
I wouldn't worry
DJ1985 21 Reviews 402 reads

It's four years old and so out of sync with your other reviews you need not worry about it. Pile a few more good reviews on top of it and it will fade even further into the past.

I have a review that was posted under my name while I was on my break...which lasted 4 years.  Upon return to the hobby, I asked these guys to take it down...unfortunately, to much time has past to make it go away.


Will one bad review out of 57 deter new playmates?  especially since it's fairly obvious it wasn't me.  

 It's just terrible!  

I don't even want anyone to think I would EVER see someone in a basement on a fold out with my kids upstairs in cleveland.  

I'm i upset over nothing??

One bad review out of 57 from 4 years ago wouldn't worry me.  You also have two recent reviews, one being from a very established reviewer.  I would take those points and the fact that the other 56 reviews are good over the one odd outlier review when considering whether I would to contact you or not.

I suggest you do exactly what you are doing, point it out on the board.  Some guys seem to enjoy lying about reviews or rating a great provider who always gets 10's with lower ratings such as 7 or 8.  My advice is each time it happens is to point it out on the boards and pass the info to other ladies.  Wish you the best and take care.

just the general details of your 2 recent reviews make me want to see you.

Very erotic!!! I had to research your videos as well ... It is obvious that bad review is BS and anyone who takes more than 10 seconds to check out your profile and such should be able to see the same ... No worries and welcome back beautiful lady ;)

It's four years old and so out of sync with your other reviews you need not worry about it. Pile a few more good reviews on top of it and it will fade even further into the past.

and you have some great videos out there that just make me want to see you that much more

compared to your other reviews that it ought not be taken seriously.  i did notice thought that while i saw your 4-5 years ago, i must have forgotten to post a review.  i suppose the statute of limitations is up on that.  glad to see you're back.

We know better than to believe one bad review over many good ones.

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