
i'm too far away.....
erik_reilly 24 Reviews 1606 reads

if it wasn't such a long drive for me i'd be there. you have "jingled my bells" and "decked my halls" many times Melissa, and im always eager to see you again.

i'll be in touch soon about seeing you in january or february.

-- Modified on 12/23/2005 7:30:14 PM

Melissa Kiss2430 reads

My name is Melissa Kiss my pics are on eros, THEY ARE current.
Just wanted to address those of you/us that are alone...but not lonely this Holiday season. I am available by phone..., Do not block your phone when calling me.
I know rates are an issue so I'll say for this week only all parties/shows/whatever$200. I'm lots of fun and very pretty but most of all  I'm hot and avbailable. Naughty girllllllllll

if it wasn't such a long drive for me i'd be there. you have "jingled my bells" and "decked my halls" many times Melissa, and im always eager to see you again.

i'll be in touch soon about seeing you in january or february.

-- Modified on 12/23/2005 7:30:14 PM

Melissa Kiss2123 reads

It is nice to run into eachother in this place.lololoxoxoxoxoxo...I am clueless...Eric on how to take my phone pics to computer then mail to you.......ummmm Im noy sure if I can all that computer complexity stuff.

if i can figure it out then anyone can, im about as computer challenged as a person can get. if nothing else next time i see you (hopefully soon) we can get it set up.

amphooked1607 reads

i think the photos of melissa are way, way hot, i've been in love with her for a long time now...but her reviews have been less than remarkable, considering her donation.    Mr. erik anonymous, if you know something about melissa, ei. is she worth the price of admission, could you please share it with us here in the cities?   a good review could really help melissa out, she sounds lonely and at the two hundred donation I would certainly like to keep her company..  please share what you know.

Myself, I'm under deep, deep cover, i suspect that the government may be spying on me.

Richard M. Smith of ComputerBytesMan has come up with a "quick and easy method to see if one's email messages are being read by someone else."
1. Set up a Hotmail account.
2. Set up a second email account with a non-U.S. provider. (eg. Rediffmail.com)

3. Send messages between the two accounts which might be interesting to the NSA.

4. In each message, include a unique URL to a Web server that you have access to its server logs. This URL should only be known by you and not linked to from any other Web page. The text of the message should encourage an NSA monitor to visit the URL.

5. If the server log file ever shows this URL being accessed, then you know that you are being snooped on. The IP address of the access can also provide clues about who is doing the snooping.

The trick is to make the link enticing enough for someone or something to want to click on it. As part of a large-scale research project, I would suggest sending out a few hundred thousand messages using various tricks to find one that might work.

Melissa Kiss1809 reads

If I may...
I believe in my case, my personality, kindness, my energy for fun and relaxation a top of my womanly capabilities keep gentlemen coming back to me. I do not offer some of the exxxtremes some women do but, I've been told I offer sooo much more depth.
Most men who see me DO come back. I AM sweet and relaxing not to mention easy on the eyes.
I offer a PROFESSIONAL GIRLFRIEND experience. IDEAL for married men...no worries I will NOT get diseases via bbbj, cim, cif....all the other higher risk activities ladies use in hopes of keeping a customer or whatever one's reason/s to chooses to engage in such behaviors. To each is own. I believe some guys equate how much he's able to do TO a lady WITH liquid value. Ulitimately establishing if she was FINANCIALLY worth HIS time.
PGE is I believe a step up. It's not simply being fondled more...It's a friendship, a distant lover, a secret, an experience, a making of...
I do offer great 30 min experiences as well...of course its less personal at first but still in deed a GL...
I pay attention to all your senses and awaken those that have been forgotten.
I'm not going to please all but I'm honest and will let YOU know my attitude regarding my dating experience.
I'm going to tan now...
Oh one more thing...with reviews...I am not looking for reviews. I  am simply hoping to capture the right man's attention the RIGHT man is the one who LIKES what he "sees" in me and appreciates my healthy and honest ways of approaching relationships.

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