
jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 2203 reads

I'm back to accepting reviews. They seem to have their place, and what is the harm?

Ladies who have a no review policy(as I did for awhile), what are your reasons?

Suitors, where do you find them the most helpful/unhelpful?


Through the years found them very helpful and kept me from ever having a disaster . One thing I do miss is the p411 where the provider stated her offerings unlike now where everything is vague. That kept the provider confirming claimed menu items and false expectations.
Also read reviews of providers I have seen to see if I trusted the reviewer for ladies on my short list  to see.

For me it helps me narrow down providers that offer menu items im looking for as well as experience during sessions even tho everyone will have a different experience.

I certainly don't treat reviews like they are the gospel, but I feel better reaching out to a provider if they have a decent track record of reviews.  

Reviews certainly don't guarantee a connection, but knowing that the provider isn't a scam artist is reassuring.

It's not just a matter of establishing that she doesn't rip off clients, pull off NCNSs, or uses fake pics.  It's about getting a good idea of how dealing with her is going to be and what is my experience with her going to be like.  Even a reputable provider may not be a good match to what I am looking for.  The gold standard is when I find reviews from people who have similar tastes to mine.

This makes a good point. Beyond non getting scammed, it does give a bit of a taste of what the experience may be like.

I think that reviews broadly 'provide' two benefits. First of all, they tell whether a provider was a total scam or "just laid there" type performance, or was an amazing experience worth 9 or 10 scores, or somewhere in between.  
And yes, I do an initial screening of  providers by looking at their scores. While I don't pay much attention to 1 or 2 points difference between different providers, I do pay a lot of attention by avoiding providers who have scores less than 5.  
And the second major benefit of reviews is that it tells specific menu items that the provider does or doesn't do. In addition, I feel that the Chemistry score gives one of the best ideas of what to expect in regards to the friendliness of providers.  
For these reasons, my go-to location for finding providers is on TER because of the many reviews of many providers with a   much more reliable review system than I've seen anywhere else.  I almost never visit a provider without seeing her TER reviews first.      
I will admit that I've seen a few non-TER reviewed providers in planning to TOFTT, and I'm glad that other reviewers are willing to do the same.

My dr. asked me if I were sexually active. I said "no, I just lay there." haha

I didn't know there was a chemistry score. This seems to be the most subjective part.

That's where it pays a guy to pay close attention to reviews with similar tastes to him.

I agree. It not only weeds out scammers, but also gives info don't the type of session to expect.  There are some 100% well reviewed providers that have sessions that I avoid. The language barrier is an issue for me. There are lots of non-English as a first language ladies that are amazing, they just aren't for me. I also really try avoid any smell issues. Any odd smell can ruin an otherwise great session for me.  

This is the ultimate luxury purchase, so I want to make each session as fun as possible.

I can  say is since finding TER have never been subjected to a bad session ( some not so good but) .
Sessions included many from the old Back page days and between reviews and learning which reviewers I trusted had many good experiences . Do miss the P411 acronym menu where the provider said what was available so one could also weed out the Don Juan escapade exaggerations.  
I do agree that the detail required by TER years ago was unnecessarily detailed but now today when they are  lax makes it too easy to fake one especially of the highly reviewed providers.

Atouk56 reads

I’m fairly new to this, and I usually hobby when I’m traveling (occasionally here at home),  I start my search process here looking for well reviewed providers in my target city.

Everybody wants to be as sure as possible that they are making the right decision, especially when it comes to something that is a luxury not a necessity. Reviews, in this sense, can function as an essential source of information. They can provide insight into the experience, offer a sense of credibility, and build a sense of trust between providers and new clients. Reviews can build a reputation, which is something that can be difficult to do in today's climate. After all, if others have had an enjoyable experience, it’s likely that you will too. Although, clients must remember that despite a provider having a history of giving a certain set of services, adjustments may have to be made based on factors such as client attitude, hygiene, and physical capabilities, etc. In spite of what people may have been told, it's not "one size fits all" (lol - I crack myself up).  

And yet, these reviews can be a double edged sword. While they can help clients make informed decisions and build a providers reputation, there are also some legitimate safety and security concerns to consider. Some providers have seen their reviews used against them in divorce proceedings and custody hearings. Sex Workers, with regular 9-5 jobs have been suspended from work pending investigations based on THESE reviews because employers often use the "preponderance of evidence" standard, meaning that even if the evidence isn't concrete, it could still be a violation of their employment contract, usually a morality clause. The employer doesn't have to read the reviews; there is enough general information that is accessible to the public, without a VIP account that provides information such as ad locations, social media handles, blogs, physical descriptors, categories of what's provided, etc.  

All this to say, it's a double edged sword. Do I think they are necessary to be successful? Absolutely not, as there are more and more clients who are shying away from places like TER and P411. And yet, are reviews helpful? Absolutely and it's because of TER I've been able to build up a regular clientele base. Two things can be true at once.

-- Modified on 10/15/2023 11:57:34 PM

I like your observation that two things can be true at once. This seems to apply to many contexts.

Wow, you ARE a brainy bombshell!

so if she gets bad reviews she's more likely to lose custody of the kids?  I dont think reviews have anything to do with how a judge weighs the evidence in a divorce proceeding, the fact that shes engaged in prostitution is probably the over riding factor and it wouldnt be difficult to prove to a court that a spouse is a sex worker.  In terms of employment, I dont think an employer is going to be checking info on TER.  Theres myriad ways to complete background checks.   Of course, having an arrest for prostitution isnt good for broadening your employment opportunites.  I had one provider request that no one post reviews. Shes over priced and kinda of a jerk so I guess its a sound business pratice for her.

dense or do you just pretend to be that way?

Occasional hobbyist here. Reviews are nice because I know that I’m not gonna get scammed or have a bad time. There’s nothing wrong with not having them either, but I will admit to checking other spots to see if there’s other people who vouch for you if you don’t have them. If you are a new client, it’s one of a couple security blankets for your investment. Kinda, but also very different, then screening information.

Don’t really care about scores or details or anything, a simple 👆👉👇would do.  

I will ad that I saw Jenny awhile back (pre new uh boobs it looks like). She showed up to my downtown hotel on time, greeted me in the lobby, had a glass of wine in my room, and made sure I had a great time after. Highly recommended. Great fun.

...Living 2.5 hour north of the metro and extremely limited opportunities in my area, I really can't afford missing the mark when I visit the metro.  When I lived in town, it was pretty easy to take one for the team and chalk it up to another hit or miss if a date wasn't that good and turn around with an appointment somewhere else pretty quick.  Too much time invested in planning an itinerary around the recreation or vice versa.  

It was wonderful when there were 5 or 6 decent parlors a guy could visit all within a relatively short drive.  If those were still a thing, a guy could roll the dice on lining up a visit with an unknown gal and maybe find a new favorite.  Now that 007 is in town and doing well, perhaps more will come and create a little competition.  That's a win-win for the mongers!

I'm in the same boat!!!! Very selective on my "dates"
2.5-3 hr drive to end up scrambling to not waste the trip... I use TER boards all the time for my research!!

If I was a provider I would be using TER all the time.  
Mostly because (let me guess) more than half the available clientele in the Cities use it. And it's not just about reviews, but screening and making connections too.  
Right click to Google an established provider's contact info and their TER profile is top of the search results.  
It's the first thing I do... if nothing comes up, then that is the first obstacle to an appointment. Appointments are the product of reputation and whatever lust the provider can generate in their ad; those two things. The one complements the other. Those things are obvious.  

And then there's the back channel. Many really enjoyable moments have begun with conversations in PMs with a woman whose TER presence has caught my imagination. Temperament character sexuality generosity kindness hotness bubble up through people's words. You might have great tits, but if you sound like a dick when you open your mouth...  

But maybe the most undervalued value (from a provider's point of view) is that it also works in the other direction doesn't it, if a provider knows a client's TER handle?
It amazes me that people write malicious crap, here in public and in their reviews and expect there to be no consequences. There's one guy for example who never scores anyone higher than 6 and complains constantly.  
Of course when you read about a provider, that is second hand information and should often be taken with a pinch of salt. But when you are reading what the client wrote in order to out what he's like, well that's solid first hand data and maybe the most valuable screening tool there is.

...in an alternate universe but even then, reputations are built be they good or bad.  I've never had an issue letting a provider know what my handle is.  I actually prefer it.    If they'd care to spend a few minutes...or hours...they can peruse anything I've said in here and I stand behind it, even if the posts were made a bit under the influence as this was is.  I have made friendships with pros that began on the discussion board, moved to PMs and ultimately ended up in a hotel suite or pro's domicile.  Some years back, I had the opportunity to chauffer (volunteer) multiple pro's on a girls night out at a few of the strip clubs.  The most 6 hours of fun I've ever had actually.  Point of the story, the gals became known to each other thru this board.  I knew a few of them and was considered to be a solid and safe guy.  I had an 8 seat suburban.  None of that would have every been possible without TER's discussion board.

Fuk'n miss those days!  I am not a white knight and don't jump in the defense of a woman spewing bullshit or providing bad services but I cannot stand guys coming in here like bulls in a china shop berating our friends, calling them crude names and/or treating them like shit.  Why the fuck is that necessary?  Too many have said fuck it and left.  This is what we live with now.

I don't conceal my TER handle when contacting a provider and I've consistently used the same handle wherever I have been active.  I consider this a good way to show providers what I'm like and help make them more comfortable with the idea of seeing me.  And if for some reason some providers decide that's why they would rather not see me then while that can be disappointing, it's probably for the best all the way around.

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