
I agree...
crushedflowers 7 Reviews 529 reads

...that the way this industry is commonly regarded as consisting of just one kind of transaction is dangerously misguided. I have a policy of visiting providers who have proven, via reviews and interactions on this board (for example) that they are in this profession because for the large part they enjoy it, have the right kind of stable situation and apparent strength of character that I'm sure it must need.  

Unfortunately such ladies (and gents, of course) get classified with the darker side of the industry. Moreover, they are forced to live in operate in the shadows and have limited options with regard to legal protection. A decriminalized industry is far easier to police and would offer protection to those that need it.  

There is a provider, for instance, who I would love to see - she has great reviews and I personally think she's as hot as hell. But I won't because it's an open secret that her 'boyfriend' is a violent and abusive pimp. I read other reviews (of usually younger women) who clearly aren't enjoying themselves, are not in control and are almost certainly being controlled. But yet I see review after review for them.  

It's just me, but I think we have an obligation to starve such people of the motivation to do what they're doing, by visiting them you're part of the problem. I may well be flamed for saying that, but it seems undeniably true to me.

My judgment here was proven resoundingly right this week. A provider who posted almost every day on backpage  (alarm bell #!) has appeared in the local press this week and it would appear they may have been involved in something very dark indeed.  

My point here is not to sound self-righteous, but to further the point, as if it needs to me made, that you can be a part of this industry and still be a decent, kind and considerate human being, in spite of the impression that the press and LE commonly likes to put forward time and time again.

Here is a link to an article regarding LE training hotel workers to spot potential human trafficking situations:


It is unfortunate that neither the media or LE is willing to demarcate between consenting adults and human trafficking situations.  

Add to this the current technology regarding facial recognition systems and one has a prescription for the hobby becoming an increasingly difficult activity to maintain anonymity.  

Be smart, be careful and don't become a target.

TheProfessor789 reads

The rapid advancement of Facial Recognition technology, it's at the point where a computer can ID you with limited match points. Think about traveling providers that show their face, LE simply creates a data base and cameras at front desks can photo and run it against that data base, they will have her provider and her real information identified before she can reach the elevator.
Let's not forget the hallway camera photos that could identify every guest that enters her room. This is not theoretical technology, it is available now.

TheProfessor500 reads

It will not effect there non hobby business, this practice could be inacted as a State, County, or City ordinance required for an operating license.  Could they convict based on this alone, no but they could make life very uncomfortable.

Our hobby is and has been painted as a deviance and this prevention will be accepted in the name of stopping "trafficking". The reality becomes irrelevant as the Opponants have already redefined the terminology in such a negative light. Escorting once called Prostitution is now referred to as Trafficking and usually in a context that implies underage trafficking.

Hotels have been working with LE for several years. Blurring etc won't protect anyone either. Welcome to the internet & be careful what you ask for.

...there are measures one can take to obscure key facial data points used in facial recognition software. You'd think that few hotels would incur the cost of employing such measures to discourage good people from renting their rooms but as the technology becomes faster and cheaper, it's use is likely to become more widespread. I suspect that it would be used more against Providers using their hotel as an incall base of operations than it would against Hobbyists renting a room for the same purpose.

however it does serve to inform the hobby community particular chains that are working with LE and a reminder of the need to be discreet.

Facial recognition software is sophisticated and widely available.  While efforts to remain discreet may ultimately prove futile, it does not follow that we should be careless as to how we conduct ourselves.

List of agencies that uses Stingray Tracking Devices: -

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 10:06:09 AM

...that the way this industry is commonly regarded as consisting of just one kind of transaction is dangerously misguided. I have a policy of visiting providers who have proven, via reviews and interactions on this board (for example) that they are in this profession because for the large part they enjoy it, have the right kind of stable situation and apparent strength of character that I'm sure it must need.  

Unfortunately such ladies (and gents, of course) get classified with the darker side of the industry. Moreover, they are forced to live in operate in the shadows and have limited options with regard to legal protection. A decriminalized industry is far easier to police and would offer protection to those that need it.  

There is a provider, for instance, who I would love to see - she has great reviews and I personally think she's as hot as hell. But I won't because it's an open secret that her 'boyfriend' is a violent and abusive pimp. I read other reviews (of usually younger women) who clearly aren't enjoying themselves, are not in control and are almost certainly being controlled. But yet I see review after review for them.  

It's just me, but I think we have an obligation to starve such people of the motivation to do what they're doing, by visiting them you're part of the problem. I may well be flamed for saying that, but it seems undeniably true to me.

My judgment here was proven resoundingly right this week. A provider who posted almost every day on backpage  (alarm bell #!) has appeared in the local press this week and it would appear they may have been involved in something very dark indeed.  

My point here is not to sound self-righteous, but to further the point, as if it needs to me made, that you can be a part of this industry and still be a decent, kind and considerate human being, in spite of the impression that the press and LE commonly likes to put forward time and time again.

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