
Lazy Man's way to Riches
Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 1753 reads
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round the holidays I notice if I can't show up to events I'm invited to esp. family ones, I feel the need
 to send my love in the form of gift...

How about anyone else? A lot of guilt gifting? Spending money instead of time.?

Since I thought I might've been able to attend different family events  
I guess I got people's 'hopes up' so realizing I just can't make it
I make sure to get them their 'special somethings' from their 'special place'

Then there's this: around the holidays I always like to offer massage as an entirely  
Separate visit from the type I usually do...this year I was unsure, yet I accidentally  
Renewed an older massage AD & since I have a new massage location.....
I figured ok I'll do some now & then....

Since I'm used to a more full, fulfilling kind of visit, I'm very particular about how I meet (screen) a new friend & I do all I can to accommodate the times/dates they are available, meshing my time around theirs....which brings me to the question:
 Y in the world are there (maybe it's a massage issue) SO, so many inquires saying just 1 or 2 words- like -'openings, location, more pix?'
That stuff makes me wanna scream....

I do have a website, & I say I need to screen in all my ads....
ladies do you often find yourself giving out your availability to random
people all the time??  

I'm just not cool with that, & honestly if people ask questions that are clearly answered in the ad, am I wrong for just skipping past & ignoring them....
              (and I mean asking more then 1 that's answered in the ad)  

 I get to feeling so guilty for that, yet as the saying goes: you teach people how to treat you, by what you accept.  

 Opinions plz -if I don't respond to the "hi wanna meet" or  
the "how much N where" or the nice guy intro- w/ "what's your availability like this week/today, ect.?"
Am I really such a bitch to ignore those?

I know it doesn't help that I've had an unplanned ER visit w/family recently & the fact that I've been battling on & off insomnia (I'm just full of good luck huh lol)  

Or the major problems I've had with my (I swear it's possessed) phone...

but all in all - I really do try to be prompt with those I know (& or)the ones that seem serious....

Another question: anyone ever (2often) put off or 4get about things you need to upgrade (like my phone) & often spend your money on others, only to feel dumb for doing so after the fact....  

I can't be the only silly person thinking of others so much this season, that I end up screwing myself....  

Like me not making up my mind & following thru w/getting a reliable phone......
is it really just a blonde thing ;) ?
                               (hint: I doubt it)  
I can't wait to see if anyone gives their opinions or tells of other holiday frazzled moments....

No matter what I wish everyone the vey happiest of holidays & one of the best years ever!!  
Bring it on 2017!! :) :)

sweetkarley See my TER Reviews 482 reads
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We do more spending time and eating
Verses gifts
We just think it's so important to spend time
Vs go broke buying gifts
Because we have a pretty big family  

Life is short
Cherish the moments now

Merry Christmas Mindy 🎄🎁🎄🎁❤❤

looking64 24 Reviews 383 reads
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a gift, when one cannot make an event, social gathering, to me, is not necessary.  Sure, it is appreciated, but I certainly don't expect nor do I give when plans don't coincide.  After awhile, things tend to average themselves out.  The best gift is your presence and if that doesn't work out...hopefully next time.  

As far as ignoring 1-2 word inquiries?  If someone can't take the time to send you a respectful appointment request...they don't deserve your time.  Don't even think twice about deleting them.

Have a wonderful and a very merry Christmas.

You don't need to please everyone....just know yourself and believe that you bring joy to others is all anyone can do.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 313 reads
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I grew up in a large family.  Once everyone married out, etc, the number of gifts needed skyrocketed.  Hence we stopped giving gifts to each other.   Parents can concentrate on their kids gifts and not worry about nieces and nephews etc.

I also don't feel the need to give everyone equal gifts.  I'll target gift giving to someone who I have no other way to thank sufficiently for something during the year.    

Also due to the large family I can't see them always each Christmas.  If it is fun to see them, it doesn't really matter when you see them.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 475 reads
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I feel that if I can not send a request with date and times along with references wether it be for your normal encounter or massage I deserve cricket.
As for additional picturesyou have enough selfies from your adds and other postings that if that is not good enough not sure you need to jump through those hoops.
If in first appointment request I will always ask for general area of Incall and if the time or times Irequest are not available ask for what times might in general be open if you are willing to see me.
I honestly do not think that the exact slots that some providers schedulers send out are of a great benefit to either client or provider.
By the way our massage session was fantastic.

Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 492 reads
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But then some moved further away... and, well it's complicated... but a good Skype or FaceTime visit will be throughly enjoyed and that should help us all feel more connected.

Sometiimes life feels like a never ending circle of loving & letting go, instead of being sad I'm gonna try to be as in the moment as possible, enjoying each & every good moment & blurring out the bad. ;)  
Thanx 4 the comments so far guys, I like knowing how everyone else feels.

Merry Christmas back at ya -sexXy sweet Karley  
Posted By: sweetkarley
We do more spending time and eating  
 Verses gifts  
 We just think it's so important to spend time  
 Vs go broke buying gifts  
 Because we have a pretty big family  
 Life is short  
 Cherish the moments now  
 Merry Christmas Mindy 🎄🎁🎄🎁❤❤

SeductiveConcierge See my TER Reviews 512 reads
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I mainly receive the one liners from massage guys. It really irritates me as well. When a gentlemen ask for my location I ask for his references. Unless they have a really good reputation with a close friend of mine I am even unwilling to give them a general area. Maybe I am just paranoid that someone is mapping ladies feral locations at home.  

Also my number is located on two places only. Email, P411, and my Reservation form is the only acceptable way to make initial contact with me. I appreciate guys doing their research and finding my number here but phone calls and text from gentlemen I have yet to meet can find you on a one way trip to not being able to see me. It's stated on my website and people should respect my wishes.  

As far as family goes I am a gift sender as well. Outside of the one family member here a majority of my family lives elsewhere and it is just not convenient for me to get there. As long as they know you love them is really all that matters.  

Merry Christmas,

HarmonyMassage See my TER Reviews 593 reads
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I agree with you about the lame emails asking us to basically reiterate everything posted in our ads. I don't bother replying to those...and some guys act as if they think we're just sitting around waiting for them to schedule time with us and answer detailed questions about our services...WTF?! As if we don't get dozens of emails daily...It's ridiculous! Anytime I've bothered to entertain those types, I regret it. There's usually some sort of issue: they're late or they neglect to clean their ass before our session, or they just lay there and expect me to read their mind, or they can't control themselves and pop really quickly and bolt(and claim you cut their hour short)...I've never asked anyone to leave before their time is up. Sheesh! But....for every rude, time-wasting douche, there are at least a couple of amazingly respectful, sweet and sexy guys! For them...I am so very grateful!❤
Thanks for sharing...have a very happy holiday!!

leatherkev 1 Reviews 390 reads
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I write a lot of emails for work.  I find that people are just too lazy to write a proper email.  I treat them as a letter with greeting, complete sentences, and closing.  The one liners drive me crazy too.  I admit I also form opinions about the person based on this simple communication.



quoderat1790 28 Reviews 413 reads
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Wholeheartedly agree. I, too, write and receive dozens of e-mails each day. I try to be clear and concise (because I tend toward wordiness), and I always proofread what I write for typos and bad grammar.

I find it usually doesn't matter. People tend to read subject lines and just scan the rest. I answer the same question over and over, day after day, to people who don't bother to read entire e-mails.

So it's understandable that guys would call or e-mail without having paid any attention to screening requirements. And there's the impulse factor working as well. To paraphrase Woody Allen, the little head wants what it wants.

Which doesn't excuse anyone, office co-workers or fellow clients. I don't see anything wrong with ignoring requests that don't fit the way you want to do business. Your screening requirements are your business; they're the way you feel safer about what you're doing. If people can't or won't understand that, they're not the people you want as clients.

I have to put up with the fools who don't read fine print or directions. Providers don't.

souls_harbor 400 reads
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Many years ago a guy by the name of Joe Carbo (or something) wrote a book called the Lazy Man's Way to Riches.  He had a lot of philosophy stuff, but also he recounted his mail order businesses and people he met during his career.

He was big on chasing down every sales lead.  He tells a story of a guy who would open incoming letters and throw away the ones that didn't have money in them.  He was shocked.  He thought all those thrown away letters were squandered sale leads that he'd spent thousands on advertising just to attract.

But again I suppose it depends on whether your work queue is typically full or not

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 528 reads
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Who's up at that time!!! Not I, well not when I'm touring maybe in Chicago when I'm out "Confessing on a DANCEFLOOR" since Chicago clubs & bars are opened til 4/5am..   Almost every other night I've gotten late late texts at that time!!!  I don't respond to one word texts, I have that stated on an ad... Ugh.... At least they don't call & make me up cuz I'm not the nicest cunty when woken up in the middle of the night   Lol lol lol  

My family is overseas & other family who's in the states have traveled this year to the homeland so I'm usually hanging out with friends "Orphans Christams" a drunk fest full of clubbing, whom like myself do not gave family in town..  I think I grew out of Xmas festivities after my mother passed, she made Xmas very very memorable!!! It's been 20yrs since her passing but I do keep up the tradition of buying a very nice gift for my father as she did, a beautiful scarf from Gucci/Burberry/Hermes etc... One of those stores as she did every year for him!!!  

Happy holidays, cherish your family cause you may not have them around!!!  
Posted By: Mindyzurgirl
 Around the holidays I notice if I can't show up to events I'm invited to esp. family ones, I feel the need  
  to send my love in the form of gift...  
 How about anyone else? A lot of guilt gifting? Spending money instead of time.?  
 Since I thought I might've been able to attend different family events  
 I guess I got people's 'hopes up' so realizing I just can't make it  
 I make sure to get them their 'special somethings' from their 'special place'  
 Then there's this: around the holidays I always like to offer massage as an entirely  
 Separate visit from the type I usually do...this year I was unsure, yet I accidentally  
 Renewed an older massage AD & since I have a new massage location.....  
 I figured ok I'll do some now & then....  
 Since I'm used to a more full, fulfilling kind of visit, I'm very particular about how I meet (screen) a new friend & I do all I can to accommodate the times/dates they are available, meshing my time around theirs....which brings me to the question:  
  Y in the world are there (maybe it's a massage issue) SO, so many inquires saying just 1 or 2 words- like -'openings, location, more pix?'  
 That stuff makes me wanna scream....  
 I do have a website, & I say I need to screen in all my ads....  
 ladies do you often find yourself giving out your availability to random  
 people all the time??  
 I'm just not cool with that, & honestly if people ask questions that are clearly answered in the ad, am I wrong for just skipping past & ignoring them....  
               (and I mean asking more then 1 that's answered in the ad)  
  I get to feeling so guilty for that, yet as the saying goes: you teach people how to treat you, by what you accept.  
  Opinions plz -if I don't respond to the "hi wanna meet" or  
 the "how much N where" or the nice guy intro- w/ "what's your availability like this week/today, ect.?"  
 Am I really such a bitch to ignore those?  
 I know it doesn't help that I've had an unplanned ER visit w/family recently & the fact that I've been battling on & off insomnia (I'm just full of good luck huh lol)  
 Or the major problems I've had with my (I swear it's possessed) phone...  
 but all in all - I really do try to be prompt with those I know (& or)the ones that seem serious....  
 Another question: anyone ever (2often) put off or 4get about things you need to upgrade (like my phone) & often spend your money on others, only to feel dumb for doing so after the fact....  
 I can't be the only silly person thinking of others so much this season, that I end up screwing myself....  
 Like me not making up my mind & following thru w/getting a reliable phone......  
 is it really just a blonde thing ;) ?  
                                (hint: I doubt it)  
 I can't wait to see if anyone gives their opinions or tells of other holiday frazzled moments....  
 No matter what I wish everyone the vey happiest of holidays & one of the best years ever!!  
 Bring it on 2017!! :) :)

souls_harbor 460 reads
13 / 15

This is where you could say yes and then quote a figure to make it worth your while.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Who's up at that time!!! Not I, well not when I'm touring maybe in Chicago when I'm out "Confessing on a DANCEFLOOR" since Chicago clubs & bars are opened til 4/5am..   Almost every other night I've gotten late late texts at that time!!!

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 455 reads
14 / 15

I like my sleep!!! Lol lol  

Posted By: souls_harbor
This is where you could say yes and then quote a figure to make it worth your while.  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Who's up at that time!!! Not I, well not when I'm touring maybe in Chicago when I'm out "Confessing on a DANCEFLOOR" since Chicago clubs & bars are opened til 4/5am..   Almost every other night I've gotten late late texts at that time!!!

narcisserotoid 24 Reviews 331 reads
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families, but we can choose whether to spend time with them, or not.  I choose not, and have for years.  they are hundreds of miles away anyway.

and this year, less one cat, I will be spending Christmas weekend alone with my remaining cat.  and that has been the case for a5 or more years, as well, with one or two exceptions.

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