
If you have contacted them in their preferred method
Wongbater 40 Reviews 612 reads

and sent the standard info (but only info you are comfortable with) then the ball is in her court.  Yes, I have found what you have described is quite common but several may get back to you over time.  Unfortunately, if the date/time you are looking for is shorter notice it may be too late for ya.  Keep sending out inquiries I guess if you have a window of opportunity to fill.  Good luck

CuriousSort1308 reads

I've sent out a number of P411 scheduling requests to escort providers, or sent pre-screening requests asking to verify if the requested date/time is available, and almost nobody has replied.

I've also sent out a number of emails asking massage providers for availability and almost no replies.

Is that pretty typical?  I'm not in a situation where I can call them.  So email is what I have available.

How long ago did you send these requests and emails?  Do any of these providers have an assistant?  

I always wait a minimum of 1 business day for a response, although most providers and assistants I know often get back to me in less time.  But if it's a request for a provider you haven't seen before, she or her assistant may be doing their screening before replying.   That can take awhile... especially on a beautiful summer weekend!  :)

I personally have never answered a request on P411 more than 24 hours after I get the notification. Emails are quite different. I have an auto reply however that is very specific in terms of what I require when requesting a session. If a gent fails to follow through with those requirements it is very possible they won't get a reply. I don't have time to chase after information BUT, I also make that very clear in my auto reply.

and sent the standard info (but only info you are comfortable with) then the ball is in her court.  Yes, I have found what you have described is quite common but several may get back to you over time.  Unfortunately, if the date/time you are looking for is shorter notice it may be too late for ya.  Keep sending out inquiries I guess if you have a window of opportunity to fill.  Good luck

No matter how much I mess with my email settings the P4 "appointment request" emails get re-routed to spam folders.

The direct mail is right where it should be,  

but it has happened a couple times I've missed out because of this glitch in the request form, same with the pre-screen.......as a matter of fact a couple providers mentioned how much they dislike the pre-screen forms because it can be time consuming with no definite plan of it going anywhere....that's just what I heard recently by some &  I'm not saying that's how everyone feels....

either way I think it's best to directly email, or direct message, or PM thru here- those things go right to your real inbox so it's making it more likely to be seen.  
Also it helps to speak right away about what days & times you usually have available, it shows the provider that you are serious.  
Hope that helps. :)  
Happy hobby-ing


CuriousSort851 reads

One person checked my P411 profile but didn't get back to me so maybe I didn't have enough Okay's (3) or something.

Several ladies I never heard from.  A couple of ladies got back to me quickly but were not available.  

I did eventually find someone whom I scheduled with.  I guess the key is to send out a number of requests and see who answers.  I hate doing that because it seems rather disrespectful to contact a provider and then decline if I ended up finding someone in the mean time.  But maybe that's how it generally works?

Mainly I want to treat the woman right.  :)

Posted By: Mindyzurgirl
No matter how much I mess with my email settings the P4 "appointment request" emails get re-routed to spam folders.  
 The direct mail is right where it should be,  
 but it has happened a couple times I've missed out because of this glitch in the request form, same with the pre-screen.......as a matter of fact a couple providers mentioned how much they dislike the pre-screen forms because it can be time consuming with no definite plan of it going anywhere....that's just what I heard recently by some &  I'm not saying that's how everyone feels....  
 either way I think it's best to directly email, or direct message, or PM thru here- those things go right to your real inbox so it's making it more likely to be seen.  
 Also it helps to speak right away about what days & times you usually have available, it shows the provider that you are serious.  
 Hope that helps. :)  
 Happy hobby-ing  

You need to take care of #1 in this business so I wouldn't worry about putting out a plethora of inquiries.  For the rest of the real men and women that don't hide I would say it only gets to a level of disrespect when you BOOK time with more than one provider when you don't intend to honor those appointments.

...that 48 hours can be a little optimistic so, the more time, the better but this always makes me wonder, "how will I know on Tuesday that I will be horny on Friday?". Oh, the difficulties of being a guy...   ;)

If I know that a lady is active on TER I often follow it up with a TER PM alerting her that I've sent her a P411 request so please look for it. Or, I will send her an email to whatever address she has published and state the same thing. I want her to acknowledge my P411 request because way more often than not, it's where her most favorable rates are offered.

You be trying for walmart vs target rate?  Why your disrespect for provider?  You not want to pay what you need to pay for cadillac?  Why be bottom feeder?  You do intercourse it you need to no judging but not for me only I want provider to know I pay bitcoin only 3 ID needed


I'm glad someone cares enough to read and catalog my posts even if it's the for the sole purpose of playground mud throwing. We've all been there, maybe you more than most, when someone out reasons us and we are only left to make fun of them. After that it's really important to get others who have looked foolish, too, to join in so we can feel safe in our embarrassment. Are you forming a club?  

You've even gone as far as butchering the language and grammar in your ridicule. At least i hope you were trying to butcher the language... I'm not sure which race or ethnic group you are trying to mimic, but I'm sure those providers appreciate you using their language skills in this way.  

I must admit you are motivated in your ridicule. Apart from our back and forth, I don't read (research) what you post or whom you review. I take you as you are in the discussion or subject. You seem obsessed with finding dirt, just anything, to bolster your inability to reason in the moment or topic. Why put forth that much effort? Does being a big shot on TER mean that much to you? Having a public record of all your conquests (purchases) lend something to your credibility as a what...consumer of sex? You've got me there for sure! I certainly have not devoted the time, money or my life to reaching the heights you have in this realm. The realm of paying for sex with strangers and then talking about it. That's something to defend... Maybe that's it....you have so much invested in your TER persona and record that anything that might seem like a threat to it is then a threat to you, your ego, your essence. I guess I understand you now and truly feel sorry....

I could have guessed this would be your next classic response...the "I pity you".  You aren't any different than me so get off that high horse you live on.

Couple of things to clarify for you:

Yes I am invested in ME on this board and I'm equally invested in YOU, and HIM and HER by giving my honest opinion on the evolving state of the industry in the area as well as my honest opinion of this website in all it's lackluster glory.  Did you notice that key word - honest.  I'm not an enlightened Buddha so yeah there's ego wrapped up in it too but it's no different than how you get all butt hurt when your opinions are challenged.  Is that ego behind your butt hurt jchan?

And for the record IMHO many of your opinions as of late are wrong or at least off base and worth challenging.  There is a very good chance I would agree with a post of yours some day in the future.  I'm like that.  I agree and disagree with everyone over time depending on if his or her opinion jives with mine.  Is that more clear for ya?

Next...if you had any sense you would read and catalog everything when you are mingling in this world jchan.  Hey there's a piece of advise for you.  Otherwise, you don't have a clue who you are dealing with and there's a lot of shady shady dealings and shady shady people you can meet over time even for those who don't review and see only AMP's and non-FS providers - like you.

Last thought...I have met a lot of wonderful women and spent time with them.  I have never said I paid anyone for anything.  This site is for entertainment purposes exclusively and anything you have read you are coming up to your own conclusions.  I don't know what you are talking about when you say such things as "intercourse with strangers" and "consumer of sex".  If you are implying I am anything but a law abiding and tax paying gentleman you are more confused than I thought.  It shows to me you have no sense when it comes to navigating this arena so I'm done with you before you bring you and/or me more unwanted   attention.  So until we speak again...

So that is my preferred method of getting in touch unless I know she has a different preference.  But it can always be iffy if you are trying to schedule something on fairly short notice.

The "Available Now" feature will tell you who is available to schedule on short notice. There is also a "Subscribe" feature that will alert you to the provider's availablity:

"This feature allows clients to subscribe to your "Available Now" post.  When a new post is created, clients who are subscribed will receive a notification.  Notifications are sent once every three hours.

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