
More on K-Girls & Jacketconfused_smile
Shouts4MN 2630 reads

There has been discussion on the joy of Kgirls returning to town and use of jacket. One of the new KGirl ( Lev ) has reviews removed from the site but on the website for 007street the reviews are available. She clearly allows service without jacket. I personally haven't see her because of that. Just a warning for fellas planning to see her.

I have seen Lev a couple of times now and to provide my experience is to call the review that you speak of as a FAKE or simply not true of the cover. All the K ladies will offer and try to get you showered up before anything happens on the bed. After any kind of oral they have handi-wipes (annoying but seemed to be always present) and if any time FS activity seemed close to happen, a cover was always provided from the drawer within arms reach with much time spent properly applying (which was fun) and assuring it was properly being used as positions changed. Those of you freaked out and that read shouts4's message,  you need not worry and again I can only state MY experience .....which was dreamy and well worth every penny

Shouts4MN41 reads

My aim is not to scare anyone or challenge the reviews or your experience. Agency itself has put the reviews and I take it as NOT FAKE. IMO, the agency wants to highlight her services and BBFS is one. Eventually everyone has a choice and can decide.

icyblu58 reads

If the K-Girl offered services in California, particularity in the SF Bay Area, she most-likely offered BBFS. K-Girls don't like offering BBFS, but they're pressured into offering it to stay competitive. If you book a K-Girl in the west coast, it's typically an extra $100 for BBFS.  

That said, everyone should use protection. It's all fun and games until you're at the lab to get tested for an STI.  

when I submitted my review of Lev TER compounded it with some old ones so that the contact and agency info was all wrong.
When I pointed these things out TER said they were editing and reposting but it never happened.
I wonder if it's because they saw 007street revealing the very very secret juicy details of those other reviews.

Their policy has been to not allow links to other sites that have reviews so I can't imagine they are pleased to see one of their reviews copied elsewhere.

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