
Just so you'll be completely confused...
Turkana 10198 reads

I've never bailed on a provider, but here's another viewpoint:  Consider the few guys who bail to be a cost of doing business.  Don't charge a kill fee.  It's just good customer service, like being able to cancel a hotel room without paying for the reservation.  Now, granted, some airlines on some fares, and some hotels on some reservations will charge if you change or cancel -- and you know what?  That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  You're in a personal services business.  Be gracious.  Smile. Say, "Sorry, is there a special reason you don't want to stay?"  

I agree that it's rude and crude for the guy to make an appointment and then bail, but you don't know if it's because he's an asshole or maybe just nervousness.  If the latter, then being nice will put him at ease and maybe he'll come back. Of course, there's a lot of uncertainty here...things you just don't know...but one thing I think you can be pretty sure of is this:  if you try to or do charge a kill fee, that guy will NOT come back.  

And finally, Sue, you're such a sweetie, you'll do fine w/o the kill fee...

I'm not sure if my last message was sent. I was thinking about putting on a 50.00 inconvenience fee. to men that would set up a time and walk in to my home and then change there mind. This has happend to me twice now . Am i wrong for wanting to do this?

mshy9632 reads

I agree and what about the provider that cancels at the last minute or fails to show. And then its to late to make other arrangements

TymberLee10059 reads

Kinda scary too. if he didn't want to see you, kinda makes you wonder what he was up to.

If a provider is a no show and you want to see her still ask for a cancelation discount. and the provider that cancels at the last min. well (depending on the reason)I quess ask for the samething.

Sue, In Vegas if the lady shows up, she charges a fee for showing up.

peachs9112 reads

how about the provider that doesn't return a phone call or e-mail?

itsbeenfun7601 reads

-- Modified on 10/5/2005 11:32:47 AM

I don't think you are wrong at all.  How well that would go over with at least some of the clients who behave in this fashion is another matter.

Probably not wrong, but how to collect the fee as they walk out the door.  And why would they walk out on you, a very nice lady from what I've seen and read.

This is kind of a tricky subject really.  The money only flows one way in this business, so it's easy to assume thare should be one set of rules for hobbyists and another for providers.  But think about it...  Let's assume that I take time off work to shave my hairy back and give my funky teeth their annual brushing.  I show up on your doorstep and you are so completely turned off by me that you just can't go through with it.  Are you going to pay me for the time I took off, or my travel expenses, etc...

It seems to me that the "right to bail out" clause has to extend both ways and the financial loss to either party is just part of the cost of doing business.

I've never "hit the ejection handles" yet but I've already decided what I'd do if it ever happens:  If it's just that we don't click, I'd offer a tip, just as you suggested, and be on my way.  If it was because the girl was a bait-n-switch, or her pictures/description were deceptive, her incall was inapropriate, then I'd just be on my way, and no $ would change hands, even if she asked.

I think you're probably better off hoping that most will be gentlemen and will offer a gift, rather than inflaming the situation by confronting a guy in your doorway who has already established that he's not a gentleman.  I can't believe that anyone who isn't generous enough to offer would suddenly step up just because they were asked.

Just for the record, if I was on your doorstep, there's no flippin way I'd leave!

Sue -

I agree with Omega.  Cancellations work both ways.  This past weekend I went to see a provider.  As I went in to her incall, I was called back to work for an emergency situation.  Not the best timing, I admit (knowing this could happen).  So, I had to bail.  The lady was cute, seemed fun and ready to go.  I was prepared to offer something for her trouble, but she pulled a "tip" out of the cash I had given her before I could offer.  The she said that she'd need more if I wanted to see her again.  I said I had to go.  And off I went.  That's part one.  Part two is that this provider then called my cell phone at least 8 times berating me for leaving.  Name calling (quite crude, in fact).  Even left a message later with the same diatribe.

So, Sue, should you CHARGE a cancellation fee?  Sure, go ahead.  It would be expected up front by the person scheduling.  However, from my standpoint, I'd be happy to offer a "tip" (so to speak) for your trouble if I had to bail...just as long as I didn't have the aftermath of what I experienced the other night.


It is hard to beleve someone would set a time and place with a provider than turn them down. They pay 1/2 of donation. Do they explain why. when pick a provider you see pics and read revious
Has ant providers yurned down hobbyiss I always tell the provider my age hgt and wt.  I still can not see why a person would a provider down. when they have there pics. and they are correct thank you

Hi Sue
I sent you a private message, but you mentioned you were having problems with PM's.

I think a few guys just want to see what you look like and/or guilt sets in.  It seems to happen a few times when you're new so probably the same guys LOL.  I wasn't asking for references at the time, which probably perpetuated the situation.

Several providers have a "new client" day each week and get a hotel room.  If everything goes well, they will then entertain at their home for repeat visits.  

Don't take those guys bolting personally.  Also, I don't think you need to ask for deposits.  I don't see this happening too often.  

Hope this helps!

Turkana10199 reads

I've never bailed on a provider, but here's another viewpoint:  Consider the few guys who bail to be a cost of doing business.  Don't charge a kill fee.  It's just good customer service, like being able to cancel a hotel room without paying for the reservation.  Now, granted, some airlines on some fares, and some hotels on some reservations will charge if you change or cancel -- and you know what?  That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  You're in a personal services business.  Be gracious.  Smile. Say, "Sorry, is there a special reason you don't want to stay?"  

I agree that it's rude and crude for the guy to make an appointment and then bail, but you don't know if it's because he's an asshole or maybe just nervousness.  If the latter, then being nice will put him at ease and maybe he'll come back. Of course, there's a lot of uncertainty here...things you just don't know...but one thing I think you can be pretty sure of is this:  if you try to or do charge a kill fee, that guy will NOT come back.  

And finally, Sue, you're such a sweetie, you'll do fine w/o the kill fee...

It was something I was thinking about doing,. and wanted some input on it. Thanks oxox Sue

webslavedude9250 reads

If the guy was a weirdo, charging a minimum fee or "incovenience fee" probably wouldn't solve the problem - he probably wouldn't pay it....

If the guy was normal, he would probably be turned off by a minimum visit fee - I am.

That leaves to guys who see you and your pics/look/place/demeanor doesn't match what they expected.  These guys have a genuine right to turn down the service.  In this case I would consider following up with them and asking them why... if there was something in particular that didn't work out...  sometimes this follow up can actually produce a loyal customer because you took the time to find out what was on their mind...


Guys who have guilty pangs - most of the time these guys do pay.  They just want to get out of the situation smoothly, have second thoughts, etc....  I don't think they would mind if you mentioned/requested some money...  Another solution is get them to talk to you therapeutically... I know it sounds funny, but if you keep them there longer you definitely have a right to charge for the ad hoc counseling

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