
Interesting phrasing
TalonTed 89 Reviews 2390 reads
1 / 28

of Maya. Every other reviewers gave her 8-9 and I rated her 6.  I did not caved in and standby my review.
I bet there's a lot of reviewers out there that  are afraid of putting in a real review and instead tried to please agency so they won't be black listed.  Me I don't give a f$ck.

Just curious if anyone here has written an average or below average review and been contacted by TER or agency, and what was the outcome.

minnesotajohn 456 Reviews 1291 reads
2 / 28

about telling it the way I saw it. But the thing I noticed is that all those reviews were followed by more bad reviews or the provider reviewed herself, then the next guy slammed her anyway. Don't they get it?

Talon: Can you PM me the agencies message?

rawvet 10 Reviews 1043 reads
3 / 28

Yes I wrote a true review about a provider and she
wrote me asking how she was going to get any clients  
after they would have read her review.  I only told
the truth as I saw it and experienced it.

minnesotajohn 456 Reviews 1195 reads
5 / 28

I understand, not everyone has fortitude.


Re: Just one of many reasons that I don't write reviews.  EOM
Posted By: NamelessHobbiest[/username

2late 179 Reviews 1458 reads
6 / 28

I posted in support of a fellow hobbyist on the Phoenix board and got attacked by a couple of providers for my efforts. (titled "West Valley Incall" on 10-6-14) A small part of what they said had a grain of truth so I tried to explain my situation.  It made no difference to them!  

 They then distorted and falsified my review ratings or were just plain bad at basic math, take your pick.  They depicted me as someone who "definitely" enjoys degrading women because of my writing style!  Only one or two men came to my defense and the rest were either intimidated, apathetic, or agreed with them.

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 1:52:26 PM

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 1277 reads
7 / 28

Hey 2late,
Just finished skimming the AZ post you referred to and while I have not read all 160+ of your reviews nor the one that references "wet...", I have looked at many of your reviews of girls I've seen or thought about seeing. If we can't review the ladies based on our own experiences, both performance and looks, then what's the point of TER!

Personally, I hope you and others who are known here in MN keep it up just as you're doing.

Re Akiya and Julia's comments, I felt one generally had class while the other did not and thus I'm not interested in the "less classy" one. Are my words PC enough lol.
Posted By: 2late
I posted in support of a fellow hobbyist on the Phoenix board and got attacked by a couple of providers for my efforts. (titled "West Valley Incall" on 10-6-14) A small part of what they said had a grain of truth so I tried to explain my situation.  It made no difference to them!  
  They then distorted and falsified my review ratings or were just plain bad at basic math, take your pick.  They depicted me as someone who "definitely" enjoys degrading women because of my writing style!  Only one or two men came to my defense and the rest were either intimidated, apathetic, or agreed with them.  

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 1:52:26 PM

TalonTed 89 Reviews 973 reads
8 / 28

I prefer fucktard or "less classy", its like ketchup you can put in on just about everything.

Posted By: OldTimerB
Hey 2late,  
 Re Akiya and Julia's comments, I felt one generally had class while the other did not and thus I'm not interested in the "less classy" one. Are my words PC enough lol.  
 -- Modified on 11/19/2014 1:52:26 PM

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 1269 reads
9 / 28

Maybe we should write the reviews based on the providers' past history regardless of our actual experiences?

Once a "10", always a "10"!

Best performance EVER!  
This lady was a true Venus goddess and I was so lucky to be able to see her.

Will see her every day...all day long...until she retires...as soon as I win the lottery...

But even if that (win the lottery) never happens, I am so blessed to have seen her and I'll never forget her or my FABULOUSLY AMAZING experience with her.  

What was her name again? She was a 10/10 but...

tayler3000 2 Reviews 1148 reads
10 / 28

Maybe you were just tired since she was your third that day. Congratulations though I wonder what the record is

akiya See my TER Reviews 1198 reads
11 / 28

You were attacked due to your harsh words in your reviews....writing style makes a HUGE difference. You originally posted that a provider refused to see you based on your reviews. My point in bantering with you was to let you know WHY she wouldn't see you. You're free to write reviews as you see fit but don't cry and complain when a provider refuses to see you, essentially refusing your money. The content of a reviewers' reviews is a very valid reason for a provider to not want to see you. I've seen many guys who have written bad reviews....they had a much better writing style than yours. And like I told you before, even if you gave all 10/10s, I personally would refuse you based on your content and verbage.  

And if it makes you feel any better, there are plenty of ladies who will probably see you anyway, despite your harsh words. But do expect to be turned down from time to time. It's a bitter pill to swallow but, meh, that's life!

Would YOU want to see someone who was so crass and hard to please? Seriously doubt it. Me, personally, I want the fun guys. The normal guys. The funny guys. And so on.....

Best of luck to you and like I said in the Phx board post.....no hard feelings. Just the truth :)

Ps The rest of you Minnesota guys are awesome...whew! I'm a lucky girl!!!

741512th 34 Reviews 1051 reads
14 / 28

I usually don't post a review if I had a bad experience.  One review I posted about three years ago was very critical with low scores.  The provider contacted TER and claimed we were never together.  Because I deleted all of the e-mails between us I couldn't prove it.  I commend TER for asking me and not just taking her word for it.  Bottom line, some providers (well, at least one that I know of) with consistently high scores have created the illusion.  On the plus side, if I have given a provider high marks it is because she earned the score.

minn4evr 41 Reviews 1156 reads
15 / 28

I'm basically the last person to come to 2late's defense on most issues, but I've read that thread and have to say you don't come of too well in it. He was trying to have a civil conversation with you. You started out civilly enough, but then you and Julia began agreeing with each other and patting yourselves on the back and making up numbers. When you started in on amateur psychoanalysis of the "poor soul" you crossed the line from argument into disparagement, which continues with your current "cry and complain" comment. It's really too bad. It was an interesting discussion to that point but I can't blame him for getting angry. Pity you couldn't keep it up.  

There are lots of people on these boards eager to start a train wreck at the drop of a hat. People willing to courteously discuss should be valued.

2+2=4 1353 reads
16 / 28

1.  His reviews are often way below the experiences of other reviewers. (look for yourselves)
2.  In the past he has been caught adding decades to what other reviewers have seen.
3.  He calls the women on this board hoes (repeatedly even when asked to stop). September
4.  He says that the activities on this board are immoral.  September
5.  He is the consummate drama queen (this is just the latest chapter).  
6.  Maybe someone called him out for an untruthful or unfair review--we will never know.
Move along folks.  Maybe his mommy will get him a new game for Christmas

TalonTed 89 Reviews 1176 reads
17 / 28

You confused me with another person.  I have NEVER tried to meet up with you, looking at your site now, you're too old for me, and hip too big, that's the truth.

Posted By: akiya
You were attacked due to your harsh words in your reviews....writing style makes a HUGE difference. You originally posted that a provider refused to see you based on your reviews. My point in bantering with you was to let you know WHY she wouldn't see you. You're free to write reviews as you see fit but don't cry and complain when a provider refuses to see you, essentially refusing your money. The content of a reviewers' reviews is a very valid reason for a provider to not want to see you. I've seen many guys who have written bad reviews....they had a much better writing style than yours. And like I told you before, even if you gave all 10/10s, I personally would refuse you based on your content and verbage.  
 And if it makes you feel any better, there are plenty of ladies who will probably see you anyway, despite your harsh words. But do expect to be turned down from time to time. It's a bitter pill to swallow but, meh, that's life!  
 Would YOU want to see someone who was so crass and hard to please? Seriously doubt it. Me, personally, I want the fun guys. The normal guys. The funny guys. And so on.....  
 Best of luck to you and like I said in the Phx board post.....no hard feelings. Just the truth :)  
 Ps The rest of you Minnesota guys are awesome...whew! I'm a lucky girl!!!

2late 179 Reviews 1090 reads
18 / 28

I had no problem with your criticism of my writing style, I will try to learn from it.  What I had a problem with, was your agreeing with Julia, that I enjoyed degrading women.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  

I also had a problem with your, and Julia's, use of numbers which were totally distorted and false.  Even though you admitted that you made an honest mistake, that was too late for many readers!  I also took offense at your attempt to analyze me on a public board especially when your conclusions were so wrong!

When the lady turned me down because of my reviews, she quoted the numbers that I had given and not the content of the graphic details.  Honestly, when I write the graphic details I have a difficult time using some of the language I use.  TER asks for "graphic" and I only know so many ways to say pussy:)  I admitted my use of "wet snatch" was in error!! What can I say, I am no poet when it comes to relating a sexual experience.  

 Akiya, you don't read or listen,  I am not that hard to please. I expect, or at least hope, that the girl I meet will be the one in the pictures and will live up to a minimum of service which she advertises.  When they fall far short, I tell it like it is as best I can and I am not in any way at fault for the service I receive!  I am clean and polite and normal and even have a sense of humor, imagine that.

 You and others have pointed out to me over the years, that I should upgrade the level of providers that I see ( are you insulting these women?). This is easier said than done for me, as I tried to point out in our previous exchange.  

We could go on and on.  I admit that my writing could use improvement and I will try.  Will you admit that you may have misjudged me??

Posted By: akiya
You were attacked due to your harsh words in your reviews....writing style makes a HUGE difference. You originally posted that a provider refused to see you based on your reviews. My point in bantering with you was to let you know WHY she wouldn't see you. You're free to write reviews as you see fit but don't cry and complain when a provider refuses to see you, essentially refusing your money. The content of a reviewers' reviews is a very valid reason for a provider to not want to see you. I've seen many guys who have written bad reviews....they had a much better writing style than yours. And like I told you before, even if you gave all 10/10s, I personally would refuse you based on your content and verbage.  
 And if it makes you feel any better, there are plenty of ladies who will probably see you anyway, despite your harsh words. But do expect to be turned down from time to time. It's a bitter pill to swallow but, meh, that's life!  
 Would YOU want to see someone who was so crass and hard to please? Seriously doubt it. Me, personally, I want the fun guys. The normal guys. The funny guys. And so on.....  
 Best of luck to you and like I said in the Phx board post.....no hard feelings. Just the truth :)  
 Ps The rest of you Minnesota guys are awesome...whew! I'm a lucky girl!!!

TalonTed 89 Reviews 1458 reads
20 / 28

1- Disagreed-  Most reviewers are old, and they rate any pussy under 30 8,9, or 10, because the pussy they have at home are in their 50,60's.  I'm comparing these providers to the 'friends' I hang out with.  

2- Yeah, I know the provider your talking about.  Well her tits are 'pruney' almost grandma like, way old.

3- 100% accurate, but your using it out of context.  Even one provider agrees w/me, she calls herself a hoe.

4- I said the people who calls themselves moral and on TER is hypocrite.

5- Whatever fucktard.

6- You tried to discredit some of my reviews, and I replied with room #, descriptions, etc, only known to someone who's been inside the apartment, hotel, etc would have knows these details.  I buy my own toys. Wouldn't be surprise if one of my toy cost more than what you make is a year or two. I do not have lien on any of my toys either fucktard.
Posted By: 2+2=4

1.  His reviews are often way below the experiences of other reviewers. (look for yourselves)  
 2.  In the past he has been caught adding decades to what other reviewers have seen.  
 3.  He calls the women on this board hoes (repeatedly even when asked to stop). September  
 4.  He says that the activities on this board are immoral.  September  
 5.  He is the consummate drama queen (this is just the latest chapter).  
 6.  Maybe someone called him out for an untruthful or unfair review--we will never know.  
 Move along folks.  Maybe his mommy will get him a new game for Christmas.  

brilove See my TER Reviews 894 reads
22 / 28

You always have to put others down. Does it make you feel better about yourself?  

I was always told if you have to brag about yourself and pat yourself on the back then its probably all BS.

sirbucky 31 Reviews 927 reads
23 / 28

TER board responses a long time ago. Social  media can be brutal.

sweetromantic 140 Reviews 785 reads
24 / 28

I think guys are too scared to write really truthful reviews in spite of backlash and not being able to see the girls again. I will have some honest and interesting reviews here in the next few months on some very highly rated girls. I just wish guys that had bad experience with super high end girls told us about it instead of keeping it quiet, than you hear the stories from the girls themselves.

kasper_woods 10 Reviews 743 reads
25 / 28
akiya See my TER Reviews 691 reads
26 / 28
TalonTed 89 Reviews 773 reads
27 / 28

Fuck Minnesota nice , we work hard for our $$, and should be wise to spend them as well.  The more info good/bad the better we can make decisions

minn4evr 41 Reviews 1013 reads
28 / 28

The unavoidable inference from your post is the honest and interesting reviews you plan to post in the next few months will be negative reviews of super high end girls. If you've already had these experiences, does it really take several months to write the review? Or are you planning future visits to super high end providers so you can have bad experiences to recount in a review? Say, maybe that's an opening line to try when I meet a new provider. "I'm gonna be writing some baaaad reviews in the next several months. Do you want to be a good girl, or do you want to be one of them?"

I don't have a problem with honest, bad reviews, high end provider or low. But geez, write 'em, don't brag about 'em.

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