
It's been standard operating procedure here for years
Wongbater 40 Reviews 681 reads

Assume anytime you check in a hotel in the metro...some suburbs have more intense programs...your info is run by LE.  Hope you don't get a knock on your hotel room door.  Same goes for the parking lots.  License plate scanners are a bitch.

Hobbyists, providers and even regular guests are being scrutinized and investigated in RI.  Is this happening in MN and around the country?  Are other hotel chains doing the same thing.

A lot of hotels do this I have seen it first hand. As long as the police officer is cool with the person at the front desk they will hand it right over. I've seen and heard it done many many times.


AladinSane752 reads

this is happening in Brooklyn Center.  The cops are tipped off to irregular activity (short visits) and they pull the person over and ask "what were you doing at the hotel"   followed by "we know where you were and what you were doing"  from there it goes to "you are going to jail" they take your phone and sweat you for almost an hour.  if the person offers nothing they will walk in on the lady and do the same threat of jail.  for me it was an innocent massage by an unlicensed provider but I do not trust police, I am sure that if I had even admitted that much they would have spun it into a charge of prostitution in spite of the fact that nothing more then topless massage was involved.

these people do not play by the rules, the police think the law does not apply to them.  They harass people who have done nothing wrong and they cant understand why so may people see then as the enemy and not the protect and serve that they have written on their cars.

Mzchievous741 reads

And...yeah......yeah.......maybe your brother, father or mother was/is a cop, and maybe "they" happen to be a good one,  
But IMO most of 'em have a bit of a "god complex"  

It's always good -to remember- legally the police are allowed to lie to you,  
yet if you do it can be called obstruction, one should always be aware of what spin can be put on a circumstance depending on whatever agenda LE has-

But it's always important to remember for every good one there's also such thing as a dirty one.  

Best to just learn your rights and keep your mouth shut, and when needed lawyer up!

I think Lawyer up always have a lawyer at your fingertips no matter where you go . You have to for a lot of reasons it's a shaky world , everybody out there is looking to make a buck off of somebody else's shortcomings or  vulnerabilities .  I think that is a dirty priest a dirty cop that dirty judge a dirty wife a dirty  husband a dirty teacher  a dirty everything !whether a badge or no badge just having a badge doesn't make a person good of perfect.  contrary to elementary school telling us they were.
Lol look if someone gets hurt then it matters! Right!  Stab, druged , shot, overdose . Not that Anything go's wrong at  motels more then hotels 😉👌lol. Hell I bet a majority of the babies were made there that are now on our government payroll or on the food stamp mi majority of the babies were made there that are now on our government payroll or on the food stamps.
Someone's wife or girlfriend calls and complaints and the cops got to do the job if something goes wrong after someone's wife calls and complains .
it's going to be the police department that goes down because she's going to yak  that she called them and they did nothing. Tax payers can do that . Lol  
 Moral of the story is ?? 🎱🎯NO Motels !!!!! Clean it up !  At least we all have warning"  Think positiv

Assume anytime you check in a hotel in the metro...some suburbs have more intense programs...your info is run by LE.  Hope you don't get a knock on your hotel room door.  Same goes for the parking lots.  License plate scanners are a bitch.

My ex-wife and I took custody of her niece, because my wife's sister was hooked on meth.  The father could have stepped in himself and took custody, bypassing us.  But he didn't.  I wouldn't quite call him a deadbeat dad, but he's never been there for his daughter the way he should be.  And here's the kicker: the man is a COP.  If these are the kinds of people in our police departments, no wonder that law enforcement is so fucked up.

They are looking for those with outstanding warrants.

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