
Its all relative I guess ...
seeyouonline 47 Reviews 5680 reads
1 / 53

Just wondering if locals are paying the $600 - 1200 plus prices. It seems crazy to me when there are great opportunities with local gals with reasonable prices or for a budget  travel expense you can have an sessions for $200 or less with model quality gals in Montreal, Mexico, Toronto, Germany and many parts of Asia. Also great experiences to be had at $400 or less locally. For the price of a couple of the high price sessions you can get an awesome vacation and sleep with a half dozen hotties at the budget rate.  
It seems like paying these rates just encourages the price inflation for everybody else.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 137 reads
2 / 53

Prices are up on everything.
Gents have no issues with my rates.

icyblu 115 reads
4 / 53

It's unfortunate that prices are going up in the local market, but there seems to be enough demand to sustain the current rates.  

I highly recommend traveling for sex while the US Dollar is strong. The federal reserve is most-likely going to lower interest rates next year, so enjoy the strong dollar while you can.

Minnesotaislove1 140 reads
5 / 53

I've debated getting out the game due to these prices in the local community.  Then I traveled for business in Vegas and California and found prices extremely lower due to more providers available with excellent services.  Came back here to MN to find sky high prices for moderate sessions. Worst thing is when you find a provider advertising xxx and they're having a bad day or don't provide specific advertised services at all. But, hey, men are ATMs. MN is a joke for AMPS (💯) and providers who believe they're actually worth x3 the prices. I have so many examples of some who went from $180 to $300 for HE massages, and independents going from $250 to $450 with same services. Leave MN and you will find two providers in one session for those prices.

kinkyman69 43 Reviews 128 reads
6 / 53

I've been saying for years that the prices is that some of these chick's charge are absolutely ridiculous. I mean, just think about somebody's chicks. Some are charging 6 to 8 hundred dollars for an hour of fun time.  
Think about all the things you could buy for 8 hundred dollars. I mean, I get some dudes might have very high paying jobs but still, why pay that much.

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 146 reads
7 / 53

I think the obvious answer to all this is play within your budget. Where you and I will disagree is this notion of price inflation. Before I actively started advertising in 2020, I spoke to several local providers and visited so many websites to get an idea of where to start with rates. The overwhelming majority of providers were somewhere between $350 - $500 for the first hour and had been at those rates since roughly, 2016. I don't know about you but I think it's fairly reasonable to conclude that after 3 years, prices would go up, let alone after 7 years. Hell, my rates have stayed stagnant for Minneapolis since January 2022; most providers have.  

Going outside is expensive, staying inside is expensive, the cost of everything is on the up and up. We all are feeling the impact of this garbage economy and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Still - let's not be ignorant -  we all know that in any business, as operating costs go up, businesses may increase rates to maintain (not necessarily increase BUT maintain) profitability. And yes, businesses risk losing clients to other providers who are able to provide a similar service at a lower price point. But therein lies the beauty of this industry... the client pays for what they want: is it about the service, the experience or both?  

Instead of directing your frustration at providers who are just trying to make a living, maybe redirect it towards economic policies that are putting ALL businesses in this position.

maxpowers77 127 reads
9 / 53

Missing the old agencies.  XO, City Girls and others.  Fantastic gals, great service and a reasonable price.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 110 reads
11 / 53

Have not and will not payed the $800 to $1000 per hour.
That being said just saw a review where provider was non welcoming and client finished on a rag. The hour was $250 plus a hotel room he had to rent.
Maybe said monger should have paid more and had a satisfying outcome.
Then again once in a while the Unicorn appears - but not often .

wingman1346 85 Reviews 96 reads
12 / 53

Those rates aren't for me either.  I'll bide my time for that unicorn.  😉

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 120 reads
13 / 53

Sir....I supplied that client with a Kleenex, not a rag!!! And I even gave him some of my lotion to finish!!!  LOL  

OldRanger 62 Reviews 92 reads
14 / 53

Was not you I was referring to. Looking at your profile your looks and menu check all the boxes . If listed here would be very near the top of the 100 list with nobody close to your rate .
You may be the closest thing to a Unicorn here in a couple years.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 143 reads
15 / 53
Minnesotaislove1 122 reads
16 / 53

Because everything in life usually gets upgraded and better. In this case services are the same or WORST for more. Why the hell wouldn't one complain?

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 127 reads
17 / 53

I didn't know you've recently had a baby. Congrats!! What a beautiful thing!!

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 122 reads
18 / 53

wait... are people complaining about a service/experience they don't have first hand knowledge of because... they won't pay the rate? So even though they can't really speak to what is provided at a higher rate in the local market, they complain about it? But then when you read their reviews, they often end in, "overall not the best", "won't repeat", "not my type", "only repeat when in a pinch", etc. so really they're shelling out the same amount of money, if not more, for lackluster services/experiences but still complain about services/experiences they've never participated in because... they won't pay higher rates?  

Am I interpreting this correctly?

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 113 reads
19 / 53

Sounds like these complainers mere presence causes ladies to catch a strong case of the ick and "kitty el dry".

I can't imagine who could muster any sort of act of attraction towards fellows who use the language of those above.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 122 reads
20 / 53

Google translate: I was used to getting the most for the least. Those suckers are gone and now I'm butthurt.

IJMiggs 136 reads
21 / 53
jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 124 reads
22 / 53

This poor tortured soul is repeatedly so desperate for my attention yet can't even afford to find out firsthand if the 'rumors' are true.

Also, everyone.... please go look at my reviews! I love attention! haha  

They say your haters are your biggest fans.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 103 reads
23 / 53

Also, I'd really like you to give an outline of at least 10 more lengthy points mocking the bodies of women who have given life to children. Please go on and share more. We can't wait to hear what you really think.

seeyouonline 47 Reviews 102 reads
24 / 53

This is not a complaint so much as it stating the insanity of the situation. Basically it is like paying a grand for a bottle of vintage wine. Even if I won Poweball I wouldn’t pay it. There is always someone that needs to grossly overpay to feel like a big shot, but it will not be me. I have seen amazing women and have never paid over $400. Many have been hotter than the $800-1000 gals. With women paying a lot usually doesn’t improve the outcome once you are over a typical $200 - 400 dollar threshold and you have chemistry with the gal. Assuming the gal has a good track record.

kinkyman69 43 Reviews 116 reads
25 / 53

I mean, based on what you just said shouldn't we always try to get the best for the least? That's just the way life works.  
Also, we are the paying customers so we can vent about prices if we want. A guy will either pay the outrageous prices or he won't, it's really that simple. I personally don't know you and probably wouldn't pay your prices but I don't think you're hurting for clients. You'll always find some rich high roller that will pay your prices or the fool that really can't afford your prices but it will save for months or take money out of his savings to see you.  
Some of us average Joe earners can complain because the same girl that you saw 5 years ago for 200 or 300 is now charging 600 or more but the service is no better or worse.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 120 reads
26 / 53

I understand one needs to live within a budget.  
I definitely know the average guy can not afford the $800 hourly rate For Jennie.  
Just went through you last three reviews and see see one location was Scary, another provider got tired and you finished yourself , and the third provided services but depending on your age might have been your mother . Guessed with these “bargains” spent about as much as an hour with Jennie or some others.  
You might look at the amps 80/hr plus tip and if have to finish yourself can get two trips for the price of one of your last three reviews .
Guessing and only guessing ( have not seen her in 7 or 8 years) that Jennie is as busy as she wants to be or would not still be asking and receiving her rate.

kinkyman69 43 Reviews 126 reads
27 / 53

Please be aware that I don't review every woman that I see. Some have have retired, some don't want to be reviewed and some are under the radar, others already have so many reviews, that adding my two cents isnt needed.  
Before the Super Bowl came to town, it wasn't hard to get great service for 200 per hour with a hot pro. Those prices doubled and then tripled. I completely understand that a pro can charge what she wants and that's totally fine but guys can complain about the overall higher prices compared to a few years ago or compared to other cites. I'm pretty sure a lot of women lost reliable regulars when prices went up because they couldn't justify paying double or triple the price.
Put this into perspective. About six years ago I had a hot threesome with two pros who have since retired. I paid $450 for that unforgettable experience. That same experience today would cost me about at least $1000( but probably closer to $1500) with half the fun and double the rules.

vorlon 119 Reviews 124 reads
28 / 53

Provider rates have increased much faster than the disposable income that most clients have for P4P.  Obviously, providers are the ones who set their rates but when guys who used to be able to afford providers of a certain level of quality no longer can, that is very frustrating.  They are going to complain about it and this is one of the few places they can.  It's not the sort of thing one can gripe about to one's family, friends, or co-workers except under unusual circumstances.  Nor is it really a matter of why providers have increased their rates so much.  Regardless of the why, it is still simply frustrating to be priced out from seeing ladies one would like to see, particularly if it is someone the client has seen before and wants to see again.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 147 reads
29 / 53

Loving the logic and reason in your approach. People don't have to agree with me, but I do especially appreciate and respect when their perspective is logical.

mdr676767 8 Reviews 121 reads
30 / 53

There are some excellent providers out there for $300 who are well worth repeating multiple times. If you don't like the rates, don't pay, we are in a democracy. Rates though are not always reflective of the Service given has I've found out to my cost! :)

OldRanger 62 Reviews 126 reads
32 / 53

She never said she did not use a cover nor not have a baby. She did allude to the fact that she does not have a fifteen minute rate to fit a budget - but I  feel you are getting as relentless with your trolling of Jennie that it is more then apparent that you miss your missing dance partner here.
By the way as memory serves me her covered BJ is exceptional.

-- Modified on 12/31/2023 8:38:54 AM

vorlon 119 Reviews 99 reads
33 / 53

This is just another example of why so many people here despise you.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 115 reads
35 / 53
Nago8 4 Reviews 144 reads
36 / 53

On the bright side, you can still get a pretty good massage from a 7 or 8 in looks and hand job for $200 and the provider does all the work.  All you gotta do is lay there--maybe role over for the happy ending.  Life is good.

Justourluckyday 24 Reviews 106 reads
37 / 53

30% putting up with your body shaming insults
10% laundry
5% no show fund
20% business risk for the business impact of your sucky reviews.

and 15% service and 20% time.  
That means you are only being paying $210 for a one hour appt.

PS: Don't write me, I do not have VIP

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 117 reads
38 / 53

Rate of inflation for the past two years is roughly 12%.  So if someone was charging $350 two years ago, they could justify claiming about an extra $40 today.  So $390, or to be nice, round up to $400.  Anything beyond that is not due to inflation.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 122 reads
40 / 53

Somewhat unrelated, but still, I was curious and found the long term average rate of inflation is about 3%.  At 3% the value of money is cut in half every 24 years.   If you were making $100,000 24 years ago, it would only be worth $50,000 today.

knotsaway 36 Reviews 103 reads
41 / 53

… as you did 24 years ago, I’d say it’s time to find a new profession—or at least a new job.

bratt_69 7 Reviews 98 reads
42 / 53

I consider myself one of the very lucky ones here. In the early 90’s Catherine S. was availability for $300. The turn of the century Melissa was available for $300. In the early teens Hailey was available for $300. I’m no knight in shining armor, but when I walk thru the door, that’s what each and every woman makes me feel like. They deserve a lot more than what I’ve got. We all are just lucky to have the most wonderful, erotic women in our city. I have no problem dishing out these prices. And if your experiences aren’t top quality try doing more homework beforehand. Think about what you made in 1990. Yeh, your wage probably has more than tripled. Like I said at the beginning, I consider myself one of the very lucky ones...thank you Ladies

snafu929 18 Reviews 108 reads
43 / 53

Catherine was probably the best experience I've ever had in my career as a monger.  Almost had a 3 way with her and Samantha Good but it never was able to be arranged.  I don't disagree with what you've posted in any way but comparing some of those gals to many/most of the gals today and the experience isn't really accurate.  We are blessed with a few who truly care about their craft though but there's a lot of wannabees that just want the big fees without the whole package.

LuvWhitney See my TER Reviews 108 reads
44 / 53

For anyone wondering, SG is doing well. I was fortunate enough to see her last year and still talk to her. ♡

Huggybear3 8 Reviews 113 reads
45 / 53

Thanks for the update on SG.  I had some of my best experiences with her.  Good to hear that she is doing well.

IJMiggs 105 reads
46 / 53

But here goes… Please explain to me what you mean about “giving an outline of at least 10 more lengthy points mocking the bodies of women who have given life to children.”  I would love to answer your question!

IJMiggs 103 reads
48 / 53

Thanks for smashing that keyboard alone in your dark basement without thinking.

honestlysir 33 reads
50 / 53

A client in the thread said,  "I consider myself one of the very lucky ones here. In the early 90’s Catherine S. was availability for $300. The turn of the century Melissa was available for $300."

$300 in 2002 = $514.31 in 2024 all due to inflation

One of the early 90s/2000s TC favorites and I have evolved from acquaintances to friends. Even she couldn't keep her jaw from hitting the floor when she heard that in the span of two decades, while the price of everything else bloated up like a balloon on steroids, the chaps are still playing hardball & digging in their heels over the price tag on the lovely women in the TC area who offer the extra sprinkles they seemingly aren't getting elsewhere on their donut of life!

snafu929 18 Reviews 42 reads
51 / 53

First of all, $300 was a big investment in the early 90's but Catherine was worth every damn cent of it.  Her menu options and how she brought her A game to the dance was top shelf all the way.  Her incall was usually a high end suite, her hygiene was immaculate and her sex drive was off the charts.  

Inflation is still there and as far as I see, prices may have reached a high point and were seeing some of those soften which would indicate to me that reality will soon come to bear for many.  Of course, there will be some outliers that will maintain a high end appeal but there's clearly a difference between an independent that is investing in marketing and building/maintaining her brand vs. the local brothel running clients through turnstiles like a subway station.  $400-$600 for a great GFE romp on clean sheets or waiting for the massage hooker to vape a little more while watching Maury Povich before she returns to her room with the mattress on the floor?

A solid hour of fun starting as you walk thru the door vs waiting alone for 10 minutes, blow a nut and she tosses you a warm wet towel that might have a couple sessions splooge in it and your on your way to your car after 39 minutes?  

The rush to the top of the rate structure didn't start 50-some days ago on New Years Day, it was rising high at least two years ago when the helicopter money was still falling and circulating through the economy.  

IJMiggs 45 reads
52 / 53
lockstock 201 Reviews 27 reads
53 / 53
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