
Ahole impersonating a well known poster....BS ALERT
Missypetite24 2768 reads
1 / 17

Hello TC,
Just a little note to share a very interesting phone call that I received at friggin' 7:30a.

A guy called me claiming to be the banned one.  He mentioned if I had seen the posts that he has made recently and if I knew who he was. He said that he would like to make an apt with me.  At this point I check my caller since I just picked it up without looking.  It is a blocked number (hmmmmm that is strange).  Thick MN accent (hmmmm, did he just pick this up over the weekend ?) Not to mention that the banned one has his apt the same time and day on every tour.

Hmmmm, let me have a little fun I think.  Alright no problem, is there a number that I can call you back too ?  No, I don't give that out.  You can email me at : insert exact handle here @ hotmail.com
You do know who I am don't you ?  If you are nice to me and offer a reasonable rate then you will get a good review and we will both be happy. If I don't have to pay then you will get a great review.  You know, this is how it works. I am the man to see in Minn. without me you will not do very well.  

Well, what kind of CRAP is this ?  He obviously didn't do ANY homework before calling this chickie.  I have been touring here TOO LONG to have this A$$hole attempt to pull this crap. I have NEVER had ANYONE do this crap to me ANYWHERE.  I have been around the touring scene too long for them to attempt to prey on me (what one fake bad review that can't be posted because it isn't him is going to overpower 10 pages of good ones ? NOT!!!)

Now, I know exactly who the banned one is.  He and I have some history.  For the first two years that I toured here, I refused to see him (I didn't feel that I needed a pointman review and had heard is was a jerk).  I finally did meet him ( he screened out the good ol' fashioned way and didn't give me his handle).  He turned out to be nothing like what I expected ( yes, shame on me for ASSuming that he was a jerk due to rumors).
I didn't know who he was until I read his review.
I know not everyone clicks and some ladies do not get along with him...for some reason we did.

How many ladies has this Ahole tried to do this too ?  Did he not think that I would doublecheck via PM on the handle for screening ?  Probably not.

If there are any ladies that have received a similar call or have actually seen this guy, please let the ladies know.  This guy can't be up to any good ( not to mention a sleezeball for attempting to haggle a discount with someone elses name and rep...do it with your own if you must).  

I know everyone has different screening methods ( I myself screen 4 different ways).  But it only take a minute to PM a legit poster to find out if it is really them.  

Just a heads up to the TC community.
Alright....off my soapbox.  Thanks for letting me vent.  I have had alot of pent up anger anyways.

Ben Dover 1908 reads
2 / 17

Your post is a service to the community - Don't worry! You are welcome to "vent" here anytime your posts are related to the hobby or someones safety - Which this situation may very well be!
 Let the truth be known!! just use caution not to expose someone's actual identity!

(I'm expecting MDL back here any day now! - Don't all you MDL haters groan and piss and moan about him returning either!)

Missypetite24 2676 reads
3 / 17

Yes, I did mean MDL.  I didn't know if the rules were the same for a banned poster when it came to mentioning names.

Congrats on being the new TC mod :)

rising_phoenix 3 Reviews 3365 reads
4 / 17

Missy, I've heard that story repeated almost word for word by another Lady. Good to bring something like that to light.

HOTMAMI5477 2957 reads
5 / 17

I have also had problems with MDL. There is another provider who wants to live my life. She is jealous and miserable and loves to cause problems in peoples lives. They teamed up and thought they could possibly make me look bad, kinda tried to turn stuff around. See thats impossible because I am a beautiful person inside and out. What goes around comes around and MDL likes to put providers out there and tell everyone their business. Seems to me this is out of line. How does some freak know my whole life? He has written things from years ago. I think it is about time he finds something better to do with his time. Kinda scary?

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 12:56:36 AM

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 1:09:19 AM

Ben Dover 2181 reads
6 / 17

I can't allow certain things about MDL to be brought into question while he is unable to speak up and defend himself - He is still banned from this site!
 I'm all about freedom to speak around here, but I won't allow "much" MDL bashing until he is back on here to answer/respond if he chooses - Which last I checked should be soon..... I am going to let you be heard Jenny, just be patient......... Please understand that from MY perspective you are firing the first shot here, so understand that I will let him fire simularly measured responses to you.

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 1:23:49 AM

Ben Dover 2182 reads
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with all that marked money in my pocket! - We can conference in the VIP room - Not the 50 dollar room to the right with a camera , But the 75 dollar room to the left - It has a more "cumfy" sofa in it! - ROTFLMFAO!

(bring that copy of your interview with ED Powers!)

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 5:55:55 AM

niceguy34 2 Reviews 2170 reads
8 / 17

Becuse my friend Ben is cleaning this joint up, I feel I can post and give point man reports again without getting flamed.

Missy - I am confused.  Was it someone pretending to be MDL who called you, or did MDL actually call you?

While I have never seen you, (my bad) your reputation is flawless, but combined with Jenny's post, (the bad blood between them is well known to regulars on this board), MDL is looking real bad.

It just surprises me if MDL made the call, he's been around a while, and it seems such a stupid thing to try.

The "Godfather" has helped with advice on the ladies many times, and to be honest has never steered me wrong, but if he's harassing ladies now, that changes things in my mind. Could you clarify for the Board.

Thanks you.  And remember boys, always be a nice guy.

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 11:58:43 AM

Missypetite24 2361 reads
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Hi Niceguy :)
No, it was someone pretending to be him that attempted to pull this little trick.  

While I have heard and read that similar things have happened to other providers (not only with MDL's handle but other well known posters as well), it has never happened to me.....until now.

I know alot of ladies do not get along with MDL.  Hell, you can't get along with everyone and maybe there is good reason, I don't know since I haven't had anyone attempt to pull one over on me this way.  I was one of those people that didn't want to meet him at first (as I described in my orig. post :). But this guy obviously didn't do his homework when he phoned me, I have met MDL already.  He made it sound like if I didn't meet him, I was going to bomb in the TC and I was going to get NO business.  Well, since I have already met MDL, I knew this guy was a fake.

I don't know Jenny personally (although I have heard of her and always in a positive way).  Not everyone gets along and just because I have a good experience with someone doesn't mean that the next gal is going to (that is one of the main reasons that when I give a reference, I always make sure to say, "He was great with ME").  We all treat people differently based on genuine like, chemistry etc).  Who knows, maybe I have been lucky.  

I don't begrudge anyone for disliking him or liking him.  I can only speak based on my experience.  Maybe some ladies have a reason, afterall there is always 3 sides to every story. Maybe he has done some of the things that so many accuse him of.  All I know is that he didn't do it to me, in fact he didn't tell me who he was lol.  

I just wanted to let the community know that it did happen, just in case the imposter is targeting girls that are a little newer to the scene or girls that have not met him.  Sorry for being so wordy
:(  Too much caffeine !

shhwing 2113 reads
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It is true some do not like MDL, however I find him to be a fair guy, outspoken, but fair. He has never crossed boundaries and speaks the truth. No we can't all get along, but we can be adults. Some people bring problems upon themselves and CREATE their own problems. Anyone with half a brain can see by the tone in other's posts who is digging their own hole. I think there tends to be way too much gossip on this board, and it defeats the purpose of it. Missy, you ocontributed greatly by telling us about your issue, thank you. as far as MDL love him or hate him, he is the greatest contributor to this hobby in my opinion. Of course you are entitled to your own. Let's all grow up and get back to the fun that this hobby was meant for. If these men wanted drama they would get married or stay home with their wives, not with providers!!

trooper 22 Reviews 2260 reads
12 / 17

-- Modified on 10/6/2005 12:03:42 PM

HOTMAMI5477 2598 reads
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Trooper, #1 I do not rip people off. #2 I do not bring men with me to calls. That is tacky and not professional.You must be referring to someone else and I dont appreciate you putting my name out there. got it? Providers do have families also out there.Some times the stuff you say about us "providers" is very out of line.

cas777 3 Reviews 1375 reads
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trooper 22 Reviews 1893 reads
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-- Modified on 10/6/2005 12:06:06 PM

Badgirlbj See my TER Reviews 2519 reads
16 / 17

Not to mention...has anyone turned on the tv and seen what our world has come to and the suffering that is going on only a few states away from here. Does all of this really seem that important. Let's be grateful for what we have and focus some energy on positive things. Call me sorny but the world is so much bigger than this board or this hobby. GROW UP! Use this board as the tool it was meant to be and lets all play nice and @#$% better!

trooper 22 Reviews 2167 reads
17 / 17

-- Modified on 10/6/2005 12:08:58 PM

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