
Riley007 44 Reviews 2507 reads
1 / 30

I just finished an date with a lady that has very, very old pictures on her site. I'm thinking at least 15 years out of date.

She asked that I don't write a review, so I won't. She delivered as promised. But if I met her in a bar, I'd pass, for sure. It didn't help that we didn't click on any level, but I blame the false advertising.

This was not in Minneapolis, so don't ask who

Wongbater 40 Reviews 709 reads
2 / 30

then it is just this post that will fade away into memory.  otherwise, who cares?  i would be in your mental mind state in the circumstance but if you don't post a review then it's buzzness as usual

vorlon 119 Reviews 628 reads
3 / 30

The review system doesn't work if the only reviews that get written are good ones.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 538 reads
4 / 30
Wongbater 40 Reviews 536 reads
5 / 30

from the guy who hasn't reviewed since '15

But sure does have an opinion on everything

Butthole 616 reads
6 / 30

Write a review saying what you just told us.  Be brief, but say that she "delivered as promised"  but pictures were "very, very old"

Honestly in this hobby would benefit everyone.
Posted By: Riley007
I just finished an date with a lady that has very, very old pictures on her site. I'm thinking at least 15 years out of date.  
 She asked that I don't write a review, so I won't. She delivered as promised. But if I met her in a bar, I'd pass, for sure. It didn't help that we didn't click on any level, but I blame the false advertising.  
 This was not in Minneapolis, so don't ask who.  

Wongbater 40 Reviews 471 reads
7 / 30
TalonTed 91 Reviews 493 reads
8 / 30

Posted By: Riley007
I just finished an date with a lady that has very, very old pictures on her site. I'm thinking at least 15 years out of date.  
 She asked that I don't write a review, so I won't. She delivered as promised. But if I met her in a bar, I'd pass, for sure. It didn't help that we didn't click on any level, but I blame the false advertising.  
 This was not in Minneapolis, so don't ask who.  

Butthole 516 reads
9 / 30

Linda got the last laugh ;-)

Only speak if given permission  
Posted By: Butthole
 Write a review saying what you just told us.  Be brief, but say that she "delivered as promised"  but pictures were "very, very old"  
 Honestly in this hobby would benefit everyone.  
Posted By: Riley007
I just finished an date with a lady that has very, very old pictures on her site. I'm thinking at least 15 years out of date.  
  She asked that I don't write a review, so I won't. She delivered as promised. But if I met her in a bar, I'd pass, for sure. It didn't help that we didn't click on any level, but I blame the false advertising.  
  This was not in Minneapolis, so don't ask who.  

Butthole 496 reads
10 / 30

Read all about it!!! Self-proclaimed sloppy who gives the board great advice and knowledge! HAHAHAHA



-- Modified on 7/17/2016 11:07:40 AM

Wongbater 40 Reviews 347 reads
11 / 30

everyone respects me more than you bfaker

Butthole 435 reads
12 / 30

I get double the views of you.  You are washed up. Not the same as a couple years ago.  Didn't you retire?  Go away...no provider wants to see you, and you've cost some of them business being associated with you.

Now everyone is just laughing...you don't click links so wouldn't know!!! hahaha


Thanks for the clever PMs everyone! He doesn't get it


-- Modified on 7/17/2016 8:41:39 PM

Butthole 511 reads
13 / 30

Lick my (alias) while down there!! BWAHAHAHAHA


Butthole 310 reads
14 / 30

he Wong has succumbed to my taint an (alias) juice/sweat.  He went out a champ.  choking on my nut sludge following a date with ID:*******


Riley007 44 Reviews 343 reads
15 / 30

The pics were so old and so photoshopped that I had to.  The session went poorly and given her rates, I feel that I should warn other guys.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 297 reads
16 / 30

I'm still here.  watching.  way to give us a glimpse of the fat behind the curtain.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 335 reads
17 / 30
Wongbater 40 Reviews 329 reads
18 / 30

double the handles.  Let's not get into pissing drama mamma.

Call me washed up, call me the smartest guy in the room (board), call me names.  Don't care.  Call that retired, call that a step ahead of you, call my bluff.

I can care less about the fair haired fair weather friends.  Been there, in a better place, moving on to the next great rock 'n roll swindle.  As lame a market as this has become (don't blame me but don't count me out) I think there's a need for some change.

Associating with me launched a few careers, don't forget.  The stories my little hanger could tell.

Laugh all you want, it's just because you don't understand.  I wouldn't trust a click on a link, nor an opinion on this board going forward unless you see my stamp of disapproval.  

As usual...non modified and still alive and kicking.

Let's see how long this post stays up

Butthole 285 reads
19 / 30
Butthole 404 reads
20 / 30

It's been 4 days!! We forgot to let ya back in, sorry wongy .. :-(

-- Modified on 7/22/2016 2:28:28 AM

Butthole 298 reads
21 / 30

"my little hanger"... where was your knowledge when ya ripped off?  You've been giving your info for years.  You don't think you'd have a virus by now if they wanted?  Hmmmmmmm

-- Modified on 7/22/2016 2:43:35 AM

Butthole 240 reads
22 / 30

I can only perch my ass for so long!  Don't miss a single ripple of that rusty bullet wound! NOW!

vorlon 119 Reviews 210 reads
23 / 30

I'm sure there will be some guys in Vegas who appreciate it.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 384 reads
24 / 30

...summer rates, it appears. The going rate for women in Vegas with a portfolio and review record like hers is $500 -$600 / hr. I've looked at her ads many times and would have considered. There are so many to choose from in Vegas that it's hard to go wrong but I think it's a good thing that you've submitted an exception to her usual high ratings

KaylaKat See my TER Reviews 352 reads
27 / 30

He sent multiple messages prior to meeting in an attempt to rush me.  When I showed up, his shirt was open with gut protruding, and he looked completely disheveled.  I did attempt to make polite conversation, in an attempt to connect on some level.  He soon fell into a socially awkward silence, and ultimately just sat there with a blank stare.  I excused myself to use the restroom only to find women's make up and other personal affects, which he failed to mention at any point.  I was even more uncomfortable, and worried that his SO may return early for any number of reasons.  I could not say when he last showered, but his genitals smelled of sweat and urine.  

His references to 15 year old photos is his exaggerated opinion, they were taken and posted to my site 2 years ago.  Yes, they are photo shopped.  I am not a young girl, and I make no apologizes. I am listed in the mature category on Eros.

He absolutely did receive a discount.  

He assured me that if he wrote a review it would be positive.  I then asked him more than once not to, and he agreed.  The whole situation makes me very sad.  I really hate to see anyone feel disappointed for any reason.    

The fact that this guy is being thanked for his review as though it is the only truth, left me feeling like I needed to speak up.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 434 reads
28 / 30

...you deserve to be treated more kindly. I hardly ever involve myself in these kind of threads and I can't believe I involved myself in this one. I AM SO STUPID!!

KaylaKat See my TER Reviews 308 reads
29 / 30

Let me first say thank you, and I appreciate your wit :)

After meeting with this particular gentlemen I knew intuitively to watch his local board for possible disparaging posts, which were then followed up with a demeaning review.  I have followed the thread since it's inception.  Your posts and others have really prompted me to engage, and for that I am grateful.  His attempts to undermine my reputation, physical appearance, and who I am as a human being says volumes more about himself than it ever could about me.  



-- Modified on 7/24/2016 1:13:01 PM

-- Modified on 7/24/2016 1:26:04 PM

Butthole 363 reads
30 / 30

Thank you Kayla. Nobody really cares about 1 review. Had this not happened, we couldn't have silenced the board bully/bitchboy. (NOT the man you saw/OP)


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