didn’t take the time and thought to mentally absorb the header.  (I hate when that happens!)  

Second, ‘narcissistic’ is a word from Greek (no not THAT kind of Greek) mythology referring to Narcissus, the boy who was so beautiful, and thought so much of himself that he cruelly shunned those who loved him, never returning the affection others bestowed upon him.  After he found his own beautiful reflection in a fountain (or pool, stream?), he fell in love with the beauty he saw, and trying repeatedly, but fruitlessly, to touch it, was unable to leave his own reflection.  He died there, pining for love of his own reflection.

Self love is a good thing.  And I’ve always thought it odd that pride is counted as one of the seven deadly sins.  However, narcissism (by derivation of the word) is entirely destructive to yourself and to those around you.  I believe that self love is only healthy and useful if you find yourself able to temper it with love for others, which certainly does not naturally follow in the path of the narcissistic mind.  

These days, there is even a psychological disorder  referred to as narcissistic personality disorder, which is considered very difficult to treat because the bearer tends to be too self involved to really see it as a problem.  It’s everyone else who has the problem, you know.


Acknowledging your own accomplishments, having pride in yourself, taking a stand, having an opinion-- it’s all good.  You should love yourself.  An awareness of what you excel at is never a bad thing.  It only becomes a bad thing when it hits the point of believing that your mere existence on the planet is enough to consider yourself a contribution to the world.

Now move out of my way, damnit.  You’re blocking my way to the mirror.


Now it's my turn at the mirror

It was a simple hyperbole.  Don't take anything on this board too literally.  I know the story of Narcissus from Greek mythology too.   I was just trying to have some fun with the word. Nevertheless, the feedback was very appropriate I must say.  I apologize if I came accross as offensive to you or totally stupid.  You know how much I adore your mind and everything about you.  You are still the best of the best.



Stupid?  Hardly!  That’s a word I’d never even consider using in reference to you--not even close!

I wasn’t offended, either.  I was just...

                                ...inspired.  :-)

I was most happy to be an inspiration to you.  I must confess I kind of thought you might jump in on the original post.  Absolutely nothing of a psychological nature escapes you.  Your insights have proven to be very helpful more than once.


To make any in depth sense out of pride being listed among the 7 deadly sins one has to do a pretty thorough study of Catholic catechetics and Eastern monasticism; and then you are just at the beginning.  Then you need to get into such authors as Dante, Thomas Aquinas, Christopher Marlowe, Mahatma Gandhi, and dozens more, even the Daoist theories.  But to scrape all the homework aside and make it simple here are my thoughts on PRIDE being listed among the 7 deadly sins.

The 7 deadly sins are considered by "The Church" to be sins that are fatal to spiritual progress.  With that back drop consider this:

PRIDE has two meanings.
1.  Pretty much what Taylor outlined above; having pride in yourself, acknowledging your accomplishments, taking a stand, having an opinion, etc.  That is the positive type of pride.
2.  Pride that has many of the characteristics of narcissism -- In other words it is pride that has gone wild nd focuses on self to the exclusion of all others.  That type of PRIDE is in juxtaposition with humbleness, or being mindful that there are others around you who are also important.  

It is thought that PRIDE of the negative nature will lead to the other deadly sins because it is at the root of all of them.  Those are my two cents worth.  

Now, I'm pretty damn proud of myself!


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